1 About the Connector

Oracle Identity Manager automates access rights management, security, and provisioning of IT resources. Oracle Identity Manager connectors are used to integrate Oracle Identity Manager with third-party applications. This guide discusses the procedure to deploy the connector that is used to integrate Oracle Identity Manager with Oracle Internet Directory.


At some places in this guide, Oracle Internet Directory has been referred to as the target system.

In the account management (target resource) mode of the connector, information about users created or modified directly on the target system can be reconciled into Oracle Identity Manager. In addition, you can use Oracle Identity Manager to perform provisioning operations on the target system.

In the identity reconciliation (trusted source) configuration of the connector, users are created or modified only on the target system and information about these users is reconciled into Oracle Identity Manager.


It is recommended that you do not configure the target system as both an authoritative (trusted) source and a managed (target) resource.

This chapter contains the following sections:

1.1 Certified Components

Table 1-1 lists certified components for the connector.

Table 1-1 Certified Components

Component Requirement

Oracle Identity Manager

You can use one of the following releases of Oracle Identity Manager:

  • Oracle Identity Manager release or later

    Note: In this guide, Oracle Identity Manager release 9.1.0.x has been used to denote Oracle Identity Manager release and future releases in the 9.1.0.x series that the connector will support.

  • Oracle Identity Manager 11g release 1 (11.1.1)

    Note: In this guide, Oracle Identity Manager release 11.1.1 has been used to denote Oracle Identity Manager 11g release 1 (11.1.1).

Target systems

Oracle Internet Directory release 10.1.x, or 11gR1


The JDK version can be one of the following:

  • For Oracle Identity Manager release 9.1.0.x, use JDK 1.5 or later

  • For Oracle Identity Manager release 11.1.1, use JDK 1.6 update 18 or later, or JRockit JDK 1.6 update 17 or later

Target system user account

User account to which the BROWSE, ADD, DELETE, READ, WRITE, and SEARCH rights have been assigned

You provide the credentials of this user account configuring the IT resource. The procedure is described later in this guide.

If you try to perform an operation for which the required permission has not been assigned to the user account, then the "Insufficient Access Rights" message is displayed.

1.2 Certified Languages

The connector supports the following languages:

  • Arabic

  • Chinese (Simplified)

  • Chinese (Traditional)

  • Danish

  • English

  • French

  • German

  • Italian

  • Japanese

  • Korean

  • Portuguese (Brazilian)

  • Spanish

See Also:

Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Identity Manager for information about supported special characters

1.3 Connector Architecture

The architecture of the connector is the blueprint for the functionality of the connector. Figure 1-1 shows the architecture of the connector.

Figure 1-1 Architecture of the Connector

Description of Figure 1-1 follows
Description of "Figure 1-1 Architecture of the Connector"

The connector can be configured to run in one of the following modes:


In Oracle Identity Manager release 11.1.1, a scheduled job is an instance of a scheduled task. In this guide, the term scheduled task used in the context of Oracle Identity Manager release 9.1.0.x is the same as the term scheduled job in the context of Oracle Identity Manager release 11.1.1.

See Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Identity Manager for more information about scheduled tasks and scheduled jobs.

  • Identity reconciliation

    In the identity reconciliation mode, Oracle Internet Directory is used as the trusted source and users are directly created and modified on it.

    During reconciliation, a scheduled task establishes a connection with the target system and sends reconciliation criteria to the APIs. The APIs extract user records that match the reconciliation criteria and hand them over to the scheduled task, which brings the records to Oracle Identity Manager. The next step depends on the mode of connector configuration.

    Each record fetched from the target system is compared with existing OIM Users. If a match is found, then the update made to the record on the target system is copied to the OIM User attributes. If no match is found, then the target system record is used to create an OIM User.

  • Account Management

    In the account management mode, Oracle Internet Directory is used as a target resource. The connector enables the target resource reconciliation and provisioning operations. Through provisioning operations performed on Oracle Identity Manager, user accounts are created and updated on the target system for OIM Users. During reconciliation from the target resource, the Oracle Internet Directory connector fetches into Oracle Identity Manager data about user accounts that are created or modified on the target system. This data is used to add or modify resources allocated to OIM Users.

