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Oracle® Identity Manager Upgrade Guide
Release 9.1.0 ( Upgrade)

Part Number E13340-01
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3 Upgrading to Release 9.1.0 on BEA WebLogic Server

This chapter explains how to upgrade to release 9.1.0 from release on BEA WebLogic Server. Do not attempt to upgrade to release 9.1.0 from any other previous Oracle Identity Manager release.

The following steps (detailed in this chapter) explain how to upgrade from release to release 9.1.0 on BEA WebLogic Server:

  1. Creating a Backup of the Existing Deployment

  2. Upgrading the Oracle Identity Manager Database

  3. Preparing for the Upgrade from Release to Release 9.1.0

    1. Preparing Oracle Identity Manager for Upgrade

    2. Preparing and Upgrading the Design Console

    3. Preparing and Upgrading the Remote Manager

  4. Performing the Upgrade from Release to Release 9.1.0

  5. Migrating Custom Java Code

  6. Postupgrade Configuration

  7. Upgrading the Diagnostic Dashboard

3.1 Creating a Backup of the Existing Deployment

The first step for upgrading to release 9.1.0 is to create a backup of your existing release deployment to ensure that no data is lost during the upgrade process. If the upgrade fails, then you can use this backup to restore the release deployment to its original state.

You must create a backup of the following:

3.2 Upgrading the Oracle Identity Manager Database

For details about upgrading the Oracle Identity Manager Database, refer to Chapter 6, "Upgrading the Oracle Identity Manager Database".

3.3 Preparing for the Upgrade from Release to Release 9.1.0

Before you upgrade to Oracle Identity Manager release 9.1.0, you must prepare for the upgrade by performing preupgrade configuration tasks on the following components:

3.3.1 Preparing Oracle Identity Manager for Upgrade

Prepare Oracle Identity Manager for upgrade to release 9.1.0 by updating the release libraries, scripts, and configuration files. To do so:


If you are upgrading to release 9.1.0 in a WebLogic cluster, then perform the steps in this section on the WebLogic Admin Server computer.
  1. Extract the contents of the Oracle Identity Manager release 9.1.0 upgrade package to a temporary directory on the computer on which release is installed.


    This guide refers to this temporary directory as PATCH.
  2. Create a backup of the OIM_HOME directory.

  3. Copy the directories and files listed in the location of the From column to the location listed in the To column in Table 3-1.

    Overwrite the existing files in the To location if necessary.


    Delete the release files in the OIM_HOME/documentation/ directory before copying the release 9.1.0 files from PATCH/documentation/ directory.

    Table 3-1 Oracle Identity Manager Preupgrade Files to Copy

    From To






























    While copying the PATCH/xellerate/lib directory, do not copy the xlUpgradeAttestation.jar file. Copy it only before running the Upgrade Attestation script.
  4. Copy the following files from the PATCH/xellerate/setup/ directory to the OIM_HOME/xellerate/setup/ directory according to the Oracle Identity Manager installation:

    • setup.xml

    • patch_weblogic.cmd


    • weblogic-setup.xml

    • setup_wl_server.xml


    • spml_weblogic.cmd


    • UpgradeAttestation.bat

  5. Update your existing release xlconfig.xml configuration file in the OIM_HOME/xellerate/config/ directory with the new cache-related setting for release 9.1.0. To do so:

    1. Open the OIM_HOME/xellerate/config/xlconfig.xml file and locate the <xl-configuration>< Cache> parameter.

    2. After </ColumnMetaData>, add the following:

      <!-- API Data -->
    3. After </AttestationTaskMessage>, add the following:



      The aforementioned line of code must be entered as a single line without any line breaks.
    4. Inside:





    5. Inside:





    6. Inside:





    7. Inside:





    8. Inside:





    9. Inside:





    10. Inside:





    11. After </attestation_task_queue>, add the following:


3.3.2 Preparing and Upgrading the Design Console

Prepare the Oracle Identity Manager Design Console for upgrade to release 9.1.0 by updating your release Design Console libraries, scripts, and configuration files. To do so:

  1. Create a backup of the OIM_DC_HOME directory.

  2. Copy the directories and files listed in the location of the From column to the location listed in the To column in Table 3-2.

    Overwrite the existing files in the To location if necessary.


    Delete the release files in the OIM_DC_HOME/documentation/ directory before copying the release 9.1.0 files from PATCH/documentation/.

    Table 3-2 Oracle Identity Manager Design Console Preupgrade Files to Copy

    From To















  3. Edit the OIM_DC_HOME/xlclient/classpath.bat file and add the following string to the end of CLASSPATH:

  4. Specify the multicast address in the xlconfig.xml file of the Design Console as follows:

    1. Open the OIM_DC_HOME/xlclient/Config/xlconfig.xml file in a text editor.

    2. Add the following lines before the </xl-configuration> tag:

      <!--  Value of MultiCastAddress must be the same as that of Oracle Identity Manager -->
    3. Replace MULTICASTADDRESS_VALUE with the value of the multicast address for Oracle Identity Manager.


    After Oracle Identity Manager and the Design Console are upgraded, go to Adapter Manager on the Design Console and recompile all the adapters.

3.3.3 Preparing and Upgrading the Remote Manager

Prepare the Oracle Identity Manager Remote Manager for upgrade to release 9.1.0 by updating your release Remote Manager libraries, scripts, and configuration files. To do so:

  1. Create a backup of the OIM_RM_HOME/xlremote/lib/ directory.

  2. Copy the contents of the PATCH/xlremote/lib/ directory to the OIM_RM_HOME/xlremote/lib/ directory by overwriting the files if necessary.

3.3.4 Undeploy Applications

You must manually undeploy the applications running on BEA WebLogic Server before upgrading Oracle Identity Manager. To do so:

  1. Login to the WebLogic Administrative Console.

  2. In the left pane, go to Deployments, Applications, and then to Nexaweb.

  3. In the right pane, click the Deploy tab, and then click Stop Application.

  4. In the left pane, go to Deployments, Applications, and then to Xellerate.

  5. In the right pane, click the Deploy tab, and then click Stop Application.

  6. In the left pane, navigate to Deployment, and then to Applications.

  7. Click Delete to delete the Nexaweb application. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.

  8. In the left pane, navigate to Deployments, and then to Applications.

  9. Click Delete to delete the Xellerate application. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.

  10. Restart BEA WebLogic Server.


    For cluster installation, restart all the application servers including the Admin server after deleting the applications from the Admin console.

3.3.5 Multiple JMS Queues

Previously, Oracle Identity Manager used a single JMS queue (named xlQueue) for all asynchronous operations including requests, reconciliation, attestation, and offline tasks. In release 9.1.0, by default, Oracle Identity Manager uses separate JMS queues for specific operations to optimize JMS queue processing. The following is a list of the default JMS queue configuration and their related operations:

  • xlQueue for request operations

  • xlReconQueue for reconciliation operations

  • xlAuditQueue for auditing operations

  • xlAttestationQueue for attestation operations

  • xlProcessQueue for usage in future Oracle Identity Manager releases

This section provides details that help to create the additional JMS Queues.

For nonclustered installation, implement only the changes mentioned in "Creating JMS Queues for JMS Server (For Noncluster Installation Only)".

For clustered installation, implement only the changes mentioned in the following sections: Creating JMS Queues for JMS Server (For Noncluster Installation Only)

To create JMS queues for JMS server:

  1. Login to the WebLogic Administrative Console.

  2. Navigate to Services, JMS, and then to Servers.

  3. Expand the tree for the xlJMSServer.

  4. Click Destinations.

  5. Click the Clone icon for xlQueue.

  6. Enter the values for name and JNDI name as follows:

    • Name: xlReconQueue

    • JNDI Name: queue/xlReconQueue

  7. Click Clone, and then click the Redelivery tab.

  8. Select the Error Destination that starts with queue/xlErrorQueue.

  9. Repeat steps 4 through 8 with the following Name and JNDI Name values:

    • Name: xlAuditQueue

    • JNDI Name: queue/xlAuditQueue

    • Name: xlAttestationQueue

    • JNDI Name: queue/xlAttestationQueue

    • Name: xlProcessQueue

    • JNDI Name: queue/xlProcessQueue Creating JMS Queues for JMS Servers (For Clustered Installation Only)

To create JMS queues for JMS servers:

  1. Log in to the WebLogic Administrative Console.

  2. Navigate to Services, JMS, and then Servers.

  3. Expand the tree for the xlJMSServer JMS server that starts with xlJMSServer SERVER_NAME.

  4. Click Destinations.

  5. Click the Clone icon for xlQueue SERVER_NAME.

  6. Enter name and JNDI name as follows:

    • Name: xlReconQueue SERVER_NAME

    • JNDI Name: queue/xlReconQueue SERVER_NAME

  7. Clcik the Clone icon, and then click the Redelivery tab.

  8. Select the Error Destination that starts with queue/xlErrorQueue SERVER_NAME.

  9. Repeat steps 4 through 8 with the following name and JNDI Name values:

    • Name: xlAuditQueue SERVER_NAME

    • JNDI Name: queue/xlAuditQueue SERVER_NAME

    • Name: xlAttestationQueue SERVER_NAME

    • JNDI Name: queue/xlAttestationQueue SERVER_NAME

    • Name: xlProcessQueue SERVER_NAME

    • JNDI Name: queue/xlProcessQueue SERVER_NAME

  10. Repeat steps 3 through 9 for all available JMS servers starting with XlJMSServer SERVER_NAME. Creating JMS Distributed Queues (For Clustered Installation Only)

