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Oracle Beehive Java Content Repository Java API Reference
Release 1 (1.3)


Interface OraclePropertyDefinition

All Superinterfaces:
javax.jcr.nodetype.ItemDefinition, javax.jcr.nodetype.PropertyDefinition

public interface OraclePropertyDefinition
extends javax.jcr.nodetype.PropertyDefinition

A property definition. Used in node type definitions.

Method Summary
 javax.jcr.Value[] getDefaultValues()
          Gets the default value(s) of the property.
 int getRequiredType()
          Gets the required type of the property.
 java.lang.String[] getValueConstraints()
          Gets the array of constraint strings.
 boolean isMultiple()
          Reports whether this property can have multiple values.


Methods inherited from interface javax.jcr.nodetype.ItemDefinition
getDeclaringNodeType, getName, getOnParentVersion, isAutoCreated, isMandatory, isProtected


Method Detail


int getRequiredType()
Gets the required type of the property. One of: PropertyType.UNDEFINED is returned if this property may be of any type.
Specified by:
getRequiredType in interface javax.jcr.nodetype.PropertyDefinition
an int


java.lang.String[] getValueConstraints()
Gets the array of constraint strings. Each string in the array specifies a constraint on the value of the property. The constraints are OR-ed together, meaning that in order to be valid, the value must meet at least one of the constraints. For example, a constraint array of ["constraint1", "constraint2", "constraint3"] has the interpretation: "the value of this property must meet either constraint1, constraint2 or constraint3".

Returning an empty array, indicates that value constraint information is available and that no constraints are placed on this value.

The constraint strings themselves having differing formats and interpretations depending on the type of the property in question. The following describes the value constraint syntax for Reference property type since only they have ValueConstraints in the current implementation. All other property types have no constraints on their value: