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Oracle® Communication and Mobility Server Release Notes

Part Number E05365-02
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Oracle® Communication and Mobility Server

Release Notes


June 2007

This document contains important information that was not included in the product release.

This document may be updated after it is released. To check for updates to this document and to view other Oracle documentation, refer to the Documentation section on the Oracle Technology Network (OTN) Web site:

This document contains the following topics:

1 New in this Release

This release of Oracle Communication and Mobility Server includes bug fixes and new features. To find out about these changes, see OCMS on OTN.


On AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit) and Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Oracle Communication and Mobility Server Service Creation Environment (OCMS SCE), Oracle Communicator, Diameter Libraries and JBoss Application Server 4.0.5GA are not supported in this release.

On HP-UX PA-RISC (64-Bit), Oracle Communication and Mobility Server Service Creation Environment (OCMS SCE), Oracle Communicator, and JBoss Application Server 4.0.5GA are not supported in this release.

2 Installation, Configuration, and Upgrade Issues

Review the following sections for information about issues that affect installation, configuration, and upgrade:

2.1 OCMS on Oracle Application Server Failed to Start

On some low-powered (or low-memory) CPU systems, when OCMS is successfully installed onto an existing Oracle Application Server ( using the Silent Install option, the OC4J:OCMS process/application/server may not be started automatically at the end of installation. In that case OC4J:OCMS process/application/server can be started manually, using the steps in the OCMS Installation and Administration Guides.

2.2 Required Version of Oracle Application Server when Installing OCMS in Oracle Application Server Mode

Before installing OCMS in Oracle Application Server mode, Oracle Application Server must be installed through Oracle WebCenter Suite 10g ( During the installation of Oracle WebCenter Suite, select Option 1 (Oracle WebCenter Framework with Oracle HTTP Server) or Option 3 (Oracle WebCenter Framework) after selecting the Advanced install option.

2.3 Custom Installation Defaults

The Custom Install option includes SCE Eclipse Plugin as one of the components. This component should not be checked; please uncheck it and continue with the installation.

2.4 Slow Installation on Machines Running Japanese Version of AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit)

Slow installation times have been reported on computers running the Japanese version of the AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit). To avoid this problem, ensure the locale is first set to English:

export LANG=en_US

export LC_ALL=en_US

2.5 Configuring the Proxy Registrar

The CurrentRegDevices is a read-only attribute that displays the number of currently registered devices.

The SipRegAllowThirdParty attribute is a read-only attribute that is always set to false.

The SipRegMaxUsers is a read-only attribute.

2.6 Deactivating Overload Protection for System Tuning

Technically, overload protection is always activated. When you tune the system, you can prevent overload actions from executing by doing either of the following:

  1. Disabling all of the rules by setting all of the trigger values to zero (0).

  2. Setting the AppQueueMaxSize, StackQueueMaxSize, and SipSessionTableMaxSize attributes to high numbers.

2.7 OutOfMemoryException

OutOfMemoryException may be thrown because of a bug in JDK 5, Update 6 which is bundled with Oracle Application Server If you experience this error, you should update your JDK to JDK, Update 10. If you do not get the error, updating the JDK is not necessary.

2.8 Running Silent Install to Complete a Custom Installation

Follow these instructions to complete a silent installation for a Custom Install:

On Windows:

setupwin32.exe -V IS_SELECTED_INSTALLATION_TYPE="custom" -silent -options  <path-to-options-file>

On windows, this command returns immediately, but the install completes successfully in the background. The only indication that the install is done is when the browser comes up at the end. If you want to monitor progress, see Silent Install on Windows Does Not Show Install Progress below.

