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Oracle® Identity Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for IBM WebSphere Application Server
Release 9.1.0

Part Number E10371-05
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4 Installing and Configuring a Database for Oracle Identity Manager

Oracle Identity Manager requires a database. You must install and configure your database before you begin the Oracle Identity Manager installation. Refer to the topic that applies to your database:

4.1 Using an Oracle Database for Oracle Identity Manager

The following are the high-level tasks for using an Oracle Database for Oracle Identity Manager.

  1. Install Oracle. Refer to the "Installing Oracle Database" section.

  2. Create an Oracle Database. Refer to the "Creating an Oracle Database" section.

  3. Prepare the Database. Refer to the "Preparing the Oracle Database" section.

4.1.1 Installing Oracle Database

Install Oracle9i Database or Oracle Database 10g release 2 by referring to the documentation delivered with the Oracle database. See Oracle Identity Manager Release Notes for the specific supported versions. Oracle recommends using the Basic installation.


If you choose the Custom installation, then you must include the JVM option, which is required for XA transaction support.

4.1.2 Creating an Oracle Database

You can create a new Oracle database instance for Oracle Identity Manager. When creating the database, ensure that you configure the Oracle JVM feature and enable query rewrite.

You can use the Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA) tool to create the database. To configure the Oracle JVM feature, select the Oracle JVM feature on the Standard Database Features page of the DBCA.

To enable the database for query rewrite, set the initialization parameters QUERY_REWRITE_ENABLED to TRUE and QUERY_REWRITE_INTEGRITY to TRUSTED in the All Initialization Parameters field of the DBCA.


For the Oracle Identity Manager installation, Oracle recommends that you configure a minimum block size of 8K for Oracle Database.

Consult your Oracle Database documentation for detailed instructions on creating a database instance. Configuring the Database for Globalization Support

For globalization support for Oracle Identity Manager Release, Oracle recommends that configuring the database for Unicode. To configure the database for Unicode, perform the following steps:

  1. Select AL32UTF8 in the Character Sets tab of the DBCA. This character set supports the Unicode standard.

  2. Set the NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS initialization parameter to CHAR in the All Initialization Parameters field of the DBCA.

    See Also:

    Oracle Identity Manager Globalization Guide for more information about globalization support in Oracle Identity Manager

4.1.3 Preparing the Oracle Database

After you install Oracle Database and create a database instance, you must prepare it for Oracle Identity Manager by completing the following tasks:

  • Verify that query rewrite is enabled


    Query rewrite is applicable only if you are using Oracle Database Enterprise Edition.
  • Enable XA transactions support


    Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is required to enable XA transaction support. If you did not install the Oracle JVM component during Oracle Database installation, then you must install it now. See the Oracle Database documentation for specific instructions.
  • Create at least one tablespace for storing Oracle Identity Manager data

  • Create a database user account for Oracle Identity Manager

You can perform the preceding tasks to prepare the Oracle database for Oracle Identity Manager by running one of the following scripts:

  • UNIX or Linux:
  • Microsoft Windows:


Both of these scripts ship with the Oracle Identity Manager Installer and are in the \installServer\Xellerate\db\oracle\ directory.

The prerequisites to run the prepare_xl_db scripts are:

  • The script must be run by a user holding DBA privilege. For example, the oracle user on UNIX or Linux typically holds these privileges.

  • The script must be run on the computer in which the database is installed.

To prepare your Oracle database for Oracle Identity Manager, complete the steps associated with the operating system on the computer hosting the Oracle database. Preparing on UNIX or Linux

To prepare the scripts on UNIX or Linux:

  1. Copy the and xell_db_prepare.sql scripts from the distribution CD to a directory on the computer hosting the database in which you (as the account user performing this task) have write permission.

  2. Run the following command to enable execute permission for the script:

    chmod 755
  3. Run the script by entering the following command:

  4. Provide information appropriate for the database and host computer when the script prompts you for the following items:

    • The location of your Oracle home, which is ORACLE_HOME

    • The name of the database, which is ORACLE_SID

    • The name of the Oracle Identity Manager database user to be created

    • The password for the Oracle Identity Manager database user

    • The name of the tablespace to be created for storing Oracle Identity Manager data

    • The directory to store the data file for the Oracle Identity Manager tablespace

    • The name of the data file (You do not append the .dbf extension.)

    • The name of the temporary tablespace

  5. Check the prepare_xl_db.lst log file located in the directory in which you ran the prepare_xl_db script to see execution status and additional information.


    If you encounter errors after running the script, then run the following command to ensure that the is executable on UNIX and Linux, and then run the script again.
    $ dos2unix Preparing on Microsoft Windows

To prepare the scripts on Microsoft Windows:

  1. Copy the prepare_xl_db.bat and xell_db_prepare.sql scripts from the distribution CD to a directory on the computer hosting the database in which you (as the account user performing this task) have write permission.

