
Interface Summary
MagTekIntelliPINDeviceCodes This class defines all escape codes,commands,etc for this Device This device can be programmed with different codes.
PinPadListener This interface is implemented by a client class to detect IntelliPIN pad events.

Class Summary
CardData This class stores the card details taken from the IntelliPIN device
MagTekIntelliPIN This class provides support for a MagTek IntelliPIN Plus card-swipe device
MagTekIntelliPINDeviceProtocol This class produces messages and codes for sending to a MagTek IntelliPIN card swiper using the serial port output stream
PinDataBlock This class is used to handle the PIN number retrieved from the physical device
PinPadEvent This class stores IntelliPIN pad events for use by the client class using the device.

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