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Oracle® Identity Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for IBM WebSphere Application Server
Release 9.1.0

Part Number E10371-05
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3 Installing and Configuring Nonclustered IBM WebSphere Application Server for Oracle Identity Manager

This chapter explains how to set up nonclustered IBM WebSphere Application Server before and after installing Oracle Identity Manager.


Refer to the "Deploying Oracle Identity Manager in a Clustered WebSphere Configuration" section if you are using WebSphere in an application server cluster.

This chapter discusses the following topics:

3.1 Overview of WebSphere Installation and Configuration

The following are high-level preinstallation and postinstallation tasks. You must perform all of these tasks.

  1. Install the WebSphere Application Server: Refer to the "Installing the WebSphere Application Server" section on page 3-2.

  2. Install WebSphere Application Client: Refer to the "Installing the WebSphere Application Client" section on page 3-2.

  3. Enable SOAP Communication to WebSphere: Refer to the "Enabling SOAP Communication with WebSphere" section on page 3-2.

  4. Upgrade WebSphere server and client software: Refer to the "Upgrading the WebSphere Server and Client" section on page 3-3.

  5. Prepare the environment: Refer to the "Setting Environment Variables" section on page 3-4.

  6. Increase the memory setting for the Java Virtual Machine: Refer to the "Setting JVM Memory and Arguments" section on page 3-4.

  7. Obtain the cell and node name of the WebSphere instance on which you plan to install Oracle Identity Manager: Refer to the "Obtaining the WebSphere Cell and Node Name" section on page 3-5.

  8. Install Oracle Identity Manager: Refer to the "Starting WebSphere Before Installing Oracle Identity Manager" section on page 3-6.

3.2 Installing the WebSphere Application Server

Install the appropriate WebSphere Application Server release supported by Oracle Identity Manager for a standalone and single server configuration.


When installing the WebSphere Application Server, you must clear the Enable administrative security option on the Enable Administrative Security page of the WebSphere installer. By default, the Enable administrative security option is selected.

By default, this WebSphere Application Server installation creates the application server named server1 under the profile named AppSrv01. Node is created with a naming convention of hostnameNode01. Cell is created with a naming convention of nodenameCell. For example, if the host name is oimtest, then the node name is oimtestNode01 and the cell name is oimtestNode01Cell.


For a clustered configuration, you must use WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment.

3.3 Installing the WebSphere Application Client

The WebSphere Application Client is required to run the Oracle Identity Manager Design Console. Install the release of WebSphere Application Client (base) supported by Oracle Identity Manager. Refer to the WebSphere documentation for detailed installation procedures.

3.4 Enabling SOAP Communication with WebSphere

The Oracle Identity Manager Installer communicates with WebSphere as a SOAP client by using JACL commands to create data sources, set up message queues, and perform other operations.

To enable SOAP communication with WebSphere:

  1. In a text editor, open the following file:


    Edit the property lines as follows:


    If you have used a user ID or password other than xelsysadm when installing Oracle Identity Manager, then enter the same user ID and password here.
  2. If you want to encode the password in the soap.client.props file, then run the PropFilePasswordEncoder command from the WEBSPHERE_HOME/profiles/PROFILE_NAME/bin directory.

    This command is specific to IBM WebSphere Application Server, and it encodes passwords located in plain-text property files. Refer to IBM WebSphere Application Server documentation for more details.

  3. Save and close the file.

3.5 Obtaining the Bootstrap Port

During WebSphere Application Client installation, you are prompted for the WebSphere Server host name and port. The port is the WebSphere bootstrap port. You must also provide this port number during Design Console installation. Obtain the bootstrap port number by using the WebSphere administrative console.


The WebSphere application server must be running to obtain the bootstrap port number.

To view the bootstrap port number on a nonclustered installation:

  1. Log on to the WebSphere administrative console.

  2. Select Servers, Application Servers, <SERVER_NAME>, and then select Ports under Communication.

    The bootstrap port is displayed as BOOTSTRAP_ADDRESS.

