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Oracle® Access Manager Configuration Manager Installation and Administration Guide
10g (

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2 Deploying and Setting Up the Configuration Manager

This chapter describes how to prepare for, deploy, and setup Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager. The following sections are included in this chapter:

2.1 Planning for Configuration Manager Deployment

The following task overview introduces deployment and planning considerations for Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager:

Task overview: Planning for and deploying the Configuration Manager

  1. Plan for your deployment by reviewing considerations and performing required activities in following sections in this chapter:

    1. About Deploying the Configuration Manager

    2. About Planning the Number of Configuration Manager Instances Needed

    3. Deciding and Confirming Administrator Rights

    4. Taking Inventory and Testing Operations in Existing Deployments

  2. Deploy Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager as described in following sections in this chapter:

    1. Setting Up a Repository and Installing OC4J

    2. Deploying the Configuration Manager

    3. Assigning Configuration Manager Administrator and User Roles in OC4J

    4. Defining the Oracle Database Service Name

    5. Adding Repository Details in the Configuration Manager

    6. Ensuring the Repository is Available to the Configuration Manager

  3. Add log handler and logging specific details for Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager to the j2ee-logging.xml file as described in "Configuring Logging for Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager".

2.1.1 About Deploying the Configuration Manager

Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager is a Java application hosted on OC4J. A typical Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager deployment includes the components and applications illustrated in Figure 2-1. A description follows the figure.


OC4J and Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager must be installed together on a single platform.

Figure 2-1 Typical Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager Installation

Description of Figure 2-1 follows
Description of "Figure 2-1 Typical Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager Installation "

The sample Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager installation depicted in Figure 2-1 shows Oracle COREid Release 7.0.4 environments. However, your deployment might instead include Oracle Access Manager 10g (

Administrators and users access Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager through a Web browser. The Configuration Manager deployment includes:

  • Repository: One Oracle Database 10g Release 2 (10.2) instance to use as the Configuration Manager repository

    For more information, see "Installing and Setting up the Oracle Database Repository".

  • OC4J: One instance of OC4J in either a standalone configuration, as depicted in Figure 2-1, or installed as a managed component of Oracle Application Server

    For more information, see "Installing and Configuring OC4J".

  • The Configuration Manager: One or more instances of Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager deployed as an OC4J application

    OC4J and the Configuration Manager are installed together on a single platform. For more information, see "About Planning the Number of Configuration Manager Instances Needed".

  • Environments: At least two independent Oracle Access Manager 10g (, or Oracle COREid Release 7.0.4, deployments and their respective LDAP directory environments (source and target LDAP directories) must be installed.

    Installing and configuring Oracle Access Manager 10g (, or Oracle COREid Release 7.0.4, is outside the scope of this manual. For more information about these activities, see the books listed in "Related Documents".

    Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager reads only from a single master or replica server and writes to only a single master LDAP directory. The installation of directory environments is outside the scope of this manual. For more information, see your directory vendor documentation.

2.1.2 About Planning the Number of Configuration Manager Instances Needed

Most enterprises need only one instance of Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager, as shown in Figure 2-1. If you encounter performance issues with multiple users, you may install additional Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager instances.


Multiple users migrating changes for the same logical object in the same target could create an inconsistent state on the target. Oracle recommends that users coordinate before migrating data.

One Oracle Database can serve multiple Configuration Manager instances. There are no restrictions regarding the listening port of the repository when you have multiple Configuration Manager instances. You can view and manage details in the repository from any Configuration Manager instance that is connected to that repository. For more information, see "Installing and Setting up the Oracle Database Repository".

Whether you have one or more Configuration Manager instances you need only one OC4J instance. For more information, see "Installing and Configuring OC4J".

Before Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager can connect to the repository, you must define the database service name as described in "Defining the Oracle Database Service Name".

2.1.3 Deciding and Confirming Administrator Rights

The following guidelines apply to Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager administrators:

  • Deploying the Configuration Manager requires OC4J administrator privileges. The role is created automatically during OC4J installation and setup. This account is assigned the oc4j-administrators role that is used to manage users and roles and to connect to the JMX MBean server.

  • Managing repository details within the Configuration Manager requires HMAdmin privileges. The HMAdmin role must be defined in OC4J and assigned to any individual who will manage details and test the repository connection within the Configuration Manager.

  • Configuration Manager functions, except managing the repository, require the HMUser role. The HMUser role must be defined in OC4J and assigned to individuals who will add environment details, create associations, make snapshots, migrate data, and manage transactions within the Configuration Manager.


    Usesr with write privileges to an environment (directory) can perform all migration functions when they have HMUser privileges. Those with HMAdmin privileges can perform only system configuration functions in the Configuration Manager.

Information about defining administrator privileges in OC4J is described in the Oracle Containers for J2EE Configuration and Administration Guide 10g Release (10.1.3) and in "Installing and Configuring OC4J".

To decide or confirm administrator rights

  1. Adhere to your own corporate policies when designating administrators, choosing administrator login IDs, choosing temporary or permanent passwords, collecting and disseminating information, and so on.

  2. Communicate with your team as you decide and assign administrator rights as well as user IDs and passwords for OC4J, Oracle Database, and Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager login.

2.1.4 Taking Inventory and Testing Operations in Existing Deployments

This topic introduces the details that you need to collect and tests that you need to create before starting any data migration activities in a live deployment. Before starting migration activities, Oracle recommends that you perform the following activities:

  • Take an inventory within Oracle Access Manager 10g (, or Oracle COREid Release 7.0.4, deployments that will be involved in the migration.

