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Oracle® Beehive Installation Guide
Release 1 (1.2 and 1.3) for Microsoft Windows

Part Number E10478-03
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25 Installing Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook

This module describes how to install and configure Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook.


Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 or later is required on Windows XP computers where users intend to leverage non-English locales with Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook. Attempting to run Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook with a non-English locale on a computer with Windows XP Service Pack 1 (or earlier) may result in the computer failing to operate normally.

Installing Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook Using the Remote Downloader

You can install Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook by distributing a remote downloader to end users. The remote downloader allows end users to download and install the provisioned Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook application from the Device Management Service (DMS) repository. By default, the DMS contains a pre-seeded Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook application that is provisioned for all end users. For more information on how to provision applications for specific users or groups of users, see the "Managing the Device Management Service" module in the Oracle Beehive Administrator's Guide.

Retrieve the remote downloader outlook_integration_downloader.exe at <Oracle-Home>/beehive/bootstrap/obio/downloader, where <Oracle-Home> is the name of your Oracle Beehive directory.

Pre-Seeding a Server Name in the Remote Downloader

The remote downloader prompts the end user to provide a server name, account name, and password to initiate download and installation. If you wish to pre-seed a server name to prevent end users from having to specify a server name on their own, rename the remote downloader to <fully qualified server name>.exe. For example, if your server name is, your remote downloader name would be

Pre-Seeding Port Number and Secure Connection

You can pre-seed the port number that Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook should use when connecting to the server, as well as whether a secure connection should be used, by using commas to delimit the additional information. For example, if your remote downloader name is and you wish to pre-seed the port number and secure connection in the downloader, you would rename the file to,5223,SSL.exe, where 5223 is your port number and SSL is the secure connection.


You can only pre-seed port number and connection type when using the direct connection method for Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook.

Installing Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook Interactively

You can give end users direct access to the Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook installer. End users install the product by double-clicking the installer and following the on-screen instructions.

Retrieve the installer outlook_integration_setup.exe at <Oracle-Home>/beehive/bootstrap/obio/setup, where <Oracle-Home> is the name of your Oracle Beehive directory.

Installing Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook Silently

You can install Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook silently without users having to provide input or perform an installation themselves.

To install Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook silently:

Execute the following command:

outlook_integration_setup.exe /s UI=<Installer-UI-Option>

<Installer-UI-Option> can be one of the four values provided in the table below.

Table 25-1 Installer UI Options

Value Function


No user interface during install


Displays only a progress bar during install


Presents an install screen with different dialog boxes but does not require user input to run


Runs a fully interactive installer requiring user input

To uninstall Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook in silent mode, use the Msiexec.exe /x {A634A2AF-2495-4F36-B88F-0B24B84A183C} /qn command.

Uninstalling Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook

End users can remove Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook from their computers by clicking Add/Remove Programs, selecting Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook from the list, and clicking Remove.

Installing Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook Using Active Directory

If your end users are running systems on Windows 2000, Windows XP, or Windows Vista that are locked down, they can install Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook using Active Directory Group Policy. To perform an Active Directory installation, the domain administrator must create a package for Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook in the Active Directory Administrative Tool and then assign the package to the organization units that contain the intended end users. The software will then be installed on end users' computers during startup.

Creating an msi installation package for Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook

Active Directory only recognizes software packaged in the msi file format, which contains information about the application setup and installation.

To create an msi installation package for Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook:

  1. Extract the outlook_integration_application.msi file from the Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook package using the outlook_integration_setup.exe /export type=client <Extracted folder path> command.

  2. Extract the prerequisite.msi file from the Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook package using the outlook_integration_setup.exe /export type=system <Extracted folder path> command.

Deploying Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook using Active Directory Group Policy

Before proceeding, make sure you have extracted the msi files for Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook to an accessible location.

To deploy Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook using Active Directory Group Policy:

  1. From the Start menu, select Control Panel, then Administrative Tools.

  2. Click Active Directory Users and Computers.

  3. Create an organization unit that includes all the computers on which you want to install Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook. Alternatively, select an existing organization unit.

  4. Right-click your chosen organization unit in the Active Directory Users and Computers tree.

  5. From the Shortcut menu, click Properties.

  6. In the Properties dialog box, click the Group Policy tab.

  7. Click Edit if you are modifying an existing group policy, or Add if you are creating a group policy.


    The following steps will ensure that Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook is installed on all computers in your chosen organization unit. It also ensures that all users of a given computer have access to Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook.
  8. Select and expand the Computer Configuration node.

  9. Under the Computer Configuration node, expand the Software Settings folder.

  10. Right-click Software Installation and select New.

  11. From the Shortcut menu, click Package.

  12. Enter the path to your extracted prerequisite.msi file.

  13. Selected Assigned and click OK.

  14. Repeat steps 10-13 for your extracted outlook_integration_application.msi file.


    For more information on how to obtain msi files for Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook, see Creating an msi installation package for Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook.
  15. In the Properties dialog box, click OK.

  16. Exit the Active Directory Users and Computers console.

Verifying that Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook is available for installation

To verify that Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook is available to end users for installation, restart any computer in the domain and make sure that Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook installation starts when the computer restarts.

Updating Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook in the DMS Repository

You can update the existing version of the Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook package in the DMS repository using the beectl command-line tool located at <Oracle-Home>/beehive/bin. If Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook is running on an end user's machine, it will automatically prompt the end user to download and install updates from the DMS repository. End users can also manually search for updates by selecting About Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook from the Help menu and clicking Check for Updates.

To update Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook in the DMS repository:

  1. Make sure the application package for the updated version of Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook is accessible to the Oracle Beehive server.

  2. Obtain your enterprise identifier by executing the following command:

    beectl list_enterprises --entity_format id

  3. Upload the updated version of Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook to the DMS by executing the following command:

    beectl upload_client_application --file <Path-to-Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook-Zip-File> --community <Your-Enterprise-Identifier>

  4. For Oracle Beehive Release 1 (1.2) only, provision end users for the uploaded version of Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook by executing the following command:

    beectl add_client_application_provisioning

    --community <Your-Enterprise-Identifier>



Step 4 is required only for Oracle Beehive Release 1 (1.2). It will provision all client applications in the DMS for the specified community. For information on how to provision a single application for a specific community, refer to "Managing the Device Management Service" in Oracle Beehive Administrator's Guide.

For Oracle Beehive Release 1 (1.3) and later, the --community option of the beectl upload_client_application command also accepts the distinguished name of the enterprise. For example:

beectl list_enterprises
Enterprise name  | Identifier  
Oracle           | enpr=Oracle 

You may use enpr=Oracle for the enterprise identifier instead.

Applying the Language Pack for Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook

You can localize the user interface of Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook to match Outlook languages by applying the language pack found at the following location:


The following languages are currently supported in the language pack:

To apply the language pack for Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook, you must upload it to the DMS repository using the beectl command-line tool located at <Oracle-Home>/beehive/bin.

To apply the language pack for Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook:

  1. Make sure the language pack for Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook is accessible to the Oracle Beehive server.

  2. Obtain your enterprise identifier by executing the following command:

    beectl list_enterprises --entity_format id

  3. Upload the language pack for Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook to the DMS by executing the following command:

    beectl upload_client_application --file <Path-to-Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook-Language-Pack> --community <Your-Enterprise-Identifier>

  4. For Oracle Beehive Release 1 (1.2) only, provision end users for the uploaded language pack by executing the following command:

    beectl add_client_application_provisioning

    --community <Your-Enterprise-Identifier>



Step 4 is required only for Oracle Beehive Release 1 (1.2). It will provision all client applications in the DMS for the specified community. For information on how to provision a single application for a specific community, refer to "Managing the Device Management Service" in Oracle Beehive Administrator's Guide.

For Oracle Beehive Release 1 (1.3) and later, the --community option of the beectl upload_client_application command also accepts the distinguished name of the enterprise. For example:

beectl list_enterprises
Enterprise name  | Identifier  
Oracle           | enpr=Oracle 

You may use enpr=Oracle for the enterprise identifier instead.

If Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook is running on an end user's machine, it will automatically prompt the end user to download and install updates (including language packs) from the DMS repository. End users can also manually search for updates by selecting About Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook from the Help menu and clicking Check for Updates.


The language installed by the Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook language pack will automatically match the Outlook language installed by the end user, provided that Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook supports the language. If the end user has installed Outlook in an unsupported language, Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook will default to English.

Applying Configuration Settings from the DMS

When deploying Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook from the DMS, you can apply customized configuration settings to end users' computers.

To apply configuration settings from the DMS:

  1. Create an XML provisioning file that includes all the setting parameters you want to apply. For more information, see Customizing General Installation Settings.

  2. Obtain your Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook identifier by executing the beectl list_client_applications command and locating the identifier from the generated list.

  3. Obtain your Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook version identifier by executing the following command:

    beectl list_client_application_versions --application <Identifier>

    <Identifier> is the Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook identifier you obtained in the previous step.

  4. Include the obtained Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook version identifier in your XML provisioning file. For more information on beectl commands, see the module "Oracle Beehive Command-Line Utility" in the Oracle Beehive Administrator's Reference Guide.

  5. Upload your XML provisioning file to the server by executing the following command:

    beectl add_client_application_configuration --file <Path-to-XML-Provisioning-File>

  6. Provision end users for the uploaded application configuration object by executing the following command:

    beectl add_client_application_provisioning

    --community <Your-Enterprise-ID>

    --configuration <Your-Application-Configuration-ID>

Customizing General Installation Settings

You can control general settings by creating an XML provisioning file and adding or modifying Property nodes in the config section of the file. Each Property node should contain two parameters: name and value.

You can modify the default public properties in your provisioning file by changing the value parameter associated with any of the INSTALL:<X> Property nodes.

Table 25-2 Public Properties

Property Function Example


Sets the name of the registered Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook end user that appears in the About box.

Edith Wharton


Sets the name of the registered company that appears in the About box.



Sets the location of the Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook installation.

C:\Program Files \Oracle\myinstall


Determines if an Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook profile should be created on the user's machine during installation. This parameter can be assigned one of the following values:

  • 0: No profile is created.