    During provisioning operations, adapters carry provisioning data submitted through the process form to the target system. APIs on the target system accept provisioning data from the adapters, carry out the required operation on the target system, and return the response from the target system to the adapters. The adapters return the response to Oracle Identity Manager.

    During reconciliation, a scheduled task establishes a connection with the target system and sends reconciliation criteria to the APIs. The APIs extract user records that match the reconciliation criteria and hand them over to the scheduled task, which brings the records to Oracle Identity Manager. The next step depends on the mode of connector configuration.

1.4 Features of the connector

1.4.1 Support for Both Target Resource and Trusted Source Reconciliation

You can use the connector to configure Oracle Internet Directory as either a target resource or trusted source of Oracle Identity Manager.

See Section 3.3, "Configuring Reconciliation" for more information.

1.4.2 Support for Limited Reconciliation

You can set a reconciliation filter as the value of the SearchFilter attribute of the scheduled tasks. This filter specifies the subset of newly added and modified target system records that must be reconciled.

See Section 3.3.2, "Limited Reconciliation" for more information.

1.4.3 Support for Paged Reconciliation

Paged reconciliation is the reconciliation of a specified set of target system records at a time, within a reconciliation run. Multiple pages of records are fetched to complete the reconciliation run. This feature helps reduce memory issues that might arise when there are a large number of records to be reconciled.

Paged reconciliation is implemented using the PageSize attribute of the scheduled task.

See Section 3.3.3, "Paged Reconciliation" for more information about paged reconciliation.

1.4.4 Support for Reconciliation of Deleted User Records

You can configure the connector for reconciliation of deleted user records. In target resource mode, if a record is deleted on the target system, then the corresponding Oracle Internet Directory resource is revoked from the OIM User. In trusted source mode, if a record is deleted on the target system, then the corresponding OIM User is deleted.

See Section, "Scheduled Tasks for User Reconciliation" for more information about scheduled tasks used for reconciling deleted user records.

1.4.5 Support for Both Full and Incremental Reconciliation

After you deploy the connector, you can perform full reconciliation to bring all existing user data from the target system to Oracle Identity Manager. After the first full reconciliation run, change-based or incremental reconciliation is automatically enabled from the next run of the user reconciliation.

You can perform a full reconciliation run at any time.

See Section 3.3.1, "Full Reconciliation vs. Incremental Reconciliation" for more information.

1.4.6 Support for Adding New Single-Valued and Multivalued Attributes for Reconciliation and Provisioning

If you want to add to the standard set of single-valued and multivalued attributes for reconciliation and provisioning, then perform the procedures described in Chapter 4, "Extending the Functionality of the Connector"

1.4.7 Support for High-Availability Configuration of the Target System

The connector can be configured to work with high-availability target system environments. If the primary installation becomes unavailable, then the connector reads information about backup target system installations from the Lookup.OID.Backup server lookup definition and uses this information to switch to a backup target system installation. The timeout interval stored in the ldapConnectTimeOut entry of the Lookup.OID.Configuration lookup definition is used to determine when to switch to the backup target system installation.

See Section, "Configuring High Availability of the Target System" for more information.

1.5 Lookup Definitions Used During Connector Operations

Lookup definitions used during connector operations can be divided into the following categories:

1.5.1 Lookup Definitions Synchronized with the Target System

The following lookup definitions are populated with values fetched from the target system by the scheduled tasks for lookup field synchronization.

See Also:

Section 3.2, "Scheduled Tasks for Lookup Field Synchronization" for information about these scheduled tasks

  • For organizations and organization units: Lookup.OID.Organization

  • For groups: Lookup.OID.Group

  • For roles: Lookup.OID.Role

1.5.2 Other Lookup Definitions

Table 1-2 describes the other lookup definitions that are created in Oracle Identity Manager when you deploy the connector. These lookup definitions are either prepopulated with values or values must be manually entered in them after the connector is deployed.