  • Create and perform tests in the source deployment to ensure that data changes are producing the results you expect.

Taking Inventory: Table 2-1 identifies the details that you need to collect for each installed Oracle Access Manager 10g (, or Oracle COREid Release 7.0.4, deployment and where to find the worksheets where you can record the information. You can find inventory details on installation or upgrade worksheets for each deployment or you can gather fresh details from the deployment itself.

Table 2-1 Details Needed for Each Installed Deployment

Component Specific Details Needed

Directory server instance

Worksheet for Directory Instances

DIT and Object definitions

Worksheet for DIT and Object Definition Details

Directory server profiles

Worksheet for Directory Server Profiles

Database instance profiles

Worksheet for Database Instance Profiles

Identity Servers

Worksheet for Identity Servers

Policy Manager details (also known as the Access Manager in Oracle COREid Release 7.0.4)

Worksheet for Policy Manager (release 7.0.4 Access Manager) Instances

Identity Servers

Worksheet for Access Servers

Workflows and Access Control Lists

Worksheet for Configurations

Creating Tests: Before you migrate data to another deployment, be sure to create and perform tests to help you confirm that changes in the source are producing the desired result. In addition, you may need to reconcile the target to ensure that migrated changes operate as expected. For example if you are migrating workflow data, you want to ensure that all participants mentioned in the source environment are also present in the target. Otherwise, the workflow in the target deployment may not work properly. Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager does not inform you if participants are missing in the target environment.

To take inventory, test changes in the source deployment, and reconcile the target

  1. Before migration, fill in a copy of the worksheets in Appendix A as you gather and record information about existing deployments and their directories.

  2. Test changes in your source deployment to ensure things are working as expected.

  3. Develop appropriate tests to validate functions in the source deployment that are affected by configuration data changes to ensure that the changes produce the expected and desired result.

  4. Ensure that the target includes the same participants mentioned in source environment work flows, as well as other such items that eliminate possible points of failure after migrating data.


    After migrating data, you can use the same tests to validate migrated changes in the target deployment.

2.2 Setting Up a Repository and Installing OC4J

You must perform all activities described in the following task overview to set up the host and prepare for Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager installation.

Task overview: Setting up a host and preparing for Configuration Manager installation includes

  1. Verifying the Latest Support Requirements

  2. Installing and Setting up the Oracle Database Repository

  3. Installing and Configuring OC4J

2.2.1 Verifying the Latest Support Requirements

Before you get started with installation and setup, Oracle recommends that you verify that your computers and the selected repository are supported. You do this using the following procedure.

To verify the latest support information on MetaLink

  1. Go to the Oracle MetaLink Web site at:
  2. Log in to Oracle MetaLink as directed.

  3. Click the Certify tab.

  4. Click View Certifications by Product.

  5. Select the Application Server option and click Submit.

  6. Choose Oracle Identity Manager and click Submit.

  7. Click Oracle Identity Management Certification Information 10g ( (html) to display the Oracle Identity Management page.

  8. Click the link for Section 6, "Oracle Access Manager Certification" to display the certification matrix.

2.2.2 Installing and Setting up the Oracle Database Repository

This topic provides an overview of installing and setting up Oracle Database Server as the repository for the Configuration Manager.

You must install Oracle Database Server 10g Release 2 (10.2) as the repository for Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager. The following editions are supported:

  • Enterprise Edition

  • Standard Edition

  • Express Edition (XE)

The Configuration Manager communicates with Oracle Database in the standard way, and does not use Oracle Call Interface (OCI). The Configuration Manager uses the repository to store details about environments, associations, transformation rules, snapshots, transaction records, audit information, and LDIF files.

Only one repository is needed even when you plan to install multiple instances of Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager. For more information, see "About Planning the Number of Configuration Manager Instances Needed".

To install Oracle Database Server 10g Release 2 (10.2)

  1. Verify support certifications for Oracle Database Server on MetaLink, as usual:

    1. Go to the Oracle MetaLink Web site at:
    2. Log in to Oracle MetaLink as directed.

    3. Click the Certify tab.

    4. Click View Certifications by Product.

    5. Select the Database/Server option and click Submit.

    6. Choose Oracle Database - YourEdition and click Submit.

  2. Refer to the appropriate Oracle Database Server Installation Guide for your specific platform for installation and setup details.

  3. See Oracle Database Concepts 10g Release 2 (10.2) for more information about Oracle Database administration and management.

  4. Use the Oracle Database Administrator's Guide 10g Release 2 (10.2) for details about managing Oracle Database processes, tablespaces, data files, tempfiles, managing schema files, Oracle-managed files, and more.

After installing the repository, you are ready to complete activities in "Installing and Configuring OC4J". After installing OC4J, you can deploy the Configuration Manager then add details about the installed repository to the Configuration Manager.

2.2.3 Installing and Configuring OC4J

This topic introduces Oracle Containers for J2EE (OC4J) installation and setup.

Both OC4J and Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager are installed together on a single platform. Before you can deploy Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager, you must install OC4J 10g Release 3 (10.1.3).

OC4J provides a complete Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) 1.4-compliant environment. OC4J provides all containers, application programming interfaces (APIs), and services mandated by the J2EE specification.

OC4J is distributed in two configurations, both of which are supported by Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager:

  • Standalone Configuration: In this configuration, OC4J is installed as a single, standalone instance that is managed, started and stopped directly as a self-contained component. This OC4J configuration, also known as an unmanaged configuration, offers a robust J2EE-compliant container that is easy to administer. In this configuration, a single OC4J instance is installed into a single ORACLE_HOME (the root directory in which Oracle software is installed).