On Linux:

./setupLinux-10132-565.bin -V IS_SELECTED_INSTALLATION_TYPE="custom" -silent
-options ocms-oas-custom.txt

On HP-UX PA-RISC (64-Bit):

./setupHPUX.bin-V IS_SELECTED_INSTALLATION_TYPE="custom" -silent  -options

On AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit):

./setupAIX.bin-V IS_SELECTED_INSTALLATION_TYPE="custom" -silent  -options

On Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit):

./setupSolaris.bin-V IS_SELECTED_INSTALLATION_TYPE="custom" -silent  -options

2.9 Silent Install on Windows Does Not Show Install Progress

When the silent install command is executed from the command prompt, the user immediately sees the command prompt reappear instead of seeing installation progress.

If you are performing a silent install on Windows, you must provide the -is:javaconsole command line parameter:

setupwin32.exe -is:javaconsole -silent -options <HOMEDIR>\ocms-<mode>-typical.txt

2.10 Installation Accessibility Issue

An accessibility issue has been reported when installing Oracle Communication and Mobility Server. When installing the product using the Installation Wizard, some of the screen elements do not meet accessibility requirements. To work around this issue, run the Installer in silent mode:

On Windows:

setupwin32.exe -silent -options <HOMEDIR>\ocms-<mode>-typical.txt 

On Linux:

setupLinux.bin -silent -options <HOMEDIR>/ocms-<mode>-typical.txt

On HP-UX PA-RISC (64-Bit):

setupHPUX.bin -silent -options <HOMEDIR>/ocms-<mode>-typical.txt

On AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit):

./setupAIX.bin -silent -options <HOMEDIR>/ocms-<mode>-typical.txt

On Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit):

./setupSolaris.bin -silent -options <HOMEDIR>/ocms-<mode>-typical.txt

By default silent installer is set for StandAlone mode. To run the installer for Integrated Application Server mode, set the following:

-V OCMS_MODE_SA="false" 

To run SILENT Installer in Debug Mode:

$JAVA_HOME\bin\java -cp setup.jar run -silent -options <HOMEDIR>\silentinstall.txt 

2.11 Oracle Communicator Accessibility Issue

Some of the Preferences settings are not completely accessible. As a workaround to this bug, configuration of the preferences can be accomplished by modifying an xml file. The default xml file (on a Microsoft Windows installation) is:

c:\Documents and Settings\<windows account>\Application Data\Oracle

where <windows account> and <CommunicatorAccountName> are your account names.

For example, if you created an account with the name "John Smith" and you log into windows with the username "jsmith" your account information will be stored in the file.

c:\Documents and Settings\jsmith\Application Data\Oracle
Communicator\Accounts\John Smith.xml

There is a companion <communicator account>.dat file which contains information on your contacts, stored in VCard format.The following sections will provide documentation on which parts of the XML file can be modified by a user using the Communicator user interface. The notation provides the XML element names in a hierarchy. These elements all appear under the root "Account" element.Note that the elements are not necessarily presented in the order in which they appear in the account xml file.Changes to these files should only be made when Communicator is closed. If Communicator is open, any changes to these files may be removed.

2.11.1 Account Settings

The Account tab gives you access to the Account settings. Account Name

(string) A textual description for this account.

Unlike the other properties in the preferences dialog, the "Run this program when system starts" and "Automatically sign in with this account" modify the Accounts.xml file in the Application Data\Oracle Communicator directory (which holds a list of all of the accounts created on this instance of Oracle Communicator). Whichever account you wish to be the default should be enclosed in a DefaultAccount element. If you wish to automatically sign in with an account, the AutoLogin attribute should be set to "1". For example:

   <DefaultAccount AutoLogin="1">John Smith</DefaultAccount>
   <Account>Jane Smith</Account>

2.11.2 Presence Settings

The Presence tab give you access to the Presence settings. DeviceCaption

(string) The textual description of the device sent to other users; by default this is "PC". UserIdleTimeOut

(int) 0 if disabled, 1 if enabled. Indicates whether or not the user should be shown as idle if the user waits the period of time specified by UserIdleTimeOutValue. UserIdleTimeOutValue

(int) The length of the period of user inactivity before the user is shown as idle (if UserIdleTimeOut is enabled).