Table 1-2 Other Lookup Definitions

Lookup Definition Description of Values Method to Specify Values for the Lookup Definition


This lookup definition holds connector configuration entries that are used during reconciliation and provisioning.

Some of the entries in this lookup definition are preconfigured. See Section, "Setting Up the Lookup.OID.Configuration Lookup Definition" for information about the entries for which you can set values.


This lookup definition stores values that are used internally by the connector. The connector development team can use this lookup definition to make minor configuration changes in the connector.

You must not modify the entries in this lookup definition.


This lookup definition holds mappings between the OID User resource object fields and target system attributes.

This lookup definition is preconfigured. It is used for both trusted source reconciliation and target resource reconciliation.

You can add entries in this lookup definition if you want to map new target system attributes for user reconciliation. Chapter 4, "Extending the Functionality of the Connector" provides more information.


This lookup definition holds mappings between OID User process form fields and target system attributes.

This lookup definition is preconfigured. Table 1-10 lists the default entries in this lookup definition. You can add entries in this lookup definition if you want to map new target system attributes for user provisioning. Chapter 4, "Extending the Functionality of the Connector" provides more information.


This lookup definition holds mappings between OID Group resource object fields and target system attributes.

This lookup definition is preconfigured. Table 1-4 lists the default entries in this lookup definition. You can add entries in this lookup definition if you want to map new target system attributes for group reconciliation. Chapter 4, "Extending the Functionality of the Connector" provides more information.


This lookup definition holds mappings between OID Group process form fields and target system attributes.

This lookup definition is preconfigured. Table 1-12 lists the default entries in this lookup definition. You can add entries in this lookup definition if you want to map new target system attributes for group provisioning. Chapter 4, "Extending the Functionality of the Connector" provides more information.


This lookup definition holds mappings between OID Role resource object fields and target system attributes.

This lookup definition is preconfigured. Table 1-5 lists the default entries in this lookup definition. You can add entries in this lookup definition if you want to map new target system attributes for role reconciliation. Chapter 4, "Extending the Functionality of the Connector" provides more information.


This lookup definition holds mappings between OID Role process form fields and target system attributes.

This lookup definition is preconfigured. Table 1-13 lists the default entries in this lookup definition. You can add entries in this lookup definition if you want to map new target system attributes for group provisioning. Chapter 4, "Extending the Functionality of the Connector" provides more information.

Lookup.OID.Backup server

This lookup definition holds mappings between primary Oracle Internet Directory servers and secondary Oracle Internet Directory servers.

It is optional to enter values in this lookup definition. Section, "Configuring High Availability of the Target System" provides information about this lookup definition.


During a provisioning operation, you use this lookup definition to specify a language for the user.

Section, "Setting Up the Lookup.OID.PrefLang Lookup Definition" provides information about creating entries in this lookup definition.

1.6 Connector Objects Used During Target Resource Reconciliation

This section discusses the following topics:

1.6.1 User Attributes for Target Resource Reconciliation

Table 1-3 lists the user attributes of the target system from which values are fetched during reconciliation. The OID User Target Recon Task scheduled task is used to reconcile user data.

Table 1-3 User Attributes for Target Resource Reconciliation

Resource Object Field Target System Attribute Description

User ID


Unique ID of a user account

First Name


First name

Last Name


Last name

Middle Name


Middle name









Telephone number



E-mail address

Time Zone



Preferred Language


Preferred language for communication




Start Date


Date from which the user account is active

End Date


Date up to which the user account is active






Distinguished name (DN) of the user's manager.

Container DN


Container in which the user account is present on the target system

For example: ou=abc,dc=Company, dc=corp,dc=com

Common Name


Common name on the target system



Name of the group to which a user account belongs



Name of the role that is assigned to a user account

1.6.2 Group Attributes for Target Resource Reconciliation


If you are using Oracle Identity Manager release 11.1.1, then you cannot reconcile data from group attributes of the target system. This is tracked by Bug 9799541 in Chapter 6, "Known Issues"

Table 1-4 lists the group attributes of the target system from which values are fetched during reconciliation. The OID Group Recon Task scheduled task is used to reconcile group data.