    Web communication in an OC4J standalone configuration is provided through the built-in OC4J Web server, which supports HTTP and HTTPS communications natively without the use of Oracle HTTP Server (OHS). The default Web site is defined in the default-web-site.xml file, which specifies the default HTTP listener on port 8888. You can define additional Web sites on different ports using variations of this file. See Oracle Containers for J2EE Configuration and Administration Guide 10g Release (10.1.3) for instructions on creating and managing additional Web sites in OC4J.

    For installation details, see "Installing and Configuring OC4J in a Standalone Configuration".

  • Managed Configuration: In this configuration, OC4J is installed as a component of Oracle Application Server, in a group of one or more OC4J instances within an Oracle Application Server cluster. Oracle Application Server provides support for HTTP session and stateful session Enterprise JavaBean replication and load balancing across a group of OC4J instances within a cluster topology.

    For information, see "Installing OC4J as a Managed Component of Oracle Application Server". Installing and Configuring OC4J in a Standalone Configuration

The standalone OC4J configuration consists of the following components, and requires 80 megabytes (MB) of free space:

  • Oracle Containers for J2EE 10g Release 3 (10.1.3)

  • Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Application Server Control Console

    This Web-based administration application is installed by default with OC4J and is enabled immediately after installation. See details about the Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Application Server Control Console in Oracle Containers for J2EE Configuration and Administration Guide 10g Release (10.1.3) for information about using this management interface.

The standalone OC4J distribution, which includes the Application Server Control Console, is provided as a ZIP archive. During installation you are asked to provide a port number where OC4J communicates. You may assign any port number; the default port is 8888.

Administrator Account and Role: During installation, you are asked to provide a password for the oc4jadmin account. This account is assigned the oc4j-administrators role that is used to manage users and roles and to connect to the JMX MBean server. If you do not assign a password for this account when OC4J is installed, you are prompted to set it the first time that you start OC4J. The password can later be changed through the Setup page in the Application Server Control Console. The following procedure includes details about setting the password for the oc4jadmin account. For more information, see details about installing standalone OC4J in Oracle Containers for J2EE Configuration and Administration Guide 10g Release (10.1.3).

Starting and Stopping OC4J: You can start an OC4J server instance in a standalone environment using the default configuration with one of the OC4J command scripts, or with the executable oc4j.jar archive. You can stop a standalone OC4J server by invoking the -shutdown command in the admin_client.jar or admin.jar command-line utility or by invoking an oc4j.cmd or oc4j executable script. For more information, see Oracle Containers for J2EE Configuration and Administration Guide 10g Release (10.1.3).

Default Web Site: Once installed, the standalone OC4J distribution includes a default Web site where applications can be accessed, and a Web site that allows the Application Server Control Management interface to be used. In a standalone OC4J configuration, the default Web site is configured to receive HTTP requests directly on a specific port. The default port is 8888. Alternatively, the site can be configured to receive secure HTTPS requests. The default Web sites are provided so that you can start using OC4J immediately. For more information, see Oracle Containers for J2EE Configuration and Administration Guide 10g Release (10.1.3).

The following procedure provides information that you need to install OC4J in a standalone configuration for use with Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager. These steps are not intended to replace OC4J installation details available in the Oracle Containers for J2EE Configuration and Administration Guide 10g Release (10.1.3).


The Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition (J2SE) Development Kit (JDK) release 5.0 or higher is required.

To install OC4J as a standalone server

  1. Check Oracle Metalink to ensure that your host computer is compatible with this Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager release as described in "Verifying the Latest Support Requirements".

  2. Before installing a standalone OC4J server, ensure that the prerequisites described in the Oracle Containers for J2EE Configuration and Administration Guide 10g Release (10.1.3) been met. This includes, among other things:

    1. On the host computer for OC4J, download and install the Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition (J2SE) Development Kit (JDK) release 5.0 or higher.

    2. After installing J2SE, ensure that the appropriate environment variables are set (or example, JAVA_HOME, ORACLE_HOME, and J2EE_HOME).

  3. Locate and download the distribution ZIP archive for OC4J from:
         For Development:
              Oracle Containers for J2EE (OC4J) 10g Release 3 (
  4. Install the standalone OC4J distribution using instructions in the Oracle Containers for J2EE Configuration and Administration Guide 10g Release (10.1.3).

    See the instructions for extracting the file into the directory that will serve as the installed directory for OC4J (also known as ORACLE_HOME) with the archive utility of your choice.

    The installer automatically creates the required directory structure for you. You can start an OC4J server instance in a standalone environment using the default configuration with one of the OC4J command scripts or the executable oc4j.jar archive. For more information about starting and stopping OC4j, see Oracle Containers for J2EE Configuration and Administration Guide 10g Release (10.1.3).

  5. Set a password for the Administrator account for OC4J the first time that you start OC4J is started (the user name for this account is set to oc4jadmin by default).


    You can change the password for this account. For more information, see the information on tools for administering OC4J in Oracle Containers for J2EE Configuration and Administration Guide 10g Release (10.1.3).
  6. Ensure that the installation is a success by entering the URL to the home page for OC4J and then login as the oc4jadmin. For example:


    In the sample URL, hostname refers to computer that hosts OC4j standalone configuration; port refers to the HTTP port number on which OC4j host listens; and em/console connects to the OC4j console.