To create JMS distributed queues only for clustered installation:

  1. Login to the WebLogic Administrative Console.

  2. Navigate to Services, JMS, and then to Distributed Destination.

  3. Click Configure a new Distributed Queue...

  4. Enter the values for name and JNDI name as follows:

    • Name: xlReconQueue

    • JNDI Name: queue/xlReconQueue

  5. Clcik Create at the bottom of the page.

  6. Click the Members tab, then click the Configure a new Distributed Queue Member link.

  7. Provide the following details:

    • Name: Specify the name as SERVER_NAME_queue_member

    • JMS Queue: Select xlReconQueue SERVER_NAME

  8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 for the available servers. For example, for two managed servers (XL_SERVER1, XL_SERVER2) in the cluster, create the distributed queue members as listed in the following table:

    Name JMS Queue Name
    XL_SERVER1_queue_member xlReconQueueXL_SERVER1
    XL_SERVER2_queue_member xlReconQueueXL_SERVER2

  9. Click Configure a new Distributed Queue...

  10. Enter the values for name and JNDI name as follows:

    • Name: xlAuditQueue

    • JNDI Name: queue/xlAuditQueue

  11. Clcik Create at the bottom of the page.

  12. Click the Members tab, and then click the Configure a new Distributed Queue Member link.

  13. Provide the following details:

    • Name: Specify the name as SERVER_NAME_queue_member

    • JMS Queue: Select xlAuditQueue SERVER_NAME

  14. Repeat steps 12 and 13 for the available servers. For example, for two managed servers (XL_SERVER1, XL_SERVER2) in the cluster, create the distributed queue members as listed in the following table:

    Name JMS Queue Name
    XL_SERVER1_queue_member xlAuditQueueXL_SERVER1
    XL_SERVER2_queue_member xlAuditQueueXL_SERVER2

  15. Click Configure a new Distributed Queue...

  16. Enter the values for name and JNDI name as follows:

    • Name: xlAttestationQueue

    • JNDI Name: queue/xlAttestationQueue

  17. Clcik Create at the bottom of the page.

  18. Click the Members tab, and then click the Configure a new Distributed Queue Member link.

  19. Provide the following details:

    • Name: Specify the name as SERVER_NAME_queue_member

    • JMS Queue: Select xlAttestationQueue SERVER_NAME

  20. Repeat steps 18 and 19 for the available servers. For example, for two managed servers (XL_SERVER1, XL_SERVER2) in the cluster, create the distributed queue members as listed in the following table:

    Name JMS Queue Name
    XL_SERVER1_queue_member xlAttestationQueueXL_SERVER1
    XL_SERVER2_queue_member xlAttestationQueueXL_SERVER2

  21. Click Configure a new Distributed Queue...

  22. Enter the values for name and JNDI name as follows:

    • Name: xlProcessQueue

    • JNDI Name: queue/xlProcessQueue

  23. Click Create at the bottom of the page.

  24. Click the Members tab, and then click the Configure a new Distributed Queue Member link.

  25. Provide the following details:

    • Name: Specify the name as SERVER_NAME_queue_member

    • JMS Queue: Select xlProcessQueue SERVER_NAME

  26. Repeat steps 24 and 25 for the available servers. For example, for two managed servers (XL_SERVER1, XL_SERVER2) in the cluster, create the distributed queue members as listed in the following table:

    Name JMS Queue Name
    XL_SERVER1_queue_member xlProcessQueueXL_SERVER1
    XL_SERVER2_queue_member xlProcessQueueXL_SERVER2

3.4 Performing the Upgrade from Release to Release 9.1.0

Upgrading from an existing Oracle Identity Manager release deployment to Oracle Identity Manager release 9.1.0 involves assembling a new enterprise application archive (EAR) file from the latest libraries, and then redeploying the EAR.

Perform the following steps to upgrade to release 9.1.0 on a single BEA WebLogic Server installation and WebLogic cluster.

