Creating WebLogic Domains Using the Configuration Wizard

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Creating a WebLogic Domain

Before you can develop and run WebLogic-based applications, you must first create a domain. The Configuration Wizard guides you through the process of creating a new domain quickly and easily, by selecting the product components you want to include in your domain, or by using domain templates.

The following topics describe the steps required to create a new domain using the Configuration Wizard:

Related Topics

Creating a New Domain Using the Configuration Wizard

Introduction to Domains

Creating a Domain

Create or Extend a Domain

The Welcome window prompts you to choose whether you want to create a new domain or extend an existing one.

Table 3-1 Welcome Window options
Choose this option. . .
When you want to . . .
Create a new WebLogic domain
Create a new domain that is configured to meet your requirements. Begin by selecting the product components you want to include in your domain, or a domain template to be used as the basis for your domain. Then modify settings as required.
Extend an existing WebLogic domain
Add product component functionality or support for additional applications and services to an existing domain. Begin by selecting the directory of the domain that you want to update. Then specify the product components you want to add, or identify the extension template you want to use for adding applications and services. You then have the option of customizing the JDBC connections to your database and the JMS file store, if defined. To learn more, see Extending WebLogic Domains.

Related Topics

Creating a New Domain Using the Configuration Wizard

Introduction to Domains

Creating a Domain

Select a Domain Source

The Select a Domain Source window prompts you to select the source from which to create the domain. You can select the product components to include in your domain, or select a custom template on which to base your domain.

Choose one of the following options for selecting the source for your domain:

You can select the following product components in the Select a Domain Source window as displayed in Figure 3-1. For more information about selecting different products from the list of products and relation between them, see

Figure 3-1 Select Domain Source window

Select Domain Source window

The Weblogic Server is selected, by default.

Note: To create a WebLogic Integration domain, you must select the WebLogic Integration check-box, as well as the Workshop for WebLogic 10.2 check-box.

Configure an Administrator Username and Password

The Configure Administrator Username and Password window prompts you to specify a username and password to be used for starting the Administration Server.

To configure an administrator username and password:

  1. Enter a valid value in the Username field. This name is used to boot the Administration Server and connect to it.
  2. Do not use commas or any characters in the following comma-separated list: \t, < >, #, |, &, ?, ( ), { }. User names are case sensitive.

  3. Enter a valid value in the User password field: a string of at least 8 case-sensitive characters. The password value is encrypted.
  4. Note: Do not use the password = weblogic in a production environment.
  5. Reenter the password in the Confirm user password field.
  6. Optionally, enter a login description for this username.
  7. Click Next to proceed to the next configuration window.

Specify the Server Start Mode and JDK

The Configure Server Start Mode and JDK window prompts you to specify the:

Choose the Startup Mode

Specify the startup mode for your domain as shown in the following table.

Table 3-2 Development and Production Modes
Choose this mode...
You are creating your applications. In this mode, the configuration of security is relatively relaxed, allowing you to auto-deploy applications.
You are creating your applications. In this mode, the configuration of security is stringent, requiring a user name and password to deploy applications.

Note: Before putting a domain into production, BEA recommends that you familiarize yourself with the content of Securing a Production Environment at:

Differences Between Domain Startup Modes

The following table describes the differences between development and production modes in terms of key functions.

Table 3-3 Differences Between Development and Production Modes
In development mode...
In production mode...
You can use the demonstration digital certificates and the demonstration keystores provided by the WebLogic Server security services. With these certificates, you can design your application to work within environments secured by SSL.
For more information about managing security, see “Configuring SSL” in Securing WebLogic Server at the following URL:
You should not use the demonstration digital certificates and the demonstration keystores. If you do so, a warning message is displayed.
Deploying Applications
WebLogic Server instances can automatically deploy and update applications that reside in the domain_name/autodeploy directory (where domain_name is the name of a domain).
It is recommended that this method be used only in a single-server development environment.
For more information, see Deploying Applications to WebLogic Server at the following URL:
The auto-deployment feature is disabled, so you must use the WebLogic Server Administration Console, the weblogic.Deployer tool, or the WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST). For more information, see Deploying Applications to WebLogic Server at the following URL:
Log File Rotation
When you start a server, the server automatically renames (rotates) its local server log file as server-name.log.n. For the remainder of the server session, the server rotates its local log file whenever the size of the file reaches 500 kilobytes.
A server rotates its local log file after the size of the file reaches 5000 kilobytes.
JDBC System Resource
The default capacity is 15 connections.
The default capacity is 25 connections.

Select the JDK for the Domain

The JDK Selection pane prompts you to select the J2SE Development Kit (JDK) for the startup mode you selected in the WebLogic Domain Startup Mode pane. The Configuration Wizard presents a list of the JDKs supplied by BEA and installed with the product, including:

You can choose one of the JDKs supplied by BEA or another JDK that you have installed on your system. If you select a JDK supplied by BEA, the Configuration Wizard will create server startup scripts that invoke the JDK you select.

For more information about startup scripts, see WLS Performance and Tuning available at:

Select only those JDKs that are supported on the platform you are using. For a list of the JDKs that are supported for a specific platform, see Supported Configurations. The default selection reflects the JDK that best meets the requirements of your environment, based on the platform on which you are installing the domain.

Note: If you plan to use the JRockit JDK in production mode, BEA recommends that you develop and test your applications using BEA JRockit early in your project cycle. For information about BEA JRockit, see the BEA JRockit JDK documentation at the following URL:

To select the JDK:

  1. Perform one of the following steps:
    • To use a JDK supplied by BEA, select BEA Supplied JDKs and then select a JDK from the list.
    • To use a JDK that is not installed with the product, select Other JDK, click Browse, and navigate to the appropriate directory.
    • Note: The Configuration Wizard does not configure the start scripts to use this type of JDK. You must change the start scripts manually.
  2. Click Next to proceed to the next configuration window.

Related Topics

For information on changing the run-time mode after you have created a domain, see “Change to production mode” in the WebLogic Server Administration Console Online Help at:

Customize Environment and Services Settings

The Customize Environment and Services Settings window gives you the option to change the distribution of your domain across servers, clusters, and machines, and to modify existing JDBC and JMS file store settings.

If you choose not to customize any environment or services settings by accepting the default (No), you proceed directly to creating the domain.

The following topics summarize the settings you can change.

Customize the Environment

You can customize the environment of your domain as follows:

For more information, see Customizing the Environment.

Customize Existing JDBC and JMS Settings

If the domain source on which you are basing your domain contains a database configuration, you have the option to do the following:

Note: If you select Yes in the Customize Environment and Services Settings screen, the Configuration Wizard does not run any database automatically, even though domain JDBC is configured for pointbase database. In the Run Database Scripts dialog box, click Run Scripts screen, to load the respective database.
Note: If you select No in the Customize Environment and Services Settings screen, the Configuration Wizard automatically populates the required Pointbase database.

If a JMS file store has been defined in the domain source, you can also change the file store definition.

For more information, see Customizing JDBC and JMS Settings in WebLogic Domains.

Create the WebLogic Domain

The Create WebLogic Domain window prompts you to specify the name and pathname for the domain, and initiate its creation.

To create the WebLogic domain:

  1. Make sure that the Domain Name field contains the name of the required domain. If you need to change the value in this field, click within the field and modify the string displayed there.
  2. Note: Domain names cannot start with a number. (This requirement avoids potential conflicts with internally-generated JDBC store table names, which must begin with a letter.)
  3. Make sure that the Domain Location field contains the name of the required domain directory. If you need to change the value in this field:
    1. Click Browse to invoke the Select a WebLogic Domain Directory dialog box.
    2. In the dialog box, navigate to the appropriate directory or manually enter its pathname in the Location field. Click OK.
    3. The domain directory can be located anywhere on your system. By default, it resides in BEA_HOME\user_projects\domains\domain, where BEA_HOME is the directory that contains the product installation, and domain is the name of the domain directory defined by the selected domain template.

  4. Click Create.
  5. Note: You cannot overwrite an existing domain. If a domain with the name you specify already exists in the selected location, you must either delete the existing domain, or specify a different name or location for this domain.

    The Creating Domain window is opened to display status messages during the domain creation process.

    The Configuration Wizard stores the config.xml file and all other generated components in the domain directory that you specify.

Creating Domain

The Creating Domain window displays status messages during the domain creation process. When the process is complete, the new domain is ready for use.

Table 3-4 Creating Domain
On this platform...
Perform the following task...
UNIX and Linux
Click Done.
Do one of the following:
  • If you want to start the server immediately, select the Start Admin Server check box and click Done.
  • If you do not want to start the server at this time, click Done.

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