What's New in the Oracle Identity Manager Connector for IBM AS/400?

This chapter provides an overview of the updates made to the software and documentation for the Oracle Identity Manager Connector for IBM AS/400 in release

The updates discussed in this chapter are divided into the following categories:

Software Updates

The following sections discuss software updates:

Updates in Releases Through

The following are software updates in releases through

Software Updates in Release

The following are the software updates in release

Support for Configuring a Single LDAP Gateway to Work with Multiple Installations of the Target System

In the earlier release, one installation of the LDAP Gateway worked with one target system installation. If you had multiple target system installations, you had to install multiple LDAP Gateways. From this release onward, you can configure a single LDAP Gateway to work with multiple target system installations. See Section 5.5.1, "Configuring One LDAP Gateway for Each Installation of the Target System" for more information.

This item was tracked by Bug 9483766.

Support for Reconciliation Through a Scheduled Task

The User Target Recon Scheduled Task scheduled task has been introduced in this release. You can configure this scheduled task to schedule reconciliation with the target system. See Section 4.1, "Configuring Reconciliation" for information about using this scheduled task. In addition, the Last Modified Time Stamp parameter has been added in the IT resource definition. See Section 2.5, "Configuring the IT Resource" for information about this parameter.

This item was tracked by Bug 9483766.

Software Updates in Release

The following are the software updates in release

Support for New Oracle Identity Manager Release

From this release onward, the connector can be installed and used on Oracle Identity Manager 11g release 1 (11.1.1). Where applicable, instructions specific to this Oracle Identity Manager release have been added in the guide.

See Section 1.1, "Certified Components" for the full list of certified Oracle Identity Manager releases.

Support for Request-Based Provisioning

From this release onward, the connector provides support for request-based provisioning on Oracle Identity Manager 11g release 1 (11.1.1).

See Section 4.4.2, "Request-Based Provisioning" for more information.

Resolved Issues in Release

The following table lists issues resolved in release

Bug Number Issue Resolution


At the end of a successful Delete User provisioning operation, the connector showed the status R (that is, Rejected) instead of C (Completed).

This issue has been resolved. The connector now shows status C at the end of a successful Delete User provisioning operation.

10070632 and 9866401

Initial reconciliation did not work correctly.

This issue has been resolved. Initial reconciliation now works as expected.


The connector could not be used to manage more than one supplemental group.

This issue has been resolved. The connector can now be used to manage multiple supplemental groups.


The password of the target system user account used for connector operations could be viewed in plaintext in the LDAP Gateway.

This issue has been resolved. The password is not stored in the LDAP Gateway.


Under certain conditions, a Delete User provisioning operation resulted in the creation of a Delete User reconciliation event.

This issue has been resolved. A Delete User provisioning operation does not cause the creation of a Delete User reconciliation event.


The connector did not support some standard IBM AS/400 attributes.

This issue has been resolved. All standard IBM AS/400 attributes are now supported. In addition, you can add new attributes for reconciliation and provisioning. Section 5.1, "Adding New Attributes for Target Resource Reconciliation" describes the procedure.


During trusted source reconciliation, when an OIM User is created for a user that is in the Disabled state on the target system, the OIM User is not in the Disabled state.

This issue has been resolved. When an OIM User is created for a user that is in the Disabled state on the target system, the OIM User is also in the Disabled state.

Software Updates in Release

The following is the software update in release

From this release onward, reconciliation using external .jar files is no longer supported. Instead, both initial and real-time reconciliation are performed by running the scheduled task.

See Section 4.1, "Configuring Reconciliation" for detailed instructions.

Software Updates in Release

The following are the software updates in release

Support for ignoreEvent() During Reconciliation

From this release onwards, the connector supports the Oracle Identity Manager reconciliation API feature ignoreEvent(). The LDAP Gateway will now confirm whether a reconciliation event should be ignored prior to creating the event in Oracle Identity Manager. Both real-time reconciliation and full reconciliation utilize this feature. See Section, "Full Reconciliation Process," and Section, "Incremental (Real-Time) Reconciliation Process," for more details.