  7. Proceed as follows: Installing OC4J as a Managed Component of Oracle Application Server

When installing OC4J as a managed component of Oracle Application Server you use advanced installation steps for the J2EE Server configuration. This configuration requires 570 M.B of free space.

In a J2EE Server configuration, the following components are installed:

  • Oracle Containers for J2EE (OC4J) 10g ( in one or more instances in one or more groups

    This component provides a complete Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) environment for developing Java applications.

  • Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Application Server Control Console (used for Web-based management of Oracle Application Server)

  • Oracle HTTP Server 1.3, which provides front-end Web communication and load-balancing functionality is included with this installation

  • Oracle Process Manager and Notification Server (OPMN), which includes the Oracle Notification Server (ONS)

    OPMN provides process control and monitoring for Oracle Application Server instances and their components. ONS is installed by default on every Oracle Application Server host. In a managed environment, you must use OPMN to start and stop all components, including OC4J and Oracle HTTP Server communications between components. See the section on starting OC4J in an Oracle Application Server environment in the Oracle Containers for J2EE Configuration and Administration Guide 10g Release (10.1.3) for details.

    OC4J runtime options and system properties can be manually set in the OPMN configuration file, opmn.xml. See details on the run-time configuration in the Oracle Containers for J2EE Configuration and Administration Guide 10g Release (10.1.3) for details.

Oracle Application Server provides support for HTTP session and stateful session Enterprise JavaBean replication and load balancing across a group of OC4J instances within a cluster topology. For details about cluster technology and application clustering in OC4J, see the Oracle Containers for J2EE Configuration and Administration Guide 10g Release (10.1.3).

In an Oracle Application Server clustered environment, a single Application Server Control Console can be used to manage all OC4J instances in a cluster. For more information, see the section about the Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Application Server Control Console and tools for administering OC4J in the Oracle Containers for J2EE Configuration and Administration Guide 10g Release (10.1.3).

Installation of the various managed components is accomplished using the Oracle Universal Installer. OPMN must be installed in every ORACLE_HOME directory to enable monitoring of each installed component. The Oracle Universal Installer provides a number of installation options:

  • Integrated Web Server, J2EE Server, and Process Management

    In this configuration, all components are installed into a single ORACLE_HOME directory, including OC4J, Oracle HTTP Server, and OPMN. Multiple OC4J instances can be created within this ORACLE_HOME directory. Multiple host computers, each hosting one or more OC4J instances, can be included in an Oracle Application Server cluster.

  • J2EE Server and Process Management

    This installation includes OC4J and OPMN. It can be utilized as a standalone OPMN-managed OC4J instance for development or testing purposes, or can be included within an Oracle Application Server cluster.

  • Web Server and Process Management

    This installation includes only Oracle HTTP Server and OPMN. It can be used as a standalone Oracle HTTP Server instance, typically serving as the front-end Web listener for an Oracle Application Server cluster.

The following procedure provides information you need to install OC4J as a managed component for use with Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager. These steps are not intended to replace OC4J installation details available in the Oracle Application Server Installation Guide.

To install Oracle Application Server J2EE Server configuration

  1. Enter Oracle Metalink and ensure that your host computer is compatible with this Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager release, as described in "Verifying the Latest Support Requirements":

  2. Perform activities as described for J2EE Server installation in the Oracle Application Server Installation Guide as follows:

    1. Verify requirements.

    2. Review the discussion about things you should know before starting the installation.

    3. Review topics about advanced installation of the J2EE Server.

  3. Access the Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Application Server Control Console using the following URL:


    where hostname refers to computer that hosts Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Application Server Control Console; port refers to the HTTP port number on which host listens; and em/console connects to the console.

  4. Proceed as follows:

2.3 Deploying the Configuration Manager

This section explains how to deploy Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager as an OC4J application. Any Web server supported by OC4J is supported for the Configuration Manager. No Microsoft certification is available nor expected.

The Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager application is distributed as a .war file that can be deployed using OC4J. The .war file requires 7.77 MB of free disk space.

The following procedure describes how to deploy and test the Configuration Manager. For details about starting and stopping OC4j, see the Oracle Containers for J2EE Configuration and Administration Guide 10g Release (10.1.3).

Check Table 2-2 to confirm that prerequisites have been completed before starting the following procedure.

Table 2-2 Deployment Prerequisites

Confirm Prerequisite Tasks Look in

Install the Oracle Database Repository

Installing and Setting up the Oracle Database Repository

Install OC4J

Installing and Configuring OC4J

To deploy the Configuration Manager using OC4J

  1. Go to the home page for OC4J, if you have not already done so, then login as the oc4jadmin. For example:


    In the sample URL, hostname refers to computer that hosts OC4j standalone configuration; port refers to the HTTP port number on which OC4j host listens; and em/console connects to the OC4j console.

  2. On the home page for OC4J, click the Applications tab. For example:


  3. On the Applications page, click the Deploy button:


    The Select Archive page appears.

  4. Fill in the path to the Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager .war file archive using the Browse button, then click the Next button as shown in Figure 2-2.

    Figure 2-2 Select Archive Page

    Select Archive Page
    Description of "Figure 2-2 Select Archive Page"

    The Application Attributes page appears.

  5. On the Application Attributes page, specify the values in Table 2-3 for the Configuration Manager Application Attributes, then click the Next button and compare your page with the one in Figure 2-3.

    Table 2-3 Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager Application Attribute Values

    Configuration Manager Application Attributes Values

    Application Name


    Parent Application


    Bind Web Module to Site


    Web Module Context Root


    When you finish, the Application Attributes page should look something like the one in Figure 2-3.

