Bookshelf Bookshelf for Siebel Email Marketing Stand-Alone
Version 7.5.3 - March 2004 Edition
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Downloading and Using the Siebel Bookshelf

You can download and install the Siebel Bookshelf on a client computer for local access or on a server for multiuser network access, as permitted under the applicable Siebel Systems software license agreement.

The downloaded file is provided as a compressed file named The ZIP file extracts into a root folder named SiebelBookshelf.

To download a Siebel Bookshelf

  1. Go to the Siebel Bookshelf page in the Product Documentation portal of SupportWeb.
  2. At the Siebel Bookshelf page, click the link for the version you want to download, save the compressed file, and extract it.

To view the main launch page of the Siebel Bookshelf

  • Navigate to the SiebelBookshelf/753EmailMonthYear folder and open homepage.htm in your Web browser.

Send Us Your Comments

To help us improve our products, we want to know about any corrections or clarifications to the Siebel Bookshelf that you would find useful.

Please include the following in your message:

  • The title and version of the Siebel Bookshelf, which you can find in the top banner of each portal page
  • The title and version of the book, which you can find at the bottom of each topic
  • The name and version number of the Siebel application you are using
  • Your name, job title or functional area, company name, phone number, and email address

To contact us through regular mail, use this address:

  Siebel Systems, Inc.
  Technical Publications Department
  2207 Bridgepointe Parkway
  San Mateo, CA 94404-5009

To contact us through email, use this address:

We appreciate your feedback.

Ordering Documentation

To purchase Siebel Product Documentation, please send an email to that includes the full title and version of the item(s) you wish to purchase.

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