Oracle® Beehive Application Developer's Guide Release 1 (1.2 and 1.3) Part Number E10484-04 |
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Oracle Beehive Platform Services provides you with the following tools that allow you to integrate Oracle Beehive into your applications:
Oracle Beehive Workflow Service enables you to integrate Oracle Beehive with BPEL processes.
Oracle Beehive API allow you to retrieve and manipulate data from Oracle Beehive and integrate it into custom and third party applications, which users may execute on remote systems (detached from Oracle Beehive).
Oracle Beehive Workflow Service enables you to create BPEL processes that can be invoked with Oracle Beehive custom policies.
A typical usage of Oracle Beehive Workflow Service is at the completion of an Oracle Beehive operation, start a custom workflow that obtains the approval of one or more users, and perform another operation if the users are approved.
Oracle Beehive supports user-defined BPEL workflows that can either be invoked automatically from Oracle Beehive through policies or from some external source. Oracle Beehive can be integrated with BPEL Human Tasks so that these tasks show up in Beehive as task assignments. Refer to the Oracle Beehive Web site on Oracle Technology Network for a tutorial that demonstrates how to define a BPEL process that is invoked from Beehive and leverages task integration.
Oracle Beehive API allow you to retrieve and manipulate collaborative data from Oracle Beehive and integrate it into custom and third party applications, which users may execute on remote systems (detached from Oracle Beehive).
Oracle Beehive API consist of the following interfaces:
Oracle Beehive Java Content Repository API enables you to manipulate an Oracle Beehive instance's workspaces and its data like a content repository.
Oracle Beehive Web servicesOracle Beehive is a unified representation of Oracle Beehive artifacts. It provides you with WSDL files so you may invoke these Web services from your custom applications through standard protocols such as SOAP.
Oracle Beehive Java Content Repository (JCR) API implements the Content Repository API for Java Technology specification (Java Specification Request 170, version 1.0). You may find this specification at
. The Content Repository API is a common, standardized Java interface for content repositories. With the Oracle Beehive JCR API, you may access and manipulate an Oracle Beehive instance's workspaces and its data like a content repository.
For more information about how to use the Oracle Beehive JCR API, including code samples, refer to the Oracle Beehive Web site on Oracle Technology Network.
For Oracle Beehive JCR API Javadoc, refer to Oracle Beehive Java Content Repository Java API Reference.
Clients that use the Oracle Beehive JCR API require the following JAR files:
<Oracle home>
<Oracle home>
<Oracle home>
<Oracle home>
<Oracle home>
<Oracle home>
<Oracle home>
Oracle Beehive Web services enables you to develop Web applications in any environment, including non-OC4J ones such as .NET, which can generate a proxy implementation from WSDL files.Oracle BeehiveOracle BeehiveOracle Beehive
All Oracle Beehive Web services methods require an argument of type WSEntity, which can be a user, group, or workspace. This allows methods to be overloaded; their behavior varies depending on WSEntity. The WSEntity type itself holds other information such as name, description, and ID. In addition, all commands that update an entity are overloaded to either update or create based on the input provided.
For more information about how to use Oracle Beehive Web services, including code samples, refer to the Oracle Beehive Web site on Oracle Technology Network.