To view the bootstrap port number on a clustered installation:

  1. Log on to the WebSphere administrative console.

  2. Select System Administration, Deployment Manager, then select Ports under Additional Properties.

    The bootstrap port is displayed as BOOTSTRAP_ADDRESS.

3.6 Upgrading the WebSphere Server and Client

Both the WebSphere Application Server and the Client must be updated with the Oracle Identity Manager fix packs from IBM.

Perform the following upgrades in the following sequence:

  1. Upgrade the WebSphere Application Server.

  2. Upgrade the JDK for WebSphere server.

  3. Upgrade your WebSphere Client.

  4. Upgrade the JDK for WebSphere Client.


See Oracle Identity Manager Release Notes Release 9.1.0 for the minimum certified versions of WebSphere fix packs and JDK fixes required by Oracle Identity Manager.

Oracle Identity Manager supports all JDK fixes and WebSphere fix packs on top of the minimum certified versions.

3.7 Setting Environment Variables

The following environment variable settings are necessary for Oracle Identity Manager Installer:

3.8 Setting JVM Memory and Arguments

For Oracle Identity Manager, JVM memory settings must be changed for production environments and/or when processing large volume in nonproduction.

Perform the following steps to set the JVM memory size. The WebSphere application server must be running to set the memory size.

To set the JVM memory size:

  1. Connect to the WebSphere administrative console by using the following URL:

    http://WebSphere Host:WebSphere Admin Port/admin


    The default WebSphere administrative console port is 9060.
  2. Select Servers, and then select Application Servers.

  3. Select the server name.

  4. Go to Server Infrastructure, and then click Java and Process Management.

  5. Select Process Definition.

  6. Go to Additional Properties, and then click Java Virtual Machine.

  7. Enter 1280 for Minimum Heap Size.

  8. Enter 1280 for Maximum Heap Size.

  9. Enter -Xjit:disableLocalVP,disableGlobalVP for Generic JVM arguments.

  10. Click OK.

  11. Click Save to commit the setting.


    For clustered installation of WebSphere, these changes must be done for all the servers participating in the cluster.

3.9 Obtaining the WebSphere Cell and Node Name

After installing and initially configuring WebSphere, you must obtain the cell and node name of the WebSphere instance on which you plan to install Oracle Identity Manager. The Oracle Identity Manager Installer will prompt you for this information during the installation.

To obtain the cell and node name:

  1. Connect to the WebSphere administrative console by using the following URL:

    http://WebSphere Host:WebSphere Admin Port/admin
  2. In the left pane, click Servers.

  3. Click Application Servers under Servers.

  4. Click the server instance (server1, default) on the right section.

  5. Click the Runtime tab.

  6. Note the values for Cell Name and Node Name.


    If the value of State is not Started, then restart the server instance.

3.10 Preparing to Install Oracle Identity Manager as a Non-Root User on UNIX or Linux

Installing Oracle Identity Manager as a non-root user on a WebSphere application server running on UNIX or Linux requires certain permissions. Before attempting to install Oracle Identity Manager as a non-root user on a WebSphere application server running on UNIX or Linux, verify that the operating system user account installing Oracle Identity Manager has write and execute permissions on the directories in which WebSphere will be installed.

3.11 Starting WebSphere Before Installing Oracle Identity Manager

The Oracle Identity Manager Installer communicates with the WebSphere server during installation. Therefore, you must verify that the application server is running before you start the installation.To start WebSphere on Microsoft Windows, use the Windows Start menu, or the WEBSPHERE_HOME\profiles\PROFILE_NAME\bin\startServer.bat script. For example, run:

WEBSPHERE_HOME\profiles\PROFILE_NAME\bin\startServer.bat server name

To start WebSphere on UNIX or Linux, use the WEBSPHERE_HOME/profiles/PROFILE_NAME/bin/ script. For example, run:

WEBSPHERE_HOME/profiles/PROFILE_NAME/bin/ server name

To install Oracle Identity Manager, follow the installation instructions in the chapter specific to your operating system. Refer to the "Installing Oracle Identity Manager on Microsoft Windows" section or the "Installing Oracle Identity Manager on UNIX or Linux" section for more information.