  2. Open a command prompt, navigate to the directory in which you copied the scripts, and run prepare_xl_db.bat with the following arguments:


    For example, the string you enter on the command line might look similar to the following:

    prepare_xl_db.bat XELL C:\oracle\ora92 xladm xladm xeltbs C:\oracle\oradata xeltbs_01 TEMP manager

    Table 4-1 lists the options used in the preceding example of prepare_xl_db.bat.

    Table 4-1 Options for the prepare_xl_db.bat Script

    Argument Description


    Name of the database


    Directory in which the Oracle database is installed


    Name of the Oracle Identity Manager user to be created


    Password for the Oracle Identity Manager user


    Name of the tablespace to be created


    Directory in which the data files will be placed


    Name of the data file (you do not need to include the .dbf extension)


    Name of the temporary tablespace that already exists in the database


    Password for the SYS user

  3. Check the prepare_xl_db.lst log file located in the directory in which you ran the xell_db_prepare script to see execution status and additional information. Interpreting the Script Results

If the script returns a message indicating successful execution, then you can continue to the next task, which is Oracle Identity Manager installation.If the script does not succeed, then you must manually fix all fatal (nonrecoverable) errors so that the database is prepared successfully.You can ignore all nonfatal errors. For example, when the script tries to drop a nonexistent view, it will return the error "ORA-00942: table or view does not exist".Ensure that you scan all the errors in the log file and ignore or resolve them on an individual basis. Remember that you must successfully prepare the database for Oracle Identity Manager before you can install Oracle Identity Manager.

4.1.4 Removing Oracle Identity Manager Entries from an Oracle Database

To remove Oracle Identity Manager entries from an Oracle database after removing Oracle Identity Manager, drop the database user holding the Oracle Identity Manager schema.

4.2 Using Oracle RAC Databases for Oracle Identity Manager

This section explains how to deploy Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) databases for Oracle Identity Manager. It discusses the following sections:

4.2.1 Installing Oracle Identity Manager for Oracle RAC

Oracle RAC is a cluster database with a shared cache architecture that provides highly scalable and available database solutions. Oracle RAC consists of multiple database instances on different computers. These database instances act in tandem to provide the database solutions.


The Oracle Identity Manager Installer program does not provide support for Oracle RAC. To deploy Oracle Identity Manager for Oracle RAC, you must install Oracle Identity Manager on a single database instance in Oracle RAC and then change the application server settings, specifically the connection pool parameters, to use the Oracle RAC JDBC connection string.

Perform the following steps to install Oracle Identity Manager for Oracle RAC:

  1. Ensure that Oracle RAC is properly set up and configured with the Oracle Identity Manager schema owner.

  2. Start the Oracle Identity Manager Installer.

  3. On the Database Parameters page of the installer, enter the host name, port number, and database name of a single database instance in Oracle RAC.

  4. Complete the Oracle Identity Manager installation by performing the steps in the installer.

  5. Configure your application server for Oracle RAC. Refer to the "Configuring IBM WebSphere Application Server for Oracle RAC" section.

4.2.2 Oracle RAC Net Services

The net services name entry for an Oracle RAC database differs from that of a conventional database. The following is an example of the net services name entry for an Oracle RAC database:


Table 4-2 describes the parameters in a net services name entry for an Oracle RAC database.

Table 4-2 Parameters for Oracle RAC Database Net Services Name Entries

Parameter Description


Specifies whether client load balancing is enabled (on) or disabled (off). The default setting is on.


Specifies whether failover is enabled (on) or disabled (off). The default setting is on.


Specifies the list of all the nodes in Oracle RAC, including their host names and the ports they listen on.

4.2.3 JDBC and Oracle RAC

JDBC client applications that use the Thin driver to connect to an Oracle RAC database must use the Oracle RAC net services name as a part of the JDBC URL. The entire Oracle RAC net services name is concatenated, and the entire string is used in the JDBC URL so that the client application can connect to Oracle RAC.

The following sample code shows how a JDBC URL is used to connect to an Oracle RAC database:

//String url = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@dbhost:1521:dbservice"
String racUrl =

       String strUser = "username";
       String strPW = "password";

       // load Oracle driver   

       // create the connection
       con = DriverManager.getConnection(strURL, strUser, strPW);

The subsequent sections about configuring application servers for Oracle RAC databases explain how to modify connection pools to use a similar JDBC URL so that the application server can communicate with Oracle RAC.

4.2.4 Configuring IBM WebSphere Application Server for Oracle RAC

This section explains how to configure IBM WebSphere Application Server (nonclustered or clustered) for Oracle RAC by ensuring that the data sources and connection pools are configured to use the Oracle RAC JDBC connection string.


