Introduction to Oracle JRockit Mission Control

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Introduction to Oracle JRockit Mission Control

Installation Information

JRockit Mission Control License Information

Starting the JRockit Mission Control Client

JRockit Mission Control FAQ

I can not connect the JRockit Mission Control Client. What could be the problem?

When attempting to connect to JRockit Mission Control I get a stack trace indicating that JRockit Mission Control attempts to communicate with a strange IP or host name.

I'm getting exceptions during startup about classes not being found

JRockit Mission Control can't find any local JVMs

Why can't I see any Method Profiling information in my JRA recording?

When using the Memory Leak Detector, nothing happens in the growth column of the trend table

JRockit Mission Control Documentation

JRockit Mission Control Support

Is There a Forum Where I can Discuss JRockit Mission Control?

Giving Feedback the JRockit Mission Control Development Team

JRockit Mission Control Communications

JRockit Mission Control Communications Overview

J2SE 1.4

J2SE 5.0 and Later

All Versions

Integration with the Eclipse IDE

Benefits of the Integration

Differences between the Eclipse Version and the RCP Version

Making JRockit Your JVM

To run Eclipse (and thus the JRockit Mission Control Client) on the JRockit JVM

Selecting a Perspective

To open the Mission Control Perspective

To change perspective from Mission Control

To reopen the Mission Control Standard Perspective

Jumping to Application Source

Using Jump-to-Source

To jump from the JRockit Mission Control Client to source code

JRockit Mission Control Plug-ins with Jump-to-Source Enabled

Overview of JRockit Mission Control 3.0

Architectural Overview of JRockit Mission Control 3.0

Starting JRockit Mission Control

The JRockit Browser

The JRockit Management Console

The JRockit Runtime Analyzer (JRA)

The JRockit Memory Leak Detector

Overview of JRockit Mission Control 2.0

Architectural Overview of JRockit Mission Control 2.0

Starting JRockit Mission Control

The JRockit Browser

The JRockit Management Console

The JRockit Runtime Analyzer (JRA)

The JRockit Memory Leak Detector

Overview of Oracle JRockit 1.0

Architectural Overview of JRockit Mission Control 1.0

The JRockit Management Console

The JRockit Runtime Analyzer (JRA)

The JRockit Memory Leak Detector

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