Class EonMessage

  extended bycom.bankframe.EonMessage

public class EonMessage
extends java.lang.Object

This class is provide for backwards compatability with previous versions of BankFrame MCA. This class has been superceded by com.bankframe.localization.BankFrameMessage. This class will be deprecated in a future version of BankFrame MCA


Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static java.lang.String format(int errorNumber)
          This method will return a specified message from the BankframeMessages resource bundle using the default locale.
static java.lang.String format(int errorNumber, java.util.Locale locale)
          This method will return a specified message from the BankframeMessages resource bundle for a specified locale.
static java.lang.String format(int errorNumber, java.lang.Object[] parameters)
          Deprecated. use format(int errorNumber, String[] parameters)
static java.lang.String format(int errorNumber, java.lang.Object[] parameters, java.util.Locale locale)
          This method will return the message from the BankframeMessages Resource Bundle for a specified locale based on the key passed in.
static java.lang.String format(int errorNumber, java.lang.String[] parameters)
          This method will return the message from the BankframeMessages resource bundle for the default locale based on the key passed in.
static java.lang.String format(int errorNumber, java.lang.String[] parameters, java.util.Locale locale)
          This method will return a specified message from the BankframeMessages resource bundle for a specified locale.
static java.util.Locale getLocale(java.lang.String langCountryCode)
          This method is a convience method which converts a ISO Language-Country Code String to a Locale object.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public EonMessage()
Method Detail


public static java.lang.String format(int errorNumber)
This method will return a specified message from the BankframeMessages resource bundle using the default locale.

errorNumber - int The key identifying the message in the properties file. String Message for associated with error number for the default locale.


public static java.lang.String format(int errorNumber,
                                      java.lang.Object[] parameters)
Deprecated. use format(int errorNumber, String[] parameters)

This method will return the message from the BankframeMessages resource bundle for the default locale based on the key passed in. It will also substitute in the array of parameters passed in to the returned message.

errorNumber - int The key identifying the message in the properties file.
parameters - an array of parameters to substituted into the returned string.
message taken from the Resource Bundle associated with the errorNumber & parameters passed in


public static java.lang.String format(int errorNumber,
                                      java.lang.Object[] parameters,
                                      java.util.Locale locale)
This method will return the message from the BankframeMessages Resource Bundle for a specified locale based on the key passed in. It will also substitute in the array of parameters passed in to the returned message.

errorNumber - int The key identifying the message in the properties file.
locale - Locale The locale to retreive messages for.
parameters - an array of parameters to substituted into the returned string.
message taken from the Resource Bundle associated with the errorNumber & parameters passed in


public static java.lang.String format(int errorNumber,
                                      java.lang.String[] parameters)
This method will return the message from the BankframeMessages resource bundle for the default locale based on the key passed in. It will also substitute in the array of parameters passed in to the returned message.

errorNumber - int The key identifying the message in the properties file.
parameters - an array of parameters to substituted into the returned string.
message taken from the Resource Bundle associated with the errorNumber & parameters passed in


public static java.lang.String format(int errorNumber,
                                      java.lang.String[] parameters,
                                      java.util.Locale locale)
This method will return a specified message from the BankframeMessages resource bundle for a specified locale.

errorNumber - int The key identifying the message in the properties file.
locale - Locale The locale to retreive messages for.
String Message for associated with error number for the specified locale.


public static java.lang.String format(int errorNumber,
                                      java.util.Locale locale)
This method will return a specified message from the BankframeMessages resource bundle for a specified locale.

errorNumber - int The key identifying the message in the properties file.
locale - Locale The locale to retreive messages for.
String Message for associated with error number for the specified locale.


public static java.util.Locale getLocale(java.lang.String langCountryCode)
This method is a convience method which converts a ISO Language-Country Code String to a Locale object.

Locacle Object representing Language-Country.

Copyright © 2004 Siebel Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.