Table 1-4 Group Attributes for Target Resource Reconciliation

Resource Object Field Target System Attribute Description

Group Name


Group name




1.6.3 Role Attributes for Target Resource Reconciliation


If you are using Oracle Identity Manager release 11.1.1, then you cannot reconcile data from role attributes of the target system. This is tracked by Bug 9799541 in Chapter 6, "Known Issues"

Table 1-5 lists the role attributes of the target system from which values are fetched during reconciliation. The OID Role Recon Task scheduled task is used to reconcile role data.

Table 1-5 Role Attributes for Target Resource Reconciliation

Resource Object Field Target System Attribute Description

Role Name


Role name




1.6.4 Reconciliation Rules for Target Resource Reconciliation

See Also:

Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle Identity Manager for generic information about reconciliation matching and action rules

The following sections provide information about the reconciliation rules for this connector: Reconciliation Rule for Target Resource Reconciliation

The following is the process-matching rule:

Rule name: OID User Recon Rule

Rule element: (ORCLGUID Equals orclGuid) OR (User Login Equals User ID)

In the first rule component:

  • User Login is the User ID field on the OIM User form.

  • User ID is the user ID field of the OID account.

In the second rule component:

  • ORCLGUID is the ORCLGUID field on the OIM User form.

  • orclGuid is the orclguid field on the target system. Viewing Reconciliation Rules for Target Resource Reconciliation in the Design Console

After you deploy the connector, you can view the reconciliation rule for reconciliation by performing the following steps:


Perform the following procedure only after the connector is deployed.

  1. Log in to the Oracle Identity Manager Design Console.

  2. Expand Development Tools.

  3. Double-click Reconciliation Rules.

  4. Search for and open OID User Recon Rule. Figure 1-2 shows this reconciliation rule.

    Figure 1-2 Reconciliation Rule for Target Resource Reconciliation

    Description of Figure 1-2 follows
    Description of "Figure 1-2 Reconciliation Rule for Target Resource Reconciliation"

1.6.5 Reconciliation Action Rules for Target Resource Reconciliation


No action is performed for rule conditions that are not predefined for this connector. You can define your own action rule for such rule conditions. See Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle Identity Manager for information about modifying or creating reconciliation action rules.

The following sections provide information about the reconciliation rules for this connector: Reconciliation Action Rules for Target Resource Reconciliation

Table 1-6 lists the action rules for target resource reconciliation.

Table 1-6 Action Rules for Target Resource Reconciliation

Rule Condition Action

No Matches Found

Assign to Administrator With Least Load

One Entity Match Found

Establish Link

One Process Match Found

Establish Link Viewing Reconciliation Action Rules for Target Resource Reconciliation in the Design Console

After you deploy the connector, you can view the reconciliation action rules for reconciliation by performing the following steps:

  1. Log in to the Oracle Identity Manager Design Console.

  2. Expand Resource Management, and double-click Resource Objects.

  3. If you want to view the reconciliation action rules for reconciliation, then search for and open the OID Resource Object resource object.

  4. Click the Object Reconciliation tab, and then click the Reconciliation Action Rules tab. The Reconciliation Action Rules tab displays the action rules defined for this connector. Figure 1-3 shows the reconciliation action rules for reconciliation.

    Figure 1-3 Action Rules for Target Resource Reconciliation

    Description of Figure 1-3 follows
    Description of "Figure 1-3 Action Rules for Target Resource Reconciliation"

1.7 Connector Objects Used During Trusted Source Reconciliation

This section discusses the following topics:

1.7.1 User Attributes for Trusted Source Reconciliation

Table 1-7 provides information about user attribute mappings for trusted source reconciliation.

Table 1-7 User Attributes for Trusted Source Reconciliation

Field on the Xellerate User Resource Object Target System Attribute Description

User ID


User's logon name

First Name


First name

Last Name


Last name

Middle Name


Middle name



Name of the organization on the target system to which a user account belongs

User Type


Default value: End-User Administrator

Employee Type


Default value: Consultant

Start Date


Start date for the user account on the target system

End Date


End date for the user account on the target system



E-mail address



This field stores the status of a user account on the target system.