The Presence Policy and Persistent Note in the Presence tab are stored on the XCAP server, not in the account XML file.

2.11.3 Appearance Settings

The Appearance tab give you access to the Appearance settings. Theme

(string) The visual theme to use. Options included are OC, Classic, Jazz and SteelCan. Sounds

(complex) The Sounds element represents the different sounds that are played on different events. Each Sound element represents one of the sounds.

  • Sound/Event: can be IncomingMessage, UserOnline, UserOffline or VoiceMessageAvailable

  • Sound/File: the .wav file to be played when the event occurs

  • Sound/Mute: 1 if the sound should not be played, 0 if the sound should be played Ui/MainDlgTopMost

(int) 0 if false, 1 if true. Shows the main window on top of other windows if true. Ui/MainDlgCloseToTaskBar

(int) 0 if false, 1 if true. When the user clicks the "X" in the upper right corner of the window, Communicator will be minimized to the system tray instead of closed if this is true. Ui/SendMessageWithEnter

(int) 0 if false, 1 if true. When the user presses Enter, the message will be sent if this is true. If this is false, then pressing Enter will move to a new line. ShowSmilies

(int) 0 if false, 1 if true. Smilies (emoticons) will show as images if this is true. RingSignals

(complex) Indicates which sound should be used as the ring sound. The default sound will be used if this is empty. A single RingSignals/DefaultSignal element may be defined, with the value of that element either being the full path to a .wav sound file or one of the built in files is present, it can either point to a .wav file or one of these: Dallas, Houston, Office, News Desk, Reception, Beep Beep, Tune 1, Tune 2, Metallic, Mobile 1, Mobile 2.

2.11.4 Security

The Security tab give you access to the Security settings. Credentials/Credential

(complex) There may be 0 or more Credentials/Credential elements. The contents of the Credential element will be filled automatically if the user chooses to save the username/password when logging in. The user should not edit this field directly, but the user may remove a Credentials/Credential element to remove a username/password from storage.

2.11.5 Network

The Network tab give you access to the Network settings. The proxy, XDMS, LDAP and STUN settings are all configured by an administrator, and should not be changed by the end user. These are fully documented in the administrator's guide regarding customization. ConnectionType

(int) Describes the speed of the network, which affects the voice and video quality. Acceptable values are 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024 and 2048.

  • 64: modem

  • 128: ISDN

  • 256: DSL/Cable modem

  • 512: DSL/Cable modem

  • 1024: LAN connection

  • 2048: LAN connection

2.11.6 Audio

The Audio tab give you access to the Audio settings. Many of the audio and video settings are stored in the system registry. SilenceSuppression

(int) 0 if disabled, 1 if enabled. Uses silence suppression in the audio if enabled. AcousticEchoCancellation

(int) 0 if disabled, 1 if enabled. Uses echo cancellation if enabled. This is typically useful if you are using a microphone and speakers. When using a headset, you may want to disable this. PCSpeakerEnabled

(int) 0 if disabled, 1 if enabled. Causes the PC Speaker to beep when there is an incoming call if enabled. This is useful if you are using headphones and do not wear them all the time. AllowVolumeCheck

(int) 0 if disabled, 1 if enabled. Allows Communicator to change the volume levels before making a call.

2.11.7 Video

The Video tab give you access to the Video settings. PreferredCaptureDevice

(string) This element is a computer representation of the video device to use for capture. The only recommended way of modifying this in the xml is to clear the text from this element, which will result in the default system video device being used. ImageResolution

(string) Indicates the size of the video image of the incoming video. Valid values are QCIF, CIF and 4CIF (small, medium and large).The Camera Settings button provide webcam specific properties that are not modifiable in the account XML.