To upgrade from release

  1. Install the JDK version that is supported with Oracle Identity Manager 9.1.0 for BEA WebLogic Server.

    See Also:

    Oracle Identity Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for BEA Weblogic Server for more information about installing JDK for BEA WebLogic Server
  2. Stop BEA WebLogic Server.

  3. Navigate to BEA_HOME\user_projects\domains\NAME_OF_DOMAIN_DIRECTORY. For example, C:\bea\user_projects\domains\mydomain.

  4. In a text editor, open the WebLogic start script file. The start script is:

    • For Microsoft Windows:

    • For UNIX:
  5. JVM memory settings must be changed for production environments and when processing a large volume of data in nonproduction environments. Edit the script to specify memory options as follows:

    For Microsoft Windows, locate the line that starts with the following:


    Add either of the following lines just before it:

    • If Sun JVM is used:

      set MEM_ARGS=-Xms1280m -Xmx1280m -XX:PermSize=128m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m
    • If BEA JRockit JVM is used:

      set MEM_ARGS=-Xms1280m -Xmx1280m

    For UNIX, locate the line that starts with the following:


    Add either of the following lines just before it:

    • If Sun JVM is used:

      MEM_ARGS="-Xms1280m -Xmx1280m -XX:PermSize=128m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m"
      export MEM_ARGS
    • If BEA JRockit JVM is used:

      MEM_ARGS="-Xms1280m -Xmx1280m"
      export MEM_ARGS
  6. If BEA JRockit JVM is being used, add the -XnoOpt option to the existing JAVA_OPTIONS. This option turns off adaptive optimization and is required for stable Oracle Identity Manager operation.

    For Microsoft Windows, locate the line that starts with the following:


    Add the following line just before it:


    For UNIX, locate the line that starts with the following:


    Add the following line just before it:

    export JAVA_OPTIONS
  7. Save and close the file.

  8. In a text editor, open the following files and change the JAVA_HOME variable to point to the newly installed JDK directory:

    • BEA_HOME/weblogic81/common/bin/commEnv.cmd or

    • BEA_HOME/weblogic81/server/bin/ant.bat or

    • BEA_HOME/user_projects/domains/NAME_OF_DOMAIN_DIRECTORY/setEnv.cmd or

    • BEA_HOME/user_projects/domains/NAME_OF_DOMAIN_DIRECTORY/startWebLogic.cmd or

    Rename the jdk1.4.2_11 directory used for release to OLD_jdk1.4.2_11 or LEGACY_jdk1.4.2_11 to avoid confusion when running and troubleshooting the upgrade scripts.

  9. Edit the scripts specific to your operating system in the OIM_HOME/xellerate/setup/ directory as listed in Table 3-3.

    Table 3-3 WebLogic Upgrade Patch Scripts and Parameters to Edit

    Operating System Script to Edit Parameter to Edit

    Microsoft Windows


    • Replace @loc with the path to the Oracle Identity Manager installation directory.

    • Replace @bea_home with the path to the WebLogic installation directory.

    • Replace @java_loc with the path to the Java installation directory.



    Replace @java_home with the path to the Java installation directory.



    • Replace @java_loc with the path to the Java installation directory.

    • Replace @bea_home with the path to the weblogic installation directory.

    • Replace @loc with the path to the Oracle Identity Manager installation directory


    • Replace @loc with the path to the Oracle Identity Manager installation directory.

    • Replace @bea_home with the path to the WebLogic installation directory

    • Replace @java_loc with the path to the Java installation directory.


    Replace @java_home with the path to the Java installation directory.


    • Replace @java_loc with the path to the Java installation directory

    • Replace @bea_home with the path to the weblogic installation directory

    • Replace @loc with the path to the Oracle Identity Manager installation directory

  10. Delete the OIM_HOME/xellerate/webapp/precompiled/ directory.

  11. Start BEA WebLogic Server.


    For a clustered installation, before proceeding, ensure that the following fields and values are set on the Remote Start tab for all Managed Servers:
    • Java Home

    • BEA Home

    Ensure that the Listen Address field on the Configuration tab for all Managed Servers contains the Host Address.

  12. Copy the PATCH/xellerate/ext/ojdbc14.jar file to the BEA_HOME/weblogic81/server/lib/ directory. If the file already exists, then overwrite it.


    For a clustered installation, copy the ojdbc14.jar file to the BEA_HOME/weblogic81/server/lib/ directory on all cluster participants including the Admin Server, and overwrite the existing files if necessary.
  13. For upgrading attestation, see Appendix H, "Upgrade Attestation Utility".