Before configuring WebSphere application servers for Oracle RAC, you must:
  • Get the RAC net services name from the tnsnames.ora file.

  • Construct the RAC JDBC URL. Refer to the "JDBC and Oracle RAC" section.

Perform the following steps to configure both nonclustered and clustered WebSphere application servers for Oracle RAC:

  1. Open the OIM_HOME/xellerate/config/xlconfig.xml file.

  2. Locate the <DirectDB> section and replace the value of the <url>...</url> tag with the RAC JDBC URL. For example, the new tag might be similar to the following:

  3. Save and close the OIM_HOME/xellerate/config/xlconfig.xml file.

  4. Log on to the WebSphere Administrative Console by using a Web browser if you are configuring a nonclustered WebSphere environment. Log on to the WebSphere Administrative Console of the Network Deployment Manager (NDM) by using a Web browser if you are configuring a clustered WebSphere environment.

  5. Select Resources, JDBC, Data Sources, and then select Non XA DataSource.

    At the bottom of the page, replace/set the value of URL property to RAC JDBC URL as described in step 2.

  6. Save the settings.

  7. Select Resources, JDBC, Data Sources, and then select XADataSource.

    At the bottom of the page, replace/set the value of URL property to RAC JDBC URL as described in step 2.

  8. Save the settings.

  9. Restart the WebSphere application server if you are configuring a nonclustered WebSphere environment. Restart the WebSphere NDM if you are configuring a clustered WebSphere environment.

4.3 Using a Microsoft SQL Server Database for Oracle Identity Manager


Microsoft SQL Server is not supported in Oracle Identity Manager release 9.1.0. See "Certified Components" in Oracle Identity Manager Release Notes for information about certified components.

The following are high-level tasks for using a SQL Server database with Oracle Identity Manager.

  1. Install and configure SQL Server. Refer to the "Installing and Configuring Microsoft SQL Server" section.

  2. Register your SQL server. Refer to the "Registering Microsoft SQL Server" section.

  3. Create an SQL Server database. Refer to the "Creating a Microsoft SQL Server Database" section on page 4-9.

  4. Create an SQL Server database account. Refer to the "Creating a Microsoft SQL Server Database Account" section.

After you have completed these tasks, proceed to install Oracle Identity Manager.

4.3.1 Installing and Configuring Microsoft SQL Server

To install and configure SQL Server for Oracle Identity Manager:

  1. Install Microsoft SQL Server 2000 with Service Pack 3a.

    During the installation, select mixed authentication mode, and then set the password to sa.

  2. On the computer hosting the application server, download the SQL Server 2000 Driver for JDBC Service Pack 3 from

  3. On the computer hosting the application server, install SQL Server 2000 Driver for JDBC Service Pack 3.


    Specify a short path for the installation folder, such as C:\JDBCjars, so that you can easily add the path to your CLASSPATH (Step 4). If the classpath is more than 256 characters, then the installer does not work properly.
  4. On the computer hosting the application server, locate the JDBC driver files: mssqlserver.jar, msbase.jar, and msutil.jar.

    Add the location of the files to the system CLASSPATH environment variable. If the CLASSPATH environment variable does not exist, then you must create it. The string you add must look similar to the following:


    In these sample strings, jdbc_install_folder is the location where the SQL Server 2000 Driver for JDBC files is installed.

  5. Enable distributed transactions by installing SQL Server JDBC XA procedures. This involves copying the sqljdbc.dll file in the <SQLServer JDBC Driver>\ SQLServer JTA\ directory to the following directory:

    C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQl Server\MSSQL\Binn
  6. Run the instjdbc.sql script. Follow the instructions for installing stored procedures for Java Transaction APIs (JTA).

    These instructions are bundled with the SQL Server 2000 Driver for JDBC. Refer to the jdbcsqlsrv9.html Help file.

  7. Ensure that the Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MSDTC) service for Microsoft SQL Server is running. If necessary, use the SQL Server Service Manager to start it.


You can set the Distributed Transaction Coordinator to start automatically whenever the operating system is restarted.

4.3.2 Registering Microsoft SQL Server

To register the SQL server:

  1. Start the Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Manager application.

    From the Windows Start menu, select Programs, Microsoft SQL Server, and then select Enterprise Manager.

  2. In the left pane of the SQL Server Enterprise Manager application window, select Console Root, and then select Microsoft SQL Servers.

  3. Right-click SQL Server Group, and then select New SQL Server Registration.

  4. In the Register SQL Server Wizard dialog box, click Next.

  5. On the Select a SQL Server page, perform one of the three following steps:

    • Select the server from the list in the right pane, click Add, and then click Next.

    • Select LOCAL, click Add, and then click Next.

    • Enter the host name of the server in the text entry box, click Add, and then click Next.

  6. In the Select an Authentication Mode page, select The SQL Server login information that was assigned to me by the administrator [SQL Server Authentication], and then click Next.

  7. In the Register Connection Option page, select Login automatically using my SQL server account information, and then complete the following steps:

    1. In the Login name field, enter the account name used to connect to your SQL server. Typically, this is sa.

    2. In the Password field, enter the password associated with the account name you specified, and then click Next.

  8. In the Select SQL Server Group page, select Add the SQL Server(s) to an existing SQL Server Group, select a group from the Group name list, and then click Next.

  9. In the Completing the Register SQL Server Wizard page, click Finish, and then click Done.

4.3.3 Creating a Microsoft SQL Server Database

This section describes how to create a SQL Server database.


You are not required to use XELL as the name for the database. This document refers to the name of the database as XELL throughout.

To create a new database for Oracle Identity Manager:

  1. Start the Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Manager application. To do so, from the Windows Start menu, select Programs, select Microsoft SQL Server, and then select Enterprise Manager.

  2. In the left pane of the SQL Server Enterprise Manager application window, select Console Root, select Microsoft SQL Servers, select the server group to which your server belongs, and then double-click the icon representing the server.

  3. Right-click Databases, and then select New Database.

  4. In the Database Properties dialog box, select the General tab, and then enter XELL in the Name field.

  5. Select the Data Files tab. Then, for the Initial Size and Filegroup columns in the Database files matrix, enter the information from the corresponding columns in Table 4-3.


    Table 4-3 lists initial sizes for a production environment. For nonproduction installations, you can use the default initial sizes provided for the filegroups.

    Table 4-3 Database Files

    File Name Initial Size in Megabytes (MB) Filegroup Name Content




    System objects required for SQL Server operation




    Physical data and primary keys








    Large text fields




    Keys for the User Profile Audit component


    To ensure successful installation of Oracle Identity Manager, filegroup names must be entered exactly as they appear in Table 4-3. You can vary the File Name and Location strings to match the database name and the location of the SQL Server installation.
    1. Select Automatically Grow File.

    2. Select By Percent, and then enter 10 in the associated field.

    3. Select Unrestricted file growth.


    The PRIMARY filegroup contains the system objects required for SQL Server to operate. The XELL_DATA filegroup stores the physical data and primary keys, XELL_INDEX filegroup stores indexes, XELL_TEXT stores large text fields, and XELL_UPA stores the physical data and primary keys of the User Profile Audit component.
  6. Select the Transaction Log tab, and then change the initial size to 500 MB.

    Leave all the other options on the tab at their default values.


    For nonproduction installations, you can use the default initial size for the log file.
  7. Click OK to trigger database creation.

4.3.4 Creating a Microsoft SQL Server Database Account

Complete the following procedure to create a database account for Oracle Identity Manager and assign appropriate permissions to that account.


The following procedure assumes the account name xladm. If you want an account name other than xladm, then specify that name instead of xladm throughout the procedure and also when installing Oracle Identity Manager.

To create a SQL Server database account:

  1. Start the Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Manager application.

    From the Windows Start menu, select Programs, select Microsoft SQL Server, and then select Enterprise Manager.

  2. In the left pane of the SQL Server Enterprise Manager application window, select Console Root, select Microsoft SQL Servers, select the server group to which your server belongs, and then double-click the icon representing your server.

  3. Select Security, right-click Logins, and then select New Login.

  4. In the SQL Server Login Properties dialog box, click the General tab.

    In the Name field, enter xladm.

  5. Select SQL Server Authentication. In the Password field, enter the password associated with the account name that you specified in Step 4.

  6. In the Database box within the Defaults section, select XELL from the list.

    Leave the Language field set to <default>.

  7. Click the Database Access tab.

    In the upper panel, select the check box associated with XELL.

  8. In the lower panel, select the check boxes associated with the following:

    • public

    • db_owner

    • db_accessadmin

    • db_securityadmin

    • db_ddladmin

    • db_datareader

    • db_datawriter

  9. Click OK to commit the changes.

    When prompted, confirm the password and click OK.

  10. To check your database settings, right-click the icon representing the server, and then select Properties from the shortcut menu.

  11. In the SQL Server Properties page, click the Security tab, and then verify that Authentication is set to Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft Windows.

  12. Click the General tab, and verify that the check boxes associated with Autostart SQL Server and Autostart MSDTC are selected.

    If Autostart SQL Server Agent is selected, then do not change the existing setting, because that setting might be required by other applications.

    Click OK to close the SQL Server Properties page.

4.3.5 Removing Oracle Identity Manager Entries from a SQL Server Database

To remove Oracle Identity Manager entries from a SQL Server database after removing Oracle Identity Manager, perform the following steps:

  1. Delete the Oracle Identity Manager database.

  2. Delete the Oracle Identity Manager login account.