Distinguished name (DN) of the user's manager.

1.7.2 Reconciliation Rule for Trusted Source Reconciliation

See Also:

Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle Identity Manager for generic information about reconciliation matching and action rules

The following sections provide information about the reconciliation rules for this connector: Reconciliation Rule for Trusted Source Reconciliation

The following is the process-matching rule:

Rule name: Trusted Source Recon Rule

Rule element: User Login Equals User ID

In this rule element:

  • User Login is the User ID field on the OIM User form.

  • User ID is the user ID of the OID account. Viewing Reconciliation Rules for Trusted Source Reconciliation in the Design Console

After you deploy the connector, you can view the reconciliation rule for reconciliation by performing the following steps:


Perform the following procedure only after the connector is deployed.

  1. Log in to the Oracle Identity Manager Design Console.

  2. Expand Development Tools.

  3. Double-click Reconciliation Rules.

  4. Search for and open Trusted Source Recon Rule. Figure 1-4 shows this reconciliation rule.

    Figure 1-4 Reconciliation Rule for Trusted Source Reconciliation

    Description of Figure 1-4 follows
    Description of "Figure 1-4 Reconciliation Rule for Trusted Source Reconciliation"

1.7.3 Reconciliation Action Rules for Trusted Source Reconciliation


No action is performed for rule conditions that are not predefined for this connector. You can define your own action rule for such rule conditions. See Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle Identity Manager for information about modifying or creating reconciliation action rules.

The following sections provide information about the reconciliation rules for this connector: Reconciliation Action Rules for Trusted Source Reconciliation

Table 1-8 lists the action rules for reconciliation.

Table 1-8 Action Rules for Trusted Source Reconciliation

Rule Condition Action

No Matches Found

Assign to Administrator With Least Load

One Entity Match Found

Establish Link

One Process Match Found

Establish Link Viewing Reconciliation Action Rules for Trusted Source Reconciliation in the Design Console

After you deploy the connector, you can view the reconciliation action rules for reconciliation by performing the following steps:

  1. Log in to the Oracle Identity Manager Design Console.

  2. Expand Resource Management, and double-click Resource Objects.

  3. If you want to view the reconciliation action rules for reconciliation, then search for and open the Xellerate User resource object.

  4. Click the Object Reconciliation tab, and then click the Reconciliation Action Rules tab. The Reconciliation Action Rules tab displays the action rules defined for this connector. Figure 1-5 shows the reconciliation action rules for reconciliation.

    Figure 1-5 Action Rules for Trusted Source Reconciliation

    Description of Figure 1-5 follows
    Description of "Figure 1-5 Action Rules for Trusted Source Reconciliation"

1.8 Connector Objects Used During Provisioning

Provisioning involves creating or modifying user data on the target system through Oracle Identity Manager.

See Also:

The "Provisioning" section in Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle Identity Manager for conceptual information about provisioning

This section discusses the following topics:

1.8.1 User Provisioning Functions

Table 1-9 lists the user provisioning functions that are supported by the connector. The Adapter column gives the name of the adapter that is used when the function is performed.

See Also:

Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle Identity Manager for generic information about process tasks and adapters

Table 1-9 User Provisioning Functions Supported by the Connector

Function Description Adapter

Create User

Creates a user in Oracle Internet Directory

OID Create User

Delete User

Deletes a user in Oracle Internet Directory

OID Delete User

Enable User

Enables a user in Oracle Internet Directory

OID Modify User

Disable User

Disables a user in Oracle Internet Directory

OID Modify User

Move User

Moves a user account from one container to another in Oracle Internet Directory.