  14. Run one of the following patch_weblogic scripts on the application server:


    Before running the patch scripts, ensure that the application server is in running state.

    For Microsoft Windows:

    Run OIM_HOME\xellerate\setup\patch_weblogic.cmd by using the WebLogic administrator password and the Oracle Identity Manager database user password as command arguments, for example:


    For UNIX:

    Run OIM_HOME/xellerate/setup/ by using the WebLogic administrator password and the Oracle Identity Manager database user password as command arguments, for example:

  15. Shut down BEA WebLogic Server gracefully.


    For a clustered installation, stop the cluster by right-clicking the name of the cluster, and then selecting the Start/Stop this cluster option. Shut down all Managed Servers by selecting the Graceful Shutdown of all Managed Servers option in the right pane.
  16. Copy OIM_HOME/xellerate/lib/wlXLSecurityProviders.jar to the BEA_HOME/weblogic81/server/lib/mbeantypes/ directory.

  17. Start BEA WebLogic Server.

  18. Run the Re-Issue Audit Message Task scheduled task to ensure that all the pending audit messages in the aud_jms table are processed.


    While running the Re-Issue Audit Message Task scheduled task, ensure that the database and the server are upgraded. If you are running the scheduled task by using the Design Console, then make sure that the Design Console has also been upgraded.

3.4.1 Redeploying SPML Web Service

If you are using SPML Web service in the existing Oracle Identity Manager setup, then you must redeploy the SPML Web service whenever the setup is upgraded.

See Also:

The "SPML Web Service" section in Oracle Identity Manager Tools Reference

3.5 Migrating Custom Java Code

You can migrate the custom Java code from release environment into the new release 9.1.0 environment. Before you migrate the custom Java code from the release environment, you must first recompile the custom code by using the release 9.1.0 libraries located in the OIM_HOME/xellerate/lib/ directory.

Using the integrated development environment that was originally used to compile the release custom Java code, which are Eclipse, JDeveloper, WASD or command-line javac, recompile all custom Java code by using the release 9.1.0 libraries.

The following is a list of the custom items you can migrate from release and reuse in release 9.1.0 after recompiling.


For clustered environments, after recompiling the following items using the release 9.1.0 libraries, copy them to each participant node in the cluster.

3.6 Postupgrade Configuration

You must perform the following postupgrade configuration procedures:

3.6.1 Setting the User Profile Audit Level

To set the user profile audit level:

  1. Define a secondary data source for reporting, if necessary.

    See Also:

    Oracle Identity Manager Audit Report Developer's Guide for more information about defining a secondary data source
  2. Start the application server on which Oracle Identity Manager is running.

  3. Set the audit level. The permissible values are (in descending order):

    • Process Task

    • Resource Form

    • Resource

    • Membership

    • Core

    • None

  4. To specify an audit level:

    1. Log on to the Design Console as an administrator.

    2. Navigate to the System Configuration form.

    3. Locate XL.UserProfileAuditDataCollection and set its value to Resource Form or the appropriate audit level as listed in step 3 of this procedure.

  5. To collect user profile audit data in the secondary reporting data store:

    1. Log on to the Design Console as an administrator.

    2. Navigate to the System Configuration form.

    3. Locate XL.UserProfileAuditInSecondaryDS and set its value to TRUE.

3.6.2 Generating User Snapshots

For detailed information about generating user snapshots, see Appendix E, "Generating User Snapshots".

3.6.3 Generating GPA Snapshots

For detailed information about generating GPA snapshots, see Appendix G, "Generating GPA Snapshots".

3.6.4 Loading Data for Exception-Based Reporting

To load data for exception-based reporting, run the UPA Form Data Upgrade utility. For information about the UPA Form Data Upgrade utility, see Appendix F, "UPA Form Data Upgrade Utility".

3.7 Upgrading the Diagnostic Dashboard

To upgrade the existing release Diagnostic Dashboard XIMDD application to the release 9.1.0 Diagnostic Dashboard on BEA WebLogic Server:

  1. Remove the existing XIMDD application by using the WebLogic Admin Console.

  2. Install a new instance of the XIMDD application by using the Release 9.1.0 ( Upgrade) XIMDD.war file in the PATCH/DiagnosticDashboard/ directory.

    See Also:

    The "Installing the Diagnostic Dashboard" section in the "Working with the Diagnostic Dashboard" chapter in the Oracle Identity Manager Administrative and User Console Guide for complete steps on how to install the Diagnostic Dashboard on the application server