    Figure 2-3 Application Attributes

    Application Attributes
    Description of "Figure 2-3 Application Attributes"

    When you click Next button, the Deployment Settings page appears.

  6. On the Deployment Settings page, click the Deploy button as shown in Figure 2-4 to deploy Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager.

    Figure 2-4 Deployment Settings Page

    Deployment Settings Page
    Description of "Figure 2-4 Deployment Settings Page"

  7. View the confirmation message that appears, as shown in Figure 2-5.

    Figure 2-5 Confirmation Page

    Confirmation Page for the Application
    Description of "Figure 2-5 Confirmation Page"

  8. On the Confirmation page, click the Return button in the lower-right corner to return to the OC4J home page.

  9. Test the deployment to ensure it is successful by entering the URL to the Configuration Manager home page in a browser window. For example:


    In the sample URL, hostname refers to computer that hosts the Configuration Manager; port refers to the HTTP port number on which the Configuration Manager host listens; /ocm refers to Web Module Context Root specified on the Application Attributes page while deploying the Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager application; and faces/index.jsp connects to the Configuration Manager application's Login page.

    The Configuration Manager Login page should appear, as shown here.

    Configuration Manager Login Page
    Description of the illustration oamcm_login.gif

  10. Proceed as follows:

2.4 Assigning Configuration Manager Administrator and User Roles in OC4J

The procedure in this section guides as you create then assign the administrator roles needed for Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager.

Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager requires only OC4J for security. Within OC4J, the Configuration Manager application requires two security roles that provide specific privileges for the Configuration Manager. Only users assigned with the following roles can perform tasks in Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager:

The HMAdmin and HMUser roles that you create in OC4J will not inherit any existing OC4J roles. Nor are RMI Login Permission or administration permission granted when you create the HMAdmin and HMUser role.

During Configuration Manager deployment using OC4J, you defined a specific application name for Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager. In the following procedure, you will create the roles within OC4J that are required for administrators and users of Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager, then assign those roles to specific users that you define within OC4J.

Check Table 2-4 to confirm that prerequisites have been completed before starting the following procedure.

Table 2-4 Assigning Configuration Manager Roles in OC4J Prerequisites

Confirm Prerequisite Tasks Look in

Deploy the Configuration Manager

Deploying the Configuration Manager

To create and assign HMAdmin and HMUser roles in OC4J

  1. Go to the home page for OC4J and login as the oc4jadmin. For example:


    In the sample URL, hostname refers to computer that hosts OC4j standalone configuration; port refers to the HTTP port number on which OC4j host listens; and em/console connects to the OC4J console.

  2. On the home page for OC4J click the Applications tab, then locate and click the link you defined for Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager as shown in Figure 2-6. For example:



    Figure 2-6 OC4J Applications Tab

    OC4J Applications Tab
    Description of "Figure 2-6 OC4J Applications Tab"

    The Applications tab for Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager opens.

  3. Click the Administration tab to display the page for Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager. For example:


  4. On the Administration tab, click the Security Provider icon in the Go To Task column, as shown in Figure 2-7.

    Figure 2-7 Administration Tab for Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager

    Administration Tab for Configuration Manager
    Description of "Figure 2-7 Administration Tab for Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager"

    The Security Provider page appears.

  5. On the Security Provider page, click the Realms tab.

  6. Perform the following steps to create the HMAdmin and HMUser roles for Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager as follows:

    1. On the Realms subtab, locate and click the link (in the Roles column) that is associated with the Realm Name as shown in Figure 2-8.

      Figure 2-8 Realms Subtab: Realm Name, Roles, and Users

      Realms Subtab: Realm Name, Roles, and Users
      Description of "Figure 2-8 Realms Subtab: Realm Name, Roles, and Users"

      The Roles page appears and includes a Create button.

    2. On the Roles page, click the Create button to display the Add Role page.

      The Add Role page appears as shown in Figure 2-9.

    3. On the Add Role page, enter the following details for the HMAdmin role, then click OK:

      • Name: HMAdmin

      • Grant RMI Login Permission: Leave blank.

      • Grant Administration Permission: Leave blank.

      • Assign Roles: Ignore; there are no roles to be inherited by HMAdmin.

      • OK: Click the OK button when you finish to establish the HMAdmin role.

    4. On the Add Role page, create the HMUser role using the following information as a guide:

      • Name: HMUser

      • Grant RMI Login Permission: Leave blank.

      • Grant Administration Permission: Leave blank.

      • Assign Roles: Ignore; there are no roles to be inherited by HMUser.

      • OK: Click the OK button when you finish to establish the HMUser role.

    Your Roles page should look something like the one in Figure 2-10.

    Figure 2-10 Roles Page Includes HMAdmin and HMUser

    Roles Page Includes HMAdmin and HMUser
    Description of "Figure 2-10 Roles Page Includes HMAdmin and HMUser"

  7. Add users, and assign to the Configuration Manager application the administrator or user roles that you just created, by performing the following activities:

    1. On the Realms subtab, locate and click the link in the Users column associated with the Realm Name as shown in Figure 2-11.

      Figure 2-11 Realms Subtab with Users Link

      Realms Subtab with Users Link
      Description of "Figure 2-11 Realms Subtab with Users Link"

    2. On the Users page, click the Create button under the Results label. For example:


    3. On the Add User Page add the requested details, then click OK as shown in Figure 2-12. For example:

      • Username: Enter the userid for logging in to the Configuration Manager.

      • Password/Confirm Password: Enter the password for this user; then confirm the password by entering it a second time.

      • Assign Roles: From the Available Roles list, select the desired role for this user then click the Move arrow to add these to the Selected Roles list. For example:





        A single user may be assigned both HMAdmin and HMUser roles.
      • Figure 2-12 Add User Page

        Add User Page
        Description of "Figure 2-12 Add User Page"

      • Click OK to complete the operation.

        A Confirmation page appears where you can verify information for this new user.

    4. On the Confirmation page, review the User Name and Roles as shown in Figure 2-13 to ensure that everything is accurate.

      Figure 2-13 Confirmation Page with User Name and Roles

      Confirmation Page with User Name and Roles
      Description of "Figure 2-13 Confirmation Page with User Name and Roles"

  8. Repeat step 7 to add other Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager administrators and users, if needed.

  9. Click Logout when you finish to leave OC4J.

    With at least one Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager administrator assigned, repository details may be added in the Configuration Manager.

  10. After the roles and users have been created, restart the Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager application and then proceed to "Defining the Oracle Database Service Name".

2.5 Defining the Oracle Database Service Name

To connect to the Oracle Database repository, Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager requires the database service mame. To specify the database service name, you must enter the DB.Oracle.ServiceName parameter in the Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager WEB-INF/config/ file, as described in the following procedure. Typically, the database administrator has this information.

To define the database service name

  1. After deploying Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager using OC4J, locate the file:


    where OC4J-HOME is the installation directory of your OC4J instance; context-name refers to Web Module Context Root specified on the Application Attributes page while deploying the Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager using OC4J; deployed-war-name is the name of the Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager war file that you deployed.

  2. In the file, locate the following parameter:


  3. Replace "XE" with the appropriate Database Service Name, if needed. For example:


  4. Save the file.

  5. Restart Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager.

2.6 Touring the Configuration Manager

This section provides a quick tour to orient you to Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager.

If you log in to Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager as a user with only HMAdmin privileges, you see only the System Configuration tab. If you log in as a user with HMUser privileges, you see all function tabs except System Configuration. If you are assigned both roles, all tabs are available. For more information see, "Assigning Configuration Manager Administrator and User Roles in OC4J".

After logging in to Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager, a Welcome page appears as shown in Figure 2-14. As with other Oracle Web-based applications. Function tabs are provided across the top of the page with corresponding links at the bottom of the page.

Figure 2-14 Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager Welcome Page

Configuration Manager Welcome Page
Description of "Figure 2-14 Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager Welcome Page"

To access the Configuration Manager

  1. Go the Configuration Manager home page. For example:


    In the sample URL, hostname refers to computer that hosts the Configuration Manager; port refers to the HTTP port number on which the Configuration Manager host listens; /ocm refers to Web Module Context Root specified on the Application Attributes page while deploying the Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager application; and faces/index.jsp connects to the Configuration Manager application's Login page.

    The Login page appears.

  2. Log in as an individual with either HMUser or HMAdmin privileges, depending upon the activities you intend to perform. For example:

  3. As you proceed with the tour, refer to the following topics:

2.6.1 Logout Link

The Logout link appears in the upper-right corner of Configuration Manager pages. You select the Logout link to conclude your session.

2.6.2 Cancel and Back Buttons on Configuration Manager Pages

A Cancel button is provided on a number of Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager pages. When you click Cancel, the current operation is terminated without completion and you are returned to the originating page for the function. For example if you cancel a migration operation, you are returned to the Select Logical Object Types to Compare page.

A Back button is included on some Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager pages. When you click the Back button you are returned to the previous page. This is similar to using the Back button in the Web browser itself. For example if you click Back while viewing environment details, you are returned to the Environment List page.

2.6.3 Navigational Aids for Tables

When you have more than one environment, association, snapshot, or transaction the corresponding list page itemizes information in a table. Figure 2-15 shows a typical list page and table details.

Figure 2-15 Navigational Aids for Tables

Typical List and Navigational Aids
Description of "Figure 2-15 Navigational Aids for Tables"

When a table contains less than 10 items, all are visible at one time. If a table contains more than 10 items, navigational aids are included. For example, the table in Figure 2-15 includes navigational aids at the top-right side of the table:

  • Previous: Click Previous to return (go back) to the previous page.

  • Next: Click Next to proceed (go forward) to the next page.

  • List: Select a specific range of items from the list, or select Show All to display all the rows in the table.

    List with Range of Items
    Description of the illustration list_nav.gif

2.6.4 SnapShots Tab

The SnapShot function enables you to create a backup copy of the entire oblix tree in an LDAP directory of one of your environments. When you select the SnapShots tab, the SnapShot List page appears. From here, you can create a new snapshot or select a snapshot to restore or delete a snapshot.

Details for existing snapshots of the selected environment are organized in a table as shown in Figure 2-16. The table is empty until you select an environment from the Select Environment list.

For more information, see "Making and Managing Snapshots".

2.6.5 Migration Tab

Figure 2-17 shows the Migration tab. Related functions are available on secondary tabs: environments, Associations, Migrate. The Migrate secondary tab includes a progress indicator, as shown inFigure 2-17.

Figure 2-17 Migration Tab, Secondary Tabs, and Migrate Progress Indicator

Migration Tab, Secondary Tabs, Migrate Progress Indicator
Description of "Figure 2-17 Migration Tab, Secondary Tabs, and Migrate Progress Indicator"

You choose the corresponding secondary tab to perform tasks that involve:

  • Environments: From this secondary tab you can create, view, modify, or delete details about existing environments. Before you can migrate data, you must add at least two environments to the Configuration Manager: one to use as the source and one to use as the target.