OID Move User

Update Password

Updates the password of a user in Oracle Internet Directory

OID Modify User

Update First Name

Updates the first name of a user in Oracle Internet Directory

OID Modify User

Update Last Name

Updates the last name of a user in Oracle Internet Directory

OID Modify User

Update Department Name

Updates the department name of a user in Oracle Internet Directory

OID Modify User

Update E-mail Address

Updates the e-mail address of a user in Oracle Internet Directory

OID Modify User

Update Location

Updates the location of a user in Oracle Internet Directory

OID Modify User

Update the Middle Name

Updates the middle name of a user in Oracle Internet Directory

OID Modify User

Update Preferred Language

Updates the preferred language for a user in Oracle Internet Directory

OID Modify User

Update Telephone Number

Updates the telephone number of a user in Oracle Internet Directory

OID Modify User

Update Time Zone

Updates the time zone of a user in Oracle Internet Directory

OID Modify User

Update Title

Updates the title of a user in Oracle Internet Directory

OID Modify User

Update Container DN

Updates the container DN of a user in Oracle Internet Directory

OID Move User

Add User to Group

Adds a user to a group in Oracle Internet Directory

OID Add User to Group

Remove User from Group

Removes a user from a group in Oracle Internet Directory

OID Remove User from Group

Add User to Role

Adds a user to a role in Oracle Internet Directory

OID Add User to Role

Remove User from Role

Removes a user from a role in Oracle Internet Directory

OID Remove User from Role

Create OU

Creates an organizational unit

OID Create OU

Rename OU

Changes the name of an organizational unit

OID Change Org Name

Delete OU

Deletes an organizational unit

OID Delete OU

Move OU

Moves the organization sub unit to another parent organizational unit


Create OID group

Creates an Oracle Internet Directory group

OID Create Group

Delete OID group

Deletes an Oracle Internet Directory group

OID Delete Group

Update Group Name

Updates a group name

Update OID Group Details

Create OID Role

Creates an Oracle Internet Directory role

Note: In this guide, OID Role refers to an organizational role (object class organizationalRole) in the target system, not to an EUS role (object class orclDBEnterpriseRole) stored in the target system. An EUS role is an OID Group. However, you can change OID Role to refer to EUS roles by modifying the Lookup.OID.Role lookup definition appropriately.

OID Create Role

Delete OID Role

Deletes an Oracle Internet Directory role

OID Delete Role

Update Role Name

Updates a role name

Update OID Role Details

1.8.2 User Attributes for Provisioning

Table 1-10 lists the process form fields for which you can specify or modify values during provisioning operations.

Table 1-10 User Attributes for Provisioning

Process Form Field Target System Attribute Description Adapter

User ID


Unique ID of a user account

OID Modify User

First Name


First name

OID Modify User

Last Name


Last name

OID Modify User

Middle Name


Middle name

OID Modify User

Common Name


Common name on the target system

OID Modify User




OID Modify User




OID Modify User



Telephone number

OID Modify User



E-mail address

OID Modify User

Communication Language


Preferred language for communication

OID Modify User




OID Modify User

Container DN


Container in which the user is present on the target systemFor example: o=abc,dc=Company

OID Move User

Time Zone



OID Modify User

Start Date


Date from which the user account is active

OID Modify User

End Date


Date up to which the user account is active

OID Modify User



Distinguished name (DN) of the user's manager.

OID Modify User



Name of the group to which a user account belongs

OID Add User to Group



Name of the role that is assigned to the user account

OID Add User to Role

Table 1-11 lists special characters that are supported in process form fields:

Table 1-11 Special Characters Supported in Process Form Fields

Name of the Character Character





at sign






dollar sign


equal sign


exclamation point




left brace


left bracket


number sign


percent sign




plus sign


question mark


right brace


right bracket




single quotation





The following special characters are not supported in process form fields:

  • Double quotation mark (")

  • Left parenthesis (()

  • Right parenthesis ())

1.8.3 Group Attributes for Provisioning

Table 1-12 provides information about group attribute mappings for provisioning.

Table 1-12 Group Attributes for Provisioning

Process Form Field Target System Attribute Description Adapter

Group Name


Group name

Update OID Group Details

1.8.4 Role Attributes for Provisioning

Table 1-13 provides information about role attribute mappings for provisioning.

Table 1-13 Role Attributes for Provisioning

Process Form Field Target System Attribute Description Adapter

Role Name


Role name

Update OID Role Details

1.9 Roadmap for Deploying and Using the Connector

The following is the organization of information in the rest of this guide: