3 Configuring the Connector

After you deploy the connector, you must configure it to meet your requirements. This chapter discusses the following connector configuration procedures:


These sections provide both conceptual and procedural information about configuring the connector. It is recommended that you read the conceptual information before you perform the procedures.

3.1 Configuring Reconciliation

As mentioned earlier in this guide, reconciliation involves duplicating in Oracle Identity Manager the creation of and modifications to user accounts on the target system. This section discusses the following topics related to configuring reconciliation:

3.1.1 Configuring the Reconciliation Scheduled Tasks

When you perform the procedure described in the "Importing the Connector XML Files" section, the scheduled tasks for lookup fields and user reconciliations are automatically created in Oracle Identity Manager. To configure the scheduled task:

  1. Open the Oracle Identity Manager Design Console.

  2. Expand the Administration folder.

  3. Select Task Scheduler.

  4. Click Find. The details of the predefined scheduled task are displayed.

  5. For the first scheduled task, enter a number in the Max Retries field. This number represents the number of times Oracle Identity Manager must attempt to complete the task before assigning the ERROR status to the task.

  6. Ensure that the Disabled and Stop Execution check boxes are not selected.

  7. In the Start region, double-click the Start Time field. From the date-time editor that is displayed, select the date and time at which you want the task to run.

  8. In the Interval region, set the following schedule parameters:

    • To set the task to run on a recurring basis, select the Daily, Weekly, Recurring Intervals, Monthly, or Yearly option.

      If you select the Recurring Intervals option, then you must also specify the time interval at which you want the task to run on a recurring basis.

    • To set the task to run only once, select the Once option.

  9. Provide values for the attributes of the scheduled task. Refer to the "Specifying Values for the Scheduled Task Attributes" section for information about the values to be specified.

    See Also:

    Oracle Identity Manager Design Console Guide for information about adding and removing task attributes

  10. Click Save. The scheduled task is created. The INACTIVE status is displayed in the Status field, because the task is not currently running. The task is run at the date and time that you set in Step 7.

After you create the scheduled task, proceed to the "Enabling Reconciliation in Oracle Identity Manager Release 9.0.1" section. Specifying Values for the Scheduled Task Attributes

You must specify values for the attributes of the following reconciliation scheduled task:


  • Attribute values are predefined in the connector XML file that you import. Specify values only for those attributes that you want to change.

  • Values (either default or user-defined) must be assigned to all the attributes. If even a single attribute value were left empty, then reconciliation would not be performed. Scheduled Task for Reconciliation of New and Modified Mailboxes

The Exchange Reconciliation Task scheduled task is used to reconcile new and modified mailboxes. The following are attributes of this scheduled task:

Attribute Description Default/Sample Value


Name of the Microsoft Active Directory IT resource



Name of the Microsoft Exchange IT resource


Resource Object

Name of the Microsoft Exchange resource object


After you specify values for these scheduled task attributes, proceed to Step 10 of the procedure to create scheduled tasks. Scheduled Task for Reconciliation of Deleted Mailboxes

The Exchange Delete Reconciliation Task scheduled task is used to reconcile deleted target system mailboxes. The following are attributes of this scheduled task:

Attribute Description Default/Sample Value


Name of the Microsoft Active Directory IT resource



Name of the Microsoft Exchange IT resource


Resource Object

Name of the Microsoft Exchange resource object


After you specify values for these scheduled task attributes, proceed to Step 10 of the procedure to create scheduled tasks.

3.1.2 Enabling Reconciliation in Oracle Identity Manager Release 9.0.1

If you are using Oracle Identity Manager release 9.0.1, then you must perform the following procedure to enable reconciliation:

See Also:

Oracle Identity Manager Design Console Guide

  1. Open the Process Definition form. This form is in the Process Management folder.

  2. Click the Reconciliation Field Mappings tab.

  3. For each field that is of the IT resource type:

    1. Double-click the field to open the Edit Reconciliation Field Mapping window for that field.

    2. Deselect Key Field for Reconciliation Matching.

3.2 Configuring Provisioning

As mentioned earlier in this guide, provisioning involves creating or modifying a user's account information on the target system through Oracle Identity Manager.


You must perform the procedure described in this section if you want to use the provisioning features of Oracle Identity Manager for this target system.

Adapters are used to implement provisioning functions. The following adapters are imported into Oracle Identity Manager when you import the connector XML file:

See Also:

The "Supported Functionality" section for a listing of the provisioning functions that are available with this connector

  • check user process ordered

  • Exchange Delete Mailbox

  • AD Set User Property

  • Set Time Stamp

  • Get Value Form User Process

  • Chk Value Set

  • Exchange Create Mailbox

  • Exchange Set User Properties

  • DB Prepopulate UserLogin

You must compile these adapters before they can be used in provisioning operations.

To compile adapters by using the Adapter Manager form:

  1. Open the Adapter Manager form.

  2. To compile all the adapters that you import into the current database, select Compile All.

    To compile multiple (but not all) adapters, select the adapters you want to compile. Then, select Compile Selected.


    Click Compile Previously Failed to recompile only those adapters that were not compiled successfully. Such adapters do not have an OK compilation status.

  3. Click Start. Oracle Identity Manager compiles the selected adapters.

  4. If Oracle Identity Manager is installed in a clustered environment, then copy the compiled adapters from the OIM_HOME/xellerate/Adapter directory to the same directory on each of the other nodes of the cluster. If required, overwrite the adapter files on the other nodes.

If you want to compile one adapter at a time, then use the Adapter Factory form.

See Also:

Oracle Identity Manager Tools Reference Guide for information about using the Adapter Factory and Adapter Manager forms

To view detailed information about an adapter:

  1. Highlight the adapter in the Adapter Manager form.

  2. Double-click the row header of the adapter, or right-click the adapter.

  3. Select Launch Adapter from the shortcut menu that is displayed. Details of the adapter are displayed.

3.3 Configuring the Connector for Multiple Installations of the Target System


Perform this procedure only if you want to configure the connector for multiple installations of Microsoft Exchange.

You may want to configure the connector for multiple installations of Microsoft Exchange. The following example illustrates this requirement:

The Tokyo, London, and New York offices of Acme Multinational Inc. have their own installations of Microsoft Exchange. The company has recently installed Oracle Identity Manager, and they want to configure Oracle Identity Manager to link all the installations of Microsoft Exchange.

To meet the requirement posed by such a scenario, you must configure the connector for multiple installations of Microsoft Exchange.

To configure the connector for multiple installations of the target system:

See Also:

Oracle Identity Manager Design Console Guide for detailed instructions on performing each step of this procedure

  1. Create and configure one IT resource for each target system installation.

    The IT Resources form is in the Resource Management folder. An IT resource is created when you import the connector XML file. You can use this IT resource as the template for creating the remaining IT resources, of the same resource type.

  2. Configure reconciliation for each target system installation. Refer to the "Configuring Reconciliation" section for instructions. Note that you need to modify only the attributes that are used to specify the IT resource and to specify whether or not the target system installation is to be set up as a trusted source.

  3. If required, modify the fields to be reconciled for the Xellerate User resource object.

When you use the Administrative and User Console to perform provisioning, you can specify the IT resource corresponding to the Microsoft Exchange installation to which you want to provision the user.