2.11.8 Other

The Other tab give you access to the Other settings. Contacts and Groups (internal note: according to Adam JAWS users are able to add contacts and IM, but they cannot delete contacts, which is why I am providing this information here).In order to delete a contact, you must edit the .dat file in the same location as the account .xml file. Each contact is represented in VCard format, such as:

TEL;WORK;VOICE:@w650 555 1212URL;

In order to delete a contact, find the contact VCARD entry and delete everything from and including BEGIN:VCARD to END:VCARD.

3 Other Known Issues

The following issues have been reported:

3.1 OCMS SCE for Eclipse Icon Fails to Start the Application

If SCE does not start when you double-click on the shortcut (on Windows), ensure that JAVA_HOME is set and configured correctly, and that java.exe is in the path as mentioned in the documentation.

3.2 Parsing Error When Setting DistributedVia or Via Values

When changing the values for DistributableVia and Via in the SipServletContainer MBean, and specifying a transport parameter (as default installation does), the following error message appears:

Attribute has not been updated. The data entered has not been accepted by the server.

If you do not specify a transport parameter the value is accepted. No workaround exists for the transport parameter.

3.3 UDP Stickiness on Load Balancer Affects High Availability

In a typical load balancer setup, sticky UDP datagram transportation between source IP/port (for example, Oracle Communicator) and destination IP/port (for example, EdgeProxy) is set. The stickiness presents a problem for high availability failover tests of EdgeProxies. To avoid this problem, ensure that there is no stickiness for UDP datagrams for load balancing. For example, in F5 BipIP, you can check Enable Connection Rebind to guarantee stickiness is removed.

3.4 OCMS Server Does Not Start After IP Address Change

If an OCMS server is deployed on a DHCP based machine (such as a laptop), and the IP address is changed after the initial installation, OCMS can no longer start itself because of SIP binding errors. There are two possible workarounds for this:

  • Edit occurrences of the IP address in the SipContainer.xml file in the sdp/conf directory.

  • Reinstall OCMS.

3.5 XSLT Stylesheet Error

Upon first start up, you may receive an error message regarding XSLT Stylesheets. There is no performance impact connected to this error, and you may safely ignore it.

3.6 Video Call Fails When Webcam is Unplugged

If one of the callers unplugs their webcam during a video call, the call fails.

3.7 Oracle Communicator Crash Possible

It has been reported that Oracle Communicator sometimes crashes if the recipient of a video call hangs up immediately after accepting a video call. To avoid this possibility, do not accept and hang up immediately.

3.8 JBoss JMX-console Limitation

The JMX-console (in JBoss 4.0.5.GA), without modification, does not support UTF-8 encoding.

4 Documentation Issues

The following documentation issues have been noted:

4.1 Errors in Code Sample

On page 8-7 of the Oracle Communication and Mobility Server Administrator's Guide, a code sample (Enabling High Availability in SIP Servlet Applications) has incorrect formatting and a missing slash. The correct sample should be:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

5 Documentation Accessibility

Our goal is to make Oracle products, services, and supporting documentation accessible, with good usability, to the disabled community. To that end, our documentation includes features that make information available to users of assistive technology. This documentation is available in HTML format, and contains markup to facilitate access by the disabled community. Accessibility standards will continue to evolve over time, and Oracle is actively engaged with other market-leading technology vendors to address technical obstacles so that our documentation can be accessible to all of our customers. For more information, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program Web site at

Accessibility of Code Examples in Documentation

Screen readers may not always correctly read the code examples in this document. The conventions for writing code require that closing braces should appear on an otherwise empty line; however, some screen readers may not always read a line of text that consists solely of a bracket or brace.

Accessibility of Links to External Web Sites in Documentation

This documentation may contain links to Web sites of other companies or organizations that Oracle does not own or control. Oracle neither evaluates nor makes any representations regarding the accessibility of these Web sites.

TTY Access to Oracle Support Services

Oracle provides dedicated Text Telephone (TTY) access to Oracle Support Services within the United States of America 24 hours a day, seven days a week. For TTY support, call 800.446.2398.

Oracle Communication and Mobility Server Release Notes,


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