Package com.stellent.cis.client.api.scs.file

Interface Summary
ISCSContentPage Active API version of the ICISContentPage from the Command API.
ISCSConvertedDisplayInfo Used to pass information to the ISCSFileAPI.getDynamicConversion(com.stellent.cis.client.api.scs.context.ISCSContext, com.stellent.cis.client.api.scs.ISCSDocumentID) and ISCSFileAPI.getDynamicFile(com.stellent.cis.client.api.scs.context.ISCSContext, java.lang.String) methods to specify information regarding the rewriting of the converted URLs in the returned HTML.
ISCSConvertedFileInfo Info bean to hold information regarding a dynamic conversion call.
ISCSDynamicConvertedContent Information about a converted content item
ISCSDynamicConverterConfigResponse Dynamic conversion configuration response.
ISCSFileAPI The command API implementation of the file commands.
ISCSFileInfo Information bean for retrieving a file from the content server.
ISCSFileRetrievalInfo Retrieval options for dynamic files