
Interface Summary
Cache This interface defines the the caching in MCA services
CacheIndexer Interface used to define an object that can apply an index to a cache.
CacheListener Interface used to define an object which listens for CacheEvents.
CachePolicy This interface defines the methods that all cache policies must provide.
JMSCache This interface defines the methods which all JMSCache implementations must provide
JMSCacheEvent This interface should be implemented by all Txn
NamedCache Classes implementing the NamedCache interface ensures cache classes can be identified by String names.

Class Summary
CacheEvent Object used to notify interested parties that state has changed in a cache.
CacheFactory This class is used to create a new instance of the CacheFactory implementation specified by the setting in file.
CacheIndex Implements CacheIndexer used to apply an index definition on a given cache.
CacheIndexFactory Factory class for CacheIndexer defined by cache.index property
DefaultCacheFactoryImpl This is a factory class that will create a instance on demand based on the properties specified in the file.
GenericCache This class provides generic caching functionality using a local cache.
JMSCacheImpl The JMSCacheImpl class provides generic caching functionality using a distributed cache within a clustered environment.
JMSListener This Message Driven Bean (MDB) listens for messages placed on a JMS Topic.
KeyStruct This class encapsulates the finder fields of finder methods other than findByPrimaryKey which is used for storing finder results for caching.
LruCachePolicy This class implements a Least Recently Used cache policy.
MergedDataPacketsCache The class is a specialisation of the GenericCache class.
NullCache This class implements Cache & NamedCache and is intended for use when a implementation code refers to a named cache, but at runtime caching is not required.
NullPolicy The NullPolicy type.
TimeoutCachePolicy This class implements a time-out based caching policy.

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