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Oracle® Document Capture User's Guide
Release 10gR3
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Reviewing and Editing a Scanned Batch

After scanning a batch, you may want to view it or make changes to its pages.

  1. In the Batch Name list in the Batch Scanning screen, click the batch you want to review.

    For details about searching, see "Searching For Batches".

  2. Click the Review Batch button on the toolbar.

    The first page of the batch is displayed in the Reviewing Batch screen.

  3. Review and edit the batch.

    Select from the following topics:

Rotating and Flipping Pages

To rotate a selected image within the viewer, click one of the Rotate buttons on the Reviewing Batch toolbar.

  • Click Rotate Left to rotate the image 90 degrees counterclockwise.

  • Click Rotate Right to rotate the image 90 degrees clockwise.

  • Click Flip to rotate the image 180 degrees.

When an image is rotated, it is saved that way within the batch.

If you want all images rotated (landscape mode), speak with your Capture administrator about having the scan profile changed accordingly. For some Scan configurations, you can temporarily change the scanner setting options (see "Temporarily Changing Scanner Settings") from the Batch Scanning screen.


You can rotate multiple pages at once, by holding down the Ctrl key while clicking their thumbnail images, then clicking one of the Rotate buttons.

Changing the Image Display

Use the Zoom In, Zoom Out and Fit to Window buttons to enlarge or reduce the image in the viewer to ensure good image quality. (These settings are not saved with the batch.)

  • Click the Zoom In button to enlarge the image. Click the Zoom Out button to reduce the image.

  • Another way to zoom is to click and drag a rectangular area on the image using the left mouse button.

  • At any point, click the Fit to Window button to display the entire image in the viewer.

Displaying or Hiding Images and Thumbnails

Use the Page View button to change how pages and thumbnails are displayed in the Reviewing Batch screen. Click the arrow to the right of the button to select a different view, or click the button repeatedly to switch between the view options.

  • Choose Thumbnail View to view thumbnail images only. From the thumbnail view, you can double-click any thumbnail to display a page view of it.

  • Choose One Page View to view a selected page only.

  • Choose Page and Thumbnail View to view thumbnails and batch pages. A bold outline highlights the selected thumbnail.

Dragging and Dropping Thumbnails

You can reposition pages in the batch by dragging and dropping them. Click a thumbnail, hold down the mouse button as you drag it to a new location, and release the mouse button. The pages are repositioned.

Adjusting the Thumbnail Display

Use the View menu commands to change the size, position or color of thumbnail images:

  • To change their size, choose View, then Thumbnail Size, and select Small, Medium or Large.

  • To change their position in the Reviewing Batch screen, choose View, then Thumbnail Position, and select Left, Right, Top or Bottom.

  • To change the color in which the selected thumbnail is highlighted, choose View, then Thumbnail Highlight Color, and select a color from the Color popup that appears.

Appending Pages to a Batch

Occasionally, you may need to add pages to a previously created batch. You can either append them (add them to the end) as described below, or insert them between other pages in the batch (as described in "Inserting Pages in a Batch").

  1. Place the pages to append in the paper tray of the scanner.

  2. In the Batch Scanning screen, select the batch you want to append to, and click the Review Batch button.

    (For more information, "Reviewing and Editing a Scanned Batch".) The first image of the batch is displayed.

  3. Click the Append Page(s) button on the Reviewing Batch toolbar.

    Scan begins scanning the pages to be appended, and continues scanning until there is no more paper in the feeder.

  4. Page through the images to the end to see the appended pages.

Another way of appending pages to a batch:

  1. Place the pages to append in the paper tray of the scanner.

  2. In the Batch Name field in the Batch Scanning screen, type the name of the batch you want to append the pages to.

  3. Click the Begin Scanning button.

    (For more information, see "Reviewing and Editing a Scanned Batch".)

    Since you entered the name of a batch that already exists, Scan asks if you want to append to (add pages at the end) the batch.

  4. Click Yes.

Inserting Pages in a Batch

Follow these steps to insert new pages between other pages in a batch. Another option is to append them (add them to the end), as described in "Appending Pages to a Batch".

  1. Place the pages to insert in the paper tray of the scanner.

  2. In the Batch Scanning screen, select the batch you want to add to, and click the Review Batch button.

    (For more information, see "Appending Pages to a Batch".) The first image of the batch is displayed.

  3. Navigate to the page before which you want to insert one or more pages.

  4. Click the Insert Pages button on the Reviewing Batch toolbar.

    (For more information, see "Appending Pages to a Batch".) The first image of the batch is displayed.

  5. Page through the new images to verify them.

Replacing Pages in a Batch

Follow these steps to delete a page and add a new page in its place.

  1. Place the page to replace in the paper tray of the scanner.

  2. In the Batch Scanning screen, select the batch containing the page you want to replace, and click the Review Batch button.

    (For more information, see "Reviewing and Editing a Scanned Batch".) The first image of the batch is loaded.

  3. Navigate to the page you want to replace.

  4. Click Replace Pages on the Reviewing Batch toolbar.

    Scan scans the page in the scanner and replaces the old image with the new page.

Deleting Pages From a Batch

Follow these steps to delete one or more pages in a batch. You can also delete an entire batch, as described in "Deleting Batches".

  1. In the Batch Scanning screen, select the batch containing the page you want to delete, and click the Review Batch button.

    The first image of the batch is loaded.

  2. Navigate to the page you want to delete.

  3. Click the Delete Page button on the Reviewing Batch toolbar.

    You are asked to confirm that you want to delete the page.

  4. Click Yes.

    The page is deleted.


    You can delete multiple pages at once, by holding down the Ctrl key while clicking their thumbnail images, then clicking the Delete Page button.

Viewing Page Information

You can display a screen that shows information about the selected page. The screen remains on the screen, allowing you to monitor information for the selected page. You can also copy the screen contents to the clipboard by choosing Copy from the File menu. You might do this, for example, to copy and paste the page information to a spreadsheet application if instructed by a Capture administrator.

  1. With the batch displayed, click the Page Information button on the Reviewing Batch toolbar.

    The Page Information dialog box is displayed.