Interface ICISSearchAPI

All Superinterfaces:

public interface ICISSearchAPI
extends ICommandAPI

The command API implementation of the search commands. This implementation can be accessed directly via the ICommandFacade class, using the API name search, with the following syntax:

 ICISSearchAPI commandAPI =
       (ICISSearchAPI)m_commandFacade.getCommandAPI ("search", m_commandFacade.getCommandTypeForName ("common"));

Field Summary
static java.lang.String API_CATEGORY
          Category for this Command API
Method Summary
 ICISContent lookupContent(ICISCommonContext commonContext, ICISID identifier)
          Retrieves the SCS object that is represented by the specified ID.
 ICISCommonSearchResponse search(ICISCommonContext commonContext, java.lang.String queryString, ICISCommonMetadataMap metadataMap, int resultCount)
          Runs the query on specified repositories, If strict checking is enabled this search errors out if query text contains elements that are not supported on all repositories that are being searched.
 ICISCommonSearchResponse search(ICISCommonContext commonContext, java.lang.String queryString, ICISCommonMetadataMap metadataMap, int resultCount, boolean strictQuery)
          Runs the query on specified repositories, If strict checking is enabled this search errors out if query text contains elements that are not supported on all repositories that are being searched.

Field Detail


static final java.lang.String API_CATEGORY
Category for this Command API

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


ICISContent lookupContent(ICISCommonContext commonContext,
                          ICISID identifier)
                          throws CommandException
Retrieves the SCS object that is represented by the specified ID.

commonContext - the common context object, containing the contextual information for each adapter
identifier - The identifier to return object for.


ICISCommonSearchResponse search(ICISCommonContext commonContext,
                                java.lang.String queryString,
                                ICISCommonMetadataMap metadataMap,
                                int resultCount)
                                throws CommandException
Runs the query on specified repositories, If strict checking is enabled this search errors out if query text contains elements that are not supported on all repositories that are being searched.

commonContext - the common context object, containing the contextual information for each adapter
queryString - the query text to use on each repository
metadataMap - the metadata map to use during this query
resultCount - The maximum number of results to return per adapter.


ICISCommonSearchResponse search(ICISCommonContext commonContext,
                                java.lang.String queryString,
                                ICISCommonMetadataMap metadataMap,
                                int resultCount,
                                boolean strictQuery)
                                throws CommandException
Runs the query on specified repositories, If strict checking is enabled this search errors out if query text contains elements that are not supported on all repositories that are being searched.

commonContext - the common context object, containing the contextual information for each adapter
queryString - the query text to use on each repository
metadataMap - the metadata map to use during this query
resultCount - The maximum number of results to return per adapter.
strictQuery - if true the query will error on parse errors, false to ignore