Class JDBCConnectionManager

  extended bycom.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.connector.jdbcconnector.JDBCConnectionManager
All Implemented Interfaces:
EConnectionEventListener, EConnectionManager, java.util.EventListener,

public class JDBCConnectionManager
extends java.lang.Object
implements EConnectionManager, EConnectionEventListener

This class is an implementation of the EConnectionManager interface.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Method Summary
 java.lang.Object allocateConnection(EManagedConnectionFactory emanagedconnectionfactory, java.lang.String properties)
          This method gets called by the host connector's connection factory instance.
 void connectionClosed(EConnectionEvent econnectionevent)
          This method is called when an application closes it's connection handle.
 void connectionErrorOccurred(EConnectionEvent econnectionevent)
          This method is called when connection error occurs.
 void freeConnection(EManagedConnection emanagedconnection)
          This method is called to free a connection from the Connection Pool.
static JDBCConnectionManager getInstance()
          This method is used to get an instance of the JDBCConnection manager.
 JDBCConnectionPool getPool()
          This method is used to obtain the Connection Pool object associated with this manager.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public java.lang.Object allocateConnection(EManagedConnectionFactory emanagedconnectionfactory,
                                           java.lang.String properties)
This method gets called by the host connector's connection factory instance. Based on the properties passed in, it allocates an appropriate connection.

Specified by:
allocateConnection in interface EConnectionManager
emanagedconnectionfactory - the EManagedConnectionFactory used by the Connection Manager to delegate connection matching or creation.
properties - Property values associated with the desired connection.
A Connection object.


public void connectionClosed(EConnectionEvent econnectionevent)
This method is called when an application closes it's connection handle. The source connection gets released back to connection pool for further re-use.

Specified by:
connectionClosed in interface EConnectionEventListener
econnectionevent - The Connection Event associated with this connection closing.


public void connectionErrorOccurred(EConnectionEvent econnectionevent)
This method is called when connection error occurs.

Specified by:
connectionErrorOccurred in interface EConnectionEventListener
econnectionevent - event object describing the source of the event.


public void freeConnection(EManagedConnection emanagedconnection)
This method is called to free a connection from the Connection Pool.


public static JDBCConnectionManager getInstance()
This method is used to get an instance of the JDBCConnection manager.

A single instance of an JDBCConnectionManager.


public JDBCConnectionPool getPool()
This method is used to obtain the Connection Pool object associated with this manager.

The JDBCConnectionPool instance.

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