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Oracle® Identity Manager Administrative and User Console Guide
Release 9.1.0

Part Number E10360-03
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24 Best Practices for Creating and Using Generic Technology Connectors

This chapter discusses the best practices, or guidelines, for creating and using generic technology connectors.


Some of the best practices have been repeated at appropriate places in the rest of the guide. Detailed descriptions are provided for best practices that are discussed only in this chapter.

Depending on the context in which you must apply them, the best practices are divided into the following sections:

Step 1: Provide Basic Information Page

Apply the following guidelines while specifying a name for a generic technology connector:

Step 2: Specify Parameter Values Page

This section describes the following known issues related to the input that you specify on the Step 2: Specify Parameter Values page:

Step 3: Modify Connector Configuration Page

This section discusses best practices related to the following areas:

Names of Fields

Note that the following validations are applied when you specify a field name while adding or editing fields:

  • Two fields that belong to the same data set (parent or child) cannot have the same name.

  • Two child data sets of the same parent data set cannot have the same name.

  • The name of a field in a parent data set cannot be the same as the name of one of its child data sets.

  • Two different child data sets can have fields that have the same name, regardless of whether or not the child data sets belong to the same parent data set. For example, the GroupMembership data set and Role data set can each have a field with the name UsrID.

  • Two different parent data sets can have fields that have the same name. Similarly, these data sets can also have child data sets that have the same name.

  • The name of a child data set can be the same as that of one of its fields.

Password Fields

To ensure the security of passwords, password information must not be reconciled through a generic technology connector. In other words, you must ensure that the Source and Reconciliation Staging data sets do not contain the Password field. In addition, you must not map any field of the Reconciliation Staging data sets to the Password field of the OIM - User data set.

Password-Like Fields

A password-like field is a field to which you set the Encrypted and Password Field attributes (by selecting the Encrypted and Password Field check boxes). You can create a password-like field by setting these two attributes to a field that you add to the OIM - Account data set.

To secure the contents of password-like fields, bear in mind the following guidelines while adding or editing these fields:

  • You can use the Password Field and Encrypted check boxes to secure the display and storage of password information in Oracle Identity Manager. However, when you map password-like fields to fields of the Provisioning Staging data set, you must take all necessary precautions to secure the data propagated in these fields. For example, you must ensure that this data is not stored in a plain-text file on the target system at the end of a provisioning operation.

    Oracle recommends creating only one-to-one mappings between the password field of the OIM - Account data set and the Provisioning Staging data set. In other words, this password field must not be used as an input field for a transformation mapping with a Provisioning Staging field. The same precaution must be taken for the Password field of the OIM - User data set.

  • As mentioned earlier, the Password field is one of the predefined fields of the OIM - User data set. The Password Field and Encrypted attributes are set for this field. By using the Design Console, you can set the Password Field and Encrypted attributes for a UDF that you create. This would give the newly created UDF the same properties as the existing Password field. However, the generic technology connector framework treats this field the same as any other text field (with the String data type) and the contents are not encrypted in the Administrative and User Console or database.

    This has also been mentioned in the "General Known Issues" section.


Apply the following best practices while working with fields of the OIM data sets:

  • Summary:

    If you select the Translation Transformation Provider to create a mapping, then specify the name of a lookup definition in the Lookup Code Name region. If you specify a data set name and field in the Lookup Code Name region, then translation would fail during actual reconciliation or provisioning operations.


    If you select the Translation Transformation Provider while creating a mapping, then the Step 2: Mapping page displays options for selecting a field from a data set and specifying a literal. Because you are using the Translation Transformation Provider, you must select the Literal option and enter the name of the lookup definition that contains the Code Key and Decode values for the translation. You must not select a data set name and field in the Lookup Code Name region. Although there is no validation to stop you from selecting a data set name and field, the translation operation would fail during actual reconciliation or provisioning operations.

  • Create a mapping between the ID field of the OIM - Account data set and the field that uniquely identifies records of the Reconciliation Staging data set.

  • Along with the ID field, other fields of the OIM - Account data set can be (matching-only) mapped to corresponding fields of the Reconciliation Staging data set to create a composite key field for reconciliation matching.

  • Create mappings between all fields in Provisioning Staging data sets and corresponding fields in OIM data sets.

  • To create a reconciliation rule, you create matching-only mappings between fields of the Reconciliation Staging data set and the OIM - User data set. If there are child data sets, then ensure that the names of fields of the Reconciliation Staging data set that are input fields for the matching-only mappings are not used in any of the Reconciliation Staging child data sets. If you do not follow this guideline, then reconciliation would fail.

    This has also been mentioned in the "Step 3: Modify Connector Configuration Page" section.

  • A literal field can be used as one of the input fields of a transformation mapping. If you select the Literal option, then you must enter a value in the field. You must not leave the field blank after selecting it.

OIM Data Sets

Apply the following best practices while working with fields of the OIM data sets:

  • For trusted source reconciliation, the following fields of the OIM – User data set must always hold values:

    • User ID

    • First Name

    • Last Name

    • Organization Name

    • Xellerate Type

    • Role

    In addition, you can select other OIM – User fields that must be populated when a user account is created through reconciliation. For each of these fields, you must create mappings with the corresponding fields of the Reconciliation Staging data sets. During a reconciliation run, you must ensure that the fields of the target system that serve as the source for these fields always hold values.

    For provisioning, you can select fields of the OIM – User and OIM – Account data sets whose values must be propagated to the target system. After you identify these fields, create mappings between them and their corresponding fields in the Provisioning Staging data sets. During a provisioning operation, you must enter values for each of these fields.

  • If required, add user-defined fields (UDFs) to the list of predefined OIM - User data set fields by using the Design Console.

    However, do not use the Design Console to set the Password Field and Encrypted attributes for the UDF. The contents of a UDF are not encrypted if the Password Field and Encrypted attributes have been set for the field by using the Design Console.

    This has also been mentioned in the "General Known Issues" section.

  • Do not modify or delete attributes of OIM - Account data set fields in an existing generic technology connector.

Shared Drive Reconciliation Transport Provider


If parent records and child data records are created and linked in both the target system and Oracle Identity Manager, then you must ensure that the staging directory contains both parent data and child data files at the start of each reconciliation run.


Suppose there are parent data records with associated child data records in the target system. To reconcile these records into Oracle Identity Manager, you place the parent and child data files containing these records in the staging directory. During the reconciliation run, the child data records are linked to their corresponding parent data records. Before the start of any subsequent reconciliation run, if you remove the child data files from the staging directory, then reconciliation events are not created for this form of child data record deletion. If you want to remove child data records for specific parent data records, then you must remove the child data records from the child data file. You must ensure that the child data file is placed in the staging directory for each reconciliation run, even if there are no child data records (from the third line onward) in the files.

Custom Providers

Apply the following guideline while working with custom providers:

When you develop code for a custom Provisioning Transport Provider, ensure that the provider returns the unique field value at the end of a Create User operation. This functionality is implemented by the sendData method of the Provisioning Transport Provider. See "Role of Providers During Provisioning" for more information.

Connector Objects

Apply the following guidelines while working with connector objects created automatically during generic technology connector creation:

Modifying Generic Technology Connectors

Apply the following best practices while modifying generic technology connectors:

Do not try to modify more than one generic technology connector at a time, even from different sessions of the Administrative and User Console for the same Oracle Identity Manager installation.