Class AutoViewController

  extended bycom.bankframe.fe.statemachine.base.apps.AutoViewController
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class AutoViewController
extends java.lang.Object
implements IController

Constructor Summary
          Constructor for AutoViewController.
Method Summary
 void doSideEffects(RequestContext requestContext, IStateTransition transition)
          This method is called by the statemachine after it has determined that the transition to the new state can be made without any errors.
 IStateTransition getResult(RequestContext requestContext, IEvent event)
          This method looks for a request parameter 'selectedTransition'.
 void setControllerProperties(java.util.Properties newControllerProperties)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public AutoViewController()
Constructor for AutoViewController.

Method Detail


public void doSideEffects(RequestContext requestContext,
                          IStateTransition transition)
                   throws StateMachineUserException
Description copied from interface: IController
This method is called by the statemachine after it has determined that the transition to the new state can be made without any errors. It is called before the view for the result state is built. It gives you an opportunity to interact with the model before the transition is completed. Note that this does not stop you sending messages to the model in the getResult method.

Specified by:
doSideEffects in interface IController
requestContext - the user request context.
StateMachineUserException - can be thrown if an application exception occurs.
See Also:
IController.doSideEffects(RequestContext, IStateTransition)


public IStateTransition getResult(RequestContext requestContext,
                                  IEvent event)
                           throws StateMachineUserException
This method looks for a request parameter 'selectedTransition'. If a transition exists from the given event whose name equals the value of that parameter, that transition is returned. Otherwise, some random transition is returned.

Specified by:
getResult in interface IController
requestContext - the user request context.
event - the event to process.
the state transition to follow.
StateMachineUserException - can be thrown if an application exception occurs.
See Also:
IController.getResult(RequestContext, IEvent)


public void setControllerProperties(java.util.Properties newControllerProperties)
Specified by:
setControllerProperties in interface IController

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