Class Body

  extended bycom.bankframe.fe.html.HTMLWidget
      extended bycom.bankframe.fe.html.Body

public class Body
extends HTMLWidget

This class implements a HTML body widget.

Constructor Summary
          Default constructor
Body(java.lang.String background, java.lang.String bgColor, java.lang.String textColor, java.lang.String aLinkColor, java.lang.String linkColor, java.lang.String vLinkColor)
          This method constructs a HTML body tag with given arguements.
Method Summary
 void addWidget(HTMLWidget w)
          The method adds a HTML Widget to this document.
 java.lang.String toHTML()
          This method returns a HTML representation of this object.
Methods inherited from class com.bankframe.fe.html.HTMLWidget
quote, quote
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Body()
Default constructor


public Body(java.lang.String background,
            java.lang.String bgColor,
            java.lang.String textColor,
            java.lang.String aLinkColor,
            java.lang.String linkColor,
            java.lang.String vLinkColor)
This method constructs a HTML body tag with given arguements.

background - URI of an image to be tiled on the background of the page
bgColor - background colour of the page
textColor - colour of text on the page
aLinkColor - This attribute sets the color of text marking hypertext links when selected by the user
linkColor - This attribute sets the color of text marking unvisited hypertext links
vLinkColor - This attribute sets the color of text marking visited hypertext links
Method Detail


public void addWidget(HTMLWidget w)
The method adds a HTML Widget to this document.

w - the widget to add


public java.lang.String toHTML()
This method returns a HTML representation of this object.

Specified by:
toHTML in class HTMLWidget
a string containing the HTML representation of this object

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