    For more information, see "Adding and Managing Environment Details in the Configuration Manager".

  • Associations: From this secondary tab you can create, view, modify, or delete details about directory associations. Before you can migrate data, you must create an association between two environments defined in the Configuration Manager: one to use as the source and one to use as the target.

    For more information, see "Creating and Managing Associations".

  • Migrate: After defining environments and forming an association, you can migrate configuration data using this secondary tab. You can migrate data directly using Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager. Alternatively, you may choose to export data to an LDIF file and then use an external utility to import the data offline.

    For more information, see "Migrating Data from the Source to the Target".

2.6.6 Transactions Tab

A transaction record is created automatically each time you migrate data using Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager. A transaction ID is assigned automatically when the record is created. You can provide an optional transaction description.

When you select the Transactions tab, the Transactions List page appears. After selecting an association, all related transaction records are organized in a table as shown in Figure 2-18. The table is empty until you select an association.

Figure 2-18 Transactions Tab

Transactions Tab
Description of "Figure 2-18 Transactions Tab"

You can view details for the record or view specific changes made during the transaction or roll back changes made during the transaction.

For more information about transactions and rolling back changes, see Chapter 5.

2.6.7 System Configuration Tab

A repository is required to contain details about directory environments and associations, snapshot content, audit details, migration transaction data, and any optional LDIF files you may choose to create using Configuration Manager.

Only when you log in as an individual with HMAdmin privileges, is the System Configuration tab available as shown in Figure 2-19. Until a repository is defined in the Configuration Manager, the form is empty.

Figure 2-19 System Configuration Tab

System Configuration Tab
Description of "Figure 2-19 System Configuration Tab"

From the System Configuration tab, an individual with HMAdmin privileges can perform the following repository-related tasks in the Configuration Manager:

  • View: Repository details are displayed automatically whenever the System Configuration tab is selected. The form is empty until a repository is defined in the Configuration Manager.

  • Edit: Enables you to add or alter repository details. Repository details must be added before migration tasks can be performed.

  • Test Connection: Ensures that the repository is accessible.

  • Cleanup Repository: Clears the data in Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager repository tables.

  • Upload Schema: Appears only when there is no Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager schema present in the Oracle Database repository.

    For a successful schema upload, the database user needs the following system privileges: Create Table, Create Sequence, Create Trigger, and Create Procedure.

    For more information about System Configuration functions, see "Adding Repository Details in the Configuration Manager".

2.6.8 Messages in the Configuration Manager

There are several types of messages that may appear when working with Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager:

  • Informational or Confirmation Messages: Confirm that an operation completed successfully. Informational messages appear near the top of the page as shown in Figure 2-20. In this example, the Test Connection operation was used for the repository. Upon completion, you are returned to the System Configuration page where a message confirms the success of the operation.

    Figure 2-20 Informational Message

    Typical Informational Message
    Description of "Figure 2-20 Informational Message"

  • Request for Action or Verification: Required before critical and irreversible operations are completed. For example, your verification is needed before deleting an environment or association or transformation rule. A window like the one in Figure 2-21 asks for your confirmation. You click OK to verify and complete the operation, or Cancel to terminate the operation without completing it.

    Figure 2-21 Typical Request for Your Action

    Typical Request for Action
    Description of "Figure 2-21 Typical Request for Your Action"

  • Error Messages: Announce a problem when an operation cannot be completed successfully. Error messages take the form shown in Figure 2-22 and include information to help you assess the problem and recover.

    Figure 2-22 Typical Error Message

    Typical Error Message
    Description of "Figure 2-22 Typical Error Message"

2.7 Adding Repository Details in the Configuration Manager

A repository is required to contain details about directory environments and associations, snapshot content, audit details, migration transaction data, and any optional LDIF files you may create using Configuration Manager. This section describes how to ensure that the Configuration Manager can communicate with its repository.

Before starting activities in this section, confirm that the prerequisites described in Table 2-5 are completed.

Table 2-5 Repository Prerequisites

Confirm Prerequisite Task Look inLook in

Assign Configuration Manager administrator role HMAdmin to individuals using OC4J

Assigning Configuration Manager Administrator and User Roles in OC4J

From the System Configuration page, you must click the Edit button and enter details for your repository. There is no Add button for the System Configuration tab. Sample details that you need to supply are shown in Figure 2-23. If you log in with only HMUser privileges, the System Configuration tab does not appear.

For a successful schema upload, the database user needs the following system privileges.

Figure 2-23 A Completed Edit System Configuration Page

Completed Edit System Configuration Page
Description of "Figure 2-23 A Completed Edit System Configuration Page"

To add repository details to Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager

  1. Enter Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager, if you haven't already done so. For example:


    In the sample URL, hostname refers to computer that hosts the Configuration Manager; port refers to the HTTP port number on which the Configuration Manager host listens; and /ocm refers to Web Module Context Root specified on the Application Attributes page while deploying the Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager application.

    The Welcome page appears.

  2. Log in as an individual with HMAdmin privileges, as defined in OC4J in the previous procedure.

  3. Click the System Configuration tab on the right side of the page.


    Only users with HMAdmin privileges defined in OC4J for this application will see the System Configuration tab.
  4. On the System Configuration page, click the Edit button.


  5. On the Edit System Configuration page, enter appropriate information to identify details for your Configuration Manager repository. For example:

    • Repository Type: You would ordinarily select your repository type from the list. However, only Oracle Database is listed because this is the only supported repository type.

