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OBJECT_CLASS_NAME - Static variable in class com.bankframe.services.sessionmgmt.ldap.session.LDAPBankFrameSessionBean
OFFLINE_MODE_FETCHING - Static variable in interface com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.transactionroute.TransactionRoute
OFFLINE_MODE_OFF - Static variable in interface com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.transactionroute.TransactionRoute
OFFLINE_MODE_STORING - Static variable in interface com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.transactionroute.TransactionRoute
OFFSET - Static variable in class com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.TransactionHandlerConstants
OFF_LINE - Static variable in class com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.storeandforward.StoreAndForwardConstants
ON_LINE - Static variable in class com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.storeandforward.StoreAndForwardConstants
OPEN_TAG_BEGIN - Static variable in class com.bankframe.ei.channel.codec.DPTPCodec
OPEN_TAG_END - Static variable in class com.bankframe.ei.channel.codec.DPTPCodec
OPEN_TAG_MIDDLE - Static variable in class com.bankframe.ei.channel.codec.DPTPCodec
OPTIONAL - Static variable in interface com.bankframe.fe.statemachine.ext.apploaders.IInputDefinition
OPTIONAL inputs need not be supplied.
ORANGE1 - Static variable in class com.bankframe.services.notification.SourceFrame
ORANGE1 - Static variable in class com.bankframe.services.notification.TargetFrame
OUT_QUEUE_MANAGER - Static variable in class com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.TransactionHandlerConstants
OUT_QUEUE_NAME - Static variable in class com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.TransactionHandlerConstants
OWNER - Static variable in class com.bankframe.bo.DataPacket
An ease-of-use constant for specifing the DataPacket's owner.
OWNER_ID - Static variable in class com.bankframe.examples.constants.bp.customersearch.CustomerSearchConstants
OWNER_ID_LENGTH - Static variable in class com.bankframe.examples.constants.bo.address.AddressLengths
OWNER_ID_LENGTH - Static variable in class com.bankframe.examples.constants.bo.customer.CustomerLengths
ObjectLookup - class com.bankframe.ei.jndi.ObjectLookup.
OffLineConnection - class com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.connector.offline.OffLineConnection.
This class represents an application-level handle to the OffLine Database that is used by a client to access the underlying physical connection.
OffLineConnection() - Constructor for class com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.connector.offline.OffLineConnection
OffLineConnection constructor.
OffLineConnection(OffLineManagedConnection) - Constructor for class com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.connector.offline.OffLineConnection
OffLineConnection constructor.
OffLineConnectionFactory - class com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.connector.offline.OffLineConnectionFactory.
This class provides a means for an application to obtain a connection to a host system.
OffLineConnectionFactory() - Constructor for class com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.connector.offline.OffLineConnectionFactory
OffLineConnectionFactory constructor.
OffLineConnectionFactory(EManagedConnectionFactory) - Constructor for class com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.connector.offline.OffLineConnectionFactory
OffLineHostConnectionFactory constructor.
OffLineConnectionFactory(EManagedConnectionFactory, EConnectionManager) - Constructor for class com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.connector.offline.OffLineConnectionFactory
OffLineHostConnectionFactory constructor.
OffLineConnectionManager - class com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.connector.offline.OffLineConnectionManager.
This class acts as a resource manager for the OffLine Connector.
OffLineConnectionPool - class com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.connector.offline.OffLineConnectionPool.
This class is a Connection Pool for the OffLine Connector.
OffLineConnectionPool(String, int, int) - Constructor for class com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.connector.offline.OffLineConnectionPool
OffLineConnectionPool constructor.
OffLineManagedConnection - class com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.connector.offline.OffLineManagedConnection.
This class represents a physical connection to the underlying OffLine Database.
OffLineManagedConnection() - Constructor for class com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.connector.offline.OffLineManagedConnection
OffLineManagedConnection constructor.
OffLineManagedConnection(EManagedConnectionFactory, Connection) - Constructor for class com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.connector.offline.OffLineManagedConnection
OffLineManagedConnection constructor.
OffLineManagedConnectionFactory - class com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.connector.offline.OffLineManagedConnectionFactory.
OffLineManagedConnectionFactory is the implementation of EManagedConnectionFactory.
OffLineManagedConnectionFactory() - Constructor for class com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.connector.offline.OffLineManagedConnectionFactory
OffLineManagedConnectionFactory constructor.
OpenFormSlipStation - Static variable in interface com.bankframe.services.devices.SlipPrinter.SlipPrinterCodes
OracleSequenceGeneratorFactoryImpl - class com.bankframe.services.sequences.OracleSequenceGeneratorFactoryImpl.
OracleSequenceGeneratorFactoryImpl() - Constructor for class com.bankframe.services.sequences.OracleSequenceGeneratorFactoryImpl
OrderedEncoder - class com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.hostcache.OrderedEncoder.
Deprecated. Use the com.bankframe.serives.cache package instead
OrderedEncoder() - Constructor for class com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.hostcache.OrderedEncoder
OrderedHashtable - class com.bankframe.util.collections.OrderedHashtable.
OrderedHashtable() - Constructor for class com.bankframe.util.collections.OrderedHashtable
OrderedHashtable(int) - Constructor for class com.bankframe.util.collections.OrderedHashtable
onMessage(Message) - Method in class com.bankframe.services.cache.JMSListener
Message listener interface.
open() - Method in class com.bankframe.ei.ldap.LDAPServerContext
This method opens a connection with the LDAP server
open() - Method in interface com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.hostcache.Cache
Deprecated. Opens the connection to the database.
open() - Method in class com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.hostcache.DataBaseCache
Deprecated. This method opens the database connection.
open() - Method in class com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.hostcache.DataSourceWrapper
This method opens the connection.
open() - Method in class com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.hostcache.MemoryCache
Deprecated. This method opens the database connection not used in this class.
open() - Method in class com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.hostcache.MemoryCache2
Deprecated. This method opens the database connection not used in this class.
open() - Method in class com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.hostcache.SingleJvmCache
Deprecated. This method opens the database connection.
open() - Method in class com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.hostcache.TimeoutMemoryCache
open(File) - Static method in class com.bankframe.examples.txnhandler.connector.coboltest.parser.cobol.CobolParser
This method opens the CopyBook file and puts it contents into a String so it can be send over the wire.
open() - Method in interface com.bankframe.services.devices.MCADevice
This method opens the physical device on the portname specified in the BankframeDevices.properties resource file.
open() - Method in class com.bankframe.services.devices.MCASerialPort
This method opens the serial device using the port name "serialport.portname=..." specified in the BankframeDevices.properties file for the name deviceName.
open(long) - Method in class com.bankframe.services.devices.MTPinPad.MagTekIntelliPIN
This method opens the IntelliPIN device It calls the base MCASerialPort open() method which connects to the serial port and which calls setup() A Master Encryption Key is created and passed to the opened IntelliPIN device.
open(byte[], long) - Method in class com.bankframe.services.devices.MTPinPad.MagTekIntelliPIN
This method opens the IntelliPIN device It calls the base MCASerialPort open() method which connects to the serial port and which calls setup() This method then passes the specified Master Key to the opened IntelliPIN device.
openFormSlipStation() - Method in class com.bankframe.services.devices.SlipPrinter.SlipPrinter
This method opens a Form Slip Station
openFormSlipStation() - Static method in class com.bankframe.services.devices.SlipPrinter.SlipPrinterProtocol
This method creates a Open Form Slip Station message
operationType - Variable in class com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.destinationejbmap.DestinationEjbMapBean
out(int, Exception) - Static method in class com.bankframe.ESystem
This method logs the specifed exception to the specified log
out(int, String) - Static method in class com.bankframe.ESystem
This method prints the specified message to the specified log
out(Exception) - Static method in class com.bankframe.ESystem
This method logs the specifed exception to the specified log
out(Object) - Static method in class com.bankframe.ESystem
out(String) - Static method in class com.bankframe.ESystem
This method prints the specified message to the specified log
outputContents(CobolGroup) - Method in class com.bankframe.examples.txnhandler.connector.coboltest.parser.cobol.CobolCopyBook
Insert the method's description here.
outputPrintStream - Static variable in class com.bankframe.services.trace.TimingPointUtil
This is the printstream that is used when the buffer is cleared.
outputUsage() - Static method in class com.bankframe.admin.tools.FileFindAndReplace
Static Method outputs usage information
ownerId - Variable in class com.bankframe.examples.bo.address.AddressBean
ownerId - Variable in class com.bankframe.examples.bo.customer.CustomerBean
ownerId - Variable in class com.bankframe.examples.bo.impl.address.AddressPK
ownerId - Variable in class com.bankframe.examples.bo.impl.customer.CustomerPK
this string uniquely identifies this key
ownershipChange(int) - Method in class com.bankframe.services.devices.MCASerialPort
This method implements method for CommPortOwnershipListener Interface

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