Interface EConnection

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
CobolTestConnection, HTTPConnection, JDBCConnection, OffLineConnection, TestCustomerConnection

public interface EConnection

An EConnection represents an application-level handle that is used by a client to access the underlying physical connection. The actual physical connection associated with an EConnection instance is represented by a EManagedConnection instance. A client gets an EConnection instance by using the getConnection method on an EConnectionFactory instance.

Method Summary
 void close()
          Initiates close of the connection handle at the application level.
 java.lang.Object post(java.lang.Object txns)
          This method posts a transaction to an Enterprise Information System.

Method Detail


public void close()
Initiates close of the connection handle at the application level. A client should not use a closed connection to interact with a Host System.


public java.lang.Object post(java.lang.Object txns)
                      throws ProcessingErrorException
This method posts a transaction to an Enterprise Information System. The object passed in must adhere to the format required by the implementation of the Connector (ie. an MQSeries Connector requires a byte array to be passed in as a transaction). All objects passed to the post method are required to be serializable so that the Connector can be run in OffLine mode.

txns - An object representing a transaction that will be forwarded on to the host system by the Connector imnplementation.
The result object of a successful transaction execution. Null otherwise.
ProcessingErrorException - if an error occurs

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