Class AuthenticationBean

  extended bycom.bankframe.ejb.ESessionBean
All Implemented Interfaces:
javax.ejb.EnterpriseBean, ESession,, javax.ejb.SessionBean
Direct Known Subclasses:
EJBUserAuthenticationBean, LDAPAuthenticationBean

public abstract class AuthenticationBean
extends ESessionBean

This class is the base class for all authentication session beans. Authentication beans are used to authenticate users with BankFrame MCA. Authentication beans must implement the processLogon() and processLogoff() methods. The processLogon() method must throw an AuthenticationException if authentication fails. If authentication is successful then it must return a vector of DataPackets to be returned to the client. The first DataPacket in the returned vector must contain an AuthenticationUtils.USER_ID field. The value of this field must be the unique user id of the authenticated user.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
          This constructor calls the super class constructor.
Method Summary
 java.util.Vector processDataPacket(DataPacket data)
          This method checks if the incoming request is a logon or logoff request and passes the request on to processLogon() or processLogoff(), as appropriate.
abstract  java.util.Vector processLogoff(DataPacket data)
          This method is called whenever a user attempts to logoff.
abstract  java.util.Vector processLogon(DataPacket data)
          This method is responsible for retrieving the authentication information from the DataPacket passed in and verifying that the information is correct.
Methods inherited from class com.bankframe.ejb.ESessionBean
audit, ejbActivate, ejbCreate, ejbLoad, ejbPassivate, ejbPostCreate, ejbRemove, ejbStore, getSessionContext, processDataPackets, setSessionContext, unsetSessionContext
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public AuthenticationBean()
This constructor calls the super class constructor.

Method Detail


public java.util.Vector processDataPacket(DataPacket data)
                                   throws java.rmi.RemoteException,
This method checks if the incoming request is a logon or logoff request and passes the request on to processLogon() or processLogoff(), as appropriate.

Specified by:
processDataPacket in interface ESession
Specified by:
processDataPacket in class ESessionBean
data - the incomin request
a vector of DataPackets
ProcessingErrorException - if the request cannot be processed
RemoteException - if a remote communication error occurs


public abstract java.util.Vector processLogoff(DataPacket data)
                                        throws ProcessingErrorException
This method is called whenever a user attempts to logoff. It allows the custom authentication mechanism to be notified when the user logs off, and to perform any clean ups that need to be carried out.

data - the logoff request to process
a vector of DataPackets
ProcessingErrorException - if the logoff request cannot be processed


public abstract java.util.Vector processLogon(DataPacket data)
                                       throws AuthenticationException
This method is responsible for retrieving the authentication information from the DataPacket passed in and verifying that the information is correct.

data - the logon request to process
a reponse vector of DataPackets
AuthenticationException - if the logon request cannot be authenticated

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