    • Host: Your Oracle Database Host Name expressed as either the full DNS hostname or an IP address.

    • Port: Port number on which the Oracle Database host communicates.

    • Service Name: The Oracle Database service name as defined in the file. For more information, see "Defining the Oracle Database Service Name".

    • UserID: The Oracle Database Administrator userID.

    • Password: The password for the Oracle Database Administrator userID. There are no password restrictions.

    • Click Save to retain this information (otherwise, click the Back button).

      The System Configuration page returns and includes a Test Connection button that you can use to ensure that the repository is accessible from the Configuration Manager.

  6. Click the Test Connection button to ensure that this repository is accessible to the Configuration Manager. For example:

    Test Connection

    An informational message that appears before the repository details confirms that the database connection was successful.

  7. Proceed as follows:

    • Connection Successful: An informational message appears declaring the operation was a success. You are ready to upload the schema as described in step 8.

      For a successful schema upload, the database user needs the following system privileges: Create Table, Create Sequence, Create Trigger, and Create Procedure.

    • Connection Not Successful: An error message appears. In this case, confirm that all repository details are accurately entered (edit them if needed); confirm that the Oracle Database instance is running; test the connection again, then proceed with the next step to upload the schema.

  8. Upload Schema: When you add repository details you need to upload the Configuration Manager schema as follows:

    1. Click the Upload Schema button. For example:

      Upload Schema

    2. In the Upload Schema window, enter the directory administrator's UserID and password, then click Upload to complete the operation (or Cancel to terminate the operation without completion).

      Upload Schema Window
      Description of the illustration repo_upload_schema.gif

  9. Proceed as follows:

    • Schema Upload Successful: A message informs you that the database is configured successfully and you are ready to prepare for and perform migration tasks as described in Chapter 3.

    • Schema Upload Not Successful: In this case, a message like the one here appears. Confirm that you have the appropriate system privileges to create a table, create a sequence, create a trigger, and create a procedure; retry the upload, then proceed to Chapter 3.

      Invalid Username or Password Message
      Description of the illustration repo_upload_error.gif

After adding repository details to Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager and uploading the schema, the Configuration Manager is ready to use. For more information about adding environment details, forming associations, creating snapshots, and migrating data, see Chapter 3.

2.8 Ensuring the Repository is Available to the Configuration Manager

Data can be written to the repository only when it is live and accessible. Any individual with HMAdmin privileges can use the Test Connection procedure to ensure that the repository is available to the Configuration Manager.

After the operation completes successfully, an informational message confirms the status as shown in Figure 2-24.

Figure 2-24 Informational Message on the System Configuration Page

Informational Message, System Configuration
Description of "Figure 2-24 Informational Message on the System Configuration Page"


Only users with HMAdmin privileges defined in OC4J have access to the System Configuration tab. If you log in as a user with only HMUser privileges, the System Configuration tab does not appear.

To confirm that the Configuration Manager repository is available

  1. From the Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager home page, log in as a user with HMAdmin privileges, then click the System Configuration tab on the right side of the page:


    System Configuration

  2. On the System Configuration page, click the Test Connection button then review the informational message to confirm that this repository is accessible.

    Test Connection

  3. Proceed as follows:

    • Connection Successful: An informational message appears and you are ready to continue with activities in this chapter.

    • Connection Not Successful: An error message appears. In this case, take the following actions:

      • Confirm that the database service name is properly specified for this repository, as described in "Defining the Oracle Database Service Name".

      • Contact the Oracle Database administrator to confirm that the Oracle Database instance is running, test the connection again

2.9 Configuring Logging for Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager

You perform the following activities to configure logging for Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager.

Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager uses Oracle Diagnostic Logging for Java (ODL) to produce log files. The ODL library is incorporated into the Configuration Manager in ojdl.jar file, which is part of the Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager deployment.

Log File Naming: The current ODL log file naming standard is followe, which means that each new log file that is generated is named log.xml. The generated log file is stored as:


Log File Rotation: Log rotation is automatic and based on file size. This means that log files rotate automatically when the current log reaches a certain size. The maximum limit for log file size is 100 MB. When the current file reaches the size limit, a new file is created as log.xml and the content in the earlier version is archived with a different name. Archived log files are named as logindex.xml, where index is a number. Older archived files have a lower index number: log1.xml is the oldest, log2.xml is the next oldest, and so on.

To configure logging for Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager, you must add specific logger and log handler details based on (ODL specifications) to the following file (as indicated in the following procedure):


The following (bold) HMLogger entries must be included for Configuration Manager log file rotation (the value of the maxFileSize is in bytes):

<property name='maxFileSize' value='10485760'/>
    <property name='maxLogSize' value='104857600'/>

For more information about log files, see "Accessing and Using the Log File".

To configure logging for Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager

  1. Locate the following file and open it for edit:

  2. Change the encoding to UTF-8, as follows:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  3. Add the following log handler details (in bold) immediately before the <loggers> section and Default Logger information:

             <!-HM Application specific log Handler -->
               <property name="path" value="../log/OAMCMLogs"/>
               <property name="maxFileSize" value="10485760"/>
               <property name="maxLogSize" value="104857600"/>
               <property name="encoding" value="UTF-8"/>
  4. Add the following logger details (in bold) immediately after </logger> in the Default Logger section:

      <!-- HM Application logger -->
         <logger name="" level="ALL"  
           <handler name="HMLog-Handler"/>
  5. Save the file; the details that you have added will be used when generating log files for Oracle Access Manager Configuration Manager.