Support for SSL Configuration in LDAP Gateway

From this release onwards, SSL configuration in LDAP Gateway has been supported. See Section 2.9, "Installing and Configuring the LDAP Gateway," for more information.

Support for new IT Resource Parameters and LDAP Gateway Properties

From this release onwards, the connector supports new IT resource parameters and LDAP gateway properties. See Table 2-2 and Table 2-3 for more details.

Resolved Issues in Release

The following table lists issues resolved in release

Bug Number Issue Resolution


The Oracle Identity Manager 11G cannot connect to LDAPGATEWAY provided by OS400 connector.

This issue has been resolved. The Oracle Identity Manager 11G can now successfully connect to the LDAPGATEWAY.


AS 400 connector feature cannot run a CPYUSRPR command on the target system.

This issue has been resolved. The CPYUSRPR command on the target system can be run and can configure the LDAP and OIM adapters.

Software Updates in Release

The following are the software updates in release

Additional Features for Scheduled Task- User Reconciliation

From this release onward, the user reconciliation scheduled task supports the "LDAP Time Zone" property. This property can be used to specify the local time zone of the LDAP server machine in cases where Oracle Identity Manager and the LDAP gateway are hosted on separate servers in separate time zones. See Section 4.1, "Configuring Reconciliation," and Section 5.4, "Using the Additional Reconciliation Scheduled Tasks" for more details.

Support for Scheduled Task- Single Connection User Reconciliation

From this release onward, the connector supports an additional scheduled task for user profile reconciliation. This task creates a single connection to the target system and retrieves both user IDs and the user's profile attributes. Each user is stored in the internal LDAP store, if needed, and then those users are reconciled to Oracle Identity Manager. See Section 5.4, "Using the Additional Reconciliation Scheduled Tasks" for more details.

Support for Scheduled Task- Delete User Reconciliation Using LDAP

From this release onward, the connector supports an additional scheduled task for reconciling deleted users on the target system. This task retrieves a list of users from the target system and compares that list with a list of users from the internal LDAP store. If a user is found to exist within the internal LDAP store, but not on the target system, then the internal LDAP store is updated and a delete reconciliation event for the user is sent to Oracle Identity Manager. See Section 5.4, "Using the Additional Reconciliation Scheduled Tasks" for more details.

Support for Scheduled Task- Delete User Reconciliation Using Oracle Identity Manager

From this release onward, the connector supports an additional scheduled task for reconciling deleted users on the target system. This task retrieves a list of users from the target system and compares that list with a list of users from Oracle Identity Manager. If a user is found to exist within Oracle Identity Manager, but not on the target system, then a delete reconciliation event for the user is sent to Oracle Identity Manager. See Section 5.4, "Using the Additional Reconciliation Scheduled Tasks" for more details.

Resolved Issues in Release

The following table lists issues resolved in release

Bug Number Issue Resolution


Reconciliation failing due to special characters (such as #) in UID.

This issue has been resolved. The LDAP gateway now supports UIDs that begin with special characters.


Connector updates the date on IT Resource are not time zone transparent.

This issue has been resolved. All scheduled tasks now include an "LDAP Time Zone" property that specifies the local time zone of the LDAP gateway server.


User profile attribute USEDATE is not made available for reconciliation on the gateway.

This issue has been resolved. The USEDATE property is now supported.

Documentation-Specific Updates

The following sections discuss documentation-specific updates:

Documentation-Specific Updates in Releases Through

The following are software updates in releases through

Documentation-Specific Updates in Release

There are no documentation-specific updates in this release.

Documentation-Specific Updates in Release

There are no documentation-specific updates in this release.

Documentation-Specific Updates in Release

There are no documentation-specific updates in this release.

Documentation-Specific Updates in Release

The following are the documentation-specific updates in release

Documentation-Specific Updates in Release

The following are the documentation-specific updates in revision "10" of release

The following are the documentation-specific updates in revision "11" of release