  • 1: Force-add a profile with the specified name.

  • 2: Create a profile only if the end user is running a fresh install of Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook. This is the default value for the parameter.

    3: Create a profile only if no profile with the same name exists on the end user's computer.

Not applicable


Changes the name of the profile created during installation of Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook. The default profile name is Beehive.


The values you set for the first three parameters in the table only apply when you are installing Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook for the first time and do not apply to product upgrades.

Downgrading your Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook Installation

By default, Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook will only detect updates if the server version is newer than the currently installed version. If you wish to allow end users to install downgraded versions of Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook as updates, set the value of the INSTALL:AllowDowngrade Property node to TRUE in your provisioning file.

Registry Settings

You can modify the registry information on end-user machines by changing the values for certain Property nodes in your provisioning file. Modifying registry information allows you to control end user settings from the server side.


If you modify the registry incorrectly, serious problems may occur that could require you to reinstall your operating system. Modify the registry at your own risk.

Add a key or registry value using the following coding structure:

<Property name="REG:ADD:{HIVE}\{keypath}:{Value Name}:{DataType}" value="{Value Data}"></Property>

Delete a key or registry value using the following coding structure:

<Property name="REG:Delete:{HIVE}\{keypath}:{Value Name}" value=""></Property>

INI File Settings

You can modify Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook ini settings by including a property with the following coding structure:

<Property name="FILE:Beehive.ini:{Section Name}:{Property Name} " value="{Value Data}"></Property>

Enforcing Upgrades

You can force end users to upgrade to a new version of Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook that you have uploaded to the DMS. End users will not be able to use Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook until they upgrade.

To force end users to upgrade to a new version of Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook:

In your XML provisioning file, add a property with the following coding structure:

<Property name="INSTALL:ForceClientVersion:{Comparison Operation}" value="{Build-Number}"></Property>

{Build-Number} is the Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook build number which will be used for the comparison operation.

Allowing a Grace Period Before Enforcing Upgrades

Optionally, you can allow end users to continue using their old version of Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook for a specific period of time or for a fixed number of log-ins to Oracle Beehive.

To allow end users to use an older version of Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook until a certain date:

In your XML provisioning file, add a property with the following coding structure:

<Property name="INSTALL:graceperioddate" value="{YYYYMMDD}"></Property>

{YYYYMMDD} is the final date on which the user can use Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook without having to upgrade.

To allow end users to use an older version of Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook for a fixed number of log-ins:

In your XML provisioning file, add a property with the following coding structure:

<Property name="INSTALL:graceperioditerations" value="{Number-of-Log-ins}"></Property>

{Number-of-Log-ins} is the number of times end users are allowed to log in to Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook before they are forced to upgrade.

Sample XML Provisioning File

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Name>Oracle Beehive Integration for Outlook-test2</Name>

    <!--Install Company name-->
    <Property name="INSTALL:COMPANYNAME" value="TestCompany"></Property>

    <!--Install user name -->
    <Property name="INSTALL:USERNAME" value="Edith Wharton"></Property>

    <!--Install directory-->
    <Property         name="INSTALL:INSTALLDIR"
       value="C:\Program Files\Oracle\myinstall"></Property>

    <!--Allow Downgrade-->
    <Property name="INSTALL:AllowDowngrade" value="TRUE"></Property>

    <!--Install Create Profile-->
    <Property name="INSTALL:CREATE_PROFILE" value="2"></Property>

            <!--Install Profile Name-->
    <Property name="INSTALL:PROFILE_NAME" value="OracleBeehive"></Property>

    <!--Install ForceUpgrade-->
    <Property name="INSTALL:ForceClientVersion:Larger" value="20201"></Property>

    <!--Install Grace Period for ForceUpgrade-->
    <Property name="INSTALL:graceperioddate" value="20080215"></Property>
    <Property name="INSTALL:graceperioditerations" value="3"></Property>

    <!--ini File Modification-->

    <!--Registry Modification-->
    <!--ADD Section-->
    <!--ADD Key-->
    <Property name="REG:ADD:HKCU\Software\1\2\3:" value=""></Property>
    <!--ADD String Value (remove line breaks from the
        value of the name parameter) -->
    <Property name=
      Outlook Setup Extension1:String"
    <!--ADD DWORD Value (remove line breaks from the
        value of the name parameter) -->
    <Property name="REG:ADD:HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Exchange\Client\Extensions:
      Outlook Setup Extension2:DWORD" value="50"></Property>
    <!--ADD Binary Value (remove line breaks from the
        value of the name parameter) -->
    <Property name="REG:ADD:HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Exchange\Client\Extensions:
      Outlook Setup Extension3:Binary" value="1234567890ABCDEF"></Property>

    <!--Delete Section-->
    <!--Delete Key-->
    <Property name="REG:DELETE:HKCU\Software\1\2" value=""></Property>
    <!--Delete Value (remove line breaks from the
        value of the name parameter)-->
    <Property name="REG:DELETE:HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Exchange\Client\Extensions:
      Outlook Setup Extension1" value=""></Property>

