Package com.stellent.cis.client.command

Interface Summary
ICommand Base interface for all commands.
ICommandAPI Base interface for Command APIs.
ICommandApplication Represents a command application; the initialized instance that is able to locate and execute ICommand objects.
ICommandApplicationAware Allows beans to discover the current command application.
ICommandApplicationConfig Base interface for the configuration objects for the implementations of ICommandApplication
ICommandBeanContext Interface to a bean provider, allowing lookups of generic bean services
ICommandClient The interface which defines how a client connects with the SCS Command layer.
ICommandClientConfig Config object for starting a command client.
ICommandClientHandshake Response from the command server when executing the initial handshake command upon initialization.
ICommandClientHandshakeAware Allow access to the CommandClient handshake object
ICommandConfigurationService Allows CIS clients to obtain configuration information about the CIS server instance
ICommandDescriptor Bean that holds some metadata information about a given command.
ICommandExecutionContext The context of the execution.
ICommandExecutor Interface for the object that can execute a command.
ICommandFacade Entry point into the command interface.
ICommandField Used in conjunction with the ICommandDescriptor interface.
ICommandMethod Represents an individual API method on a command object.
ICommandProxy Proxy object for creating an implementation of an ICommand object.
ICommandUri The URI to an individual command object

Exception Summary
CommandClientConnectException Error thrown when attempting to connect to the CIS Command Server instance
CommandConfigurationException Base exception class for configuration errors in the command layer.
CommandException Base class for exceptions thrown within an ICommand object.
CommandRuntimeException Runtime exceptions that occur during command operations.