4.4. Database Support

4.4.1. DBDictionary Properties
4.4.2. MySQLDictionary Properties
4.4.3. OracleDictionary Properties

Kodo JPA/JDO can take advantage of any JDBC 2.x compliant driver, making almost any major database a candidate for use. See our officially supported database list in Appendix 3, Supported Databases for more information. Typically, Kodo auto-configures its JDBC behavior and SQL dialect for your database, based on the values of your connection-related configuration properties.

If Kodo cannot detect what type of database you are using, or if you are using an unsupported database, you will have to tell Kodo what kodo.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary to use. The DBDictionary abstracts away the differences between databases. You can plug a dictionary into Kodo using the kodo.jdbc.DBDictionary configuration property. The built-in dictionaries are listed below. If you are using an unsupported database, you may have to write your own DBDictionary subclass, a simple process.

The example below demonstrates how to set a dictionary and configure its properties in your configuration file. The DBDictionary property uses Kodo's plugin syntax.

Example 4.7. Specifying a DBDictionary

JPA XML format:

<property name="kodo.jdbc.DBDictionary" value="hsql(SimulateLocking=true)"/>

JDO properties format:

kodo.jdbc.DBDictionary: hsql(SimulateLocking=true)

4.4.1. DBDictionary Properties

The standard dictionaries all recognize the following properties. These properties will usually not need to be overridden, since the dictionary implementation should use the appropriate default values for your database. You typically won't use these properties unless you are designing your own DBDictionary for an unsupported database.

  • DriverVendor: The vendor of the particular JDBC driver you are using. Some dictionaries must alter their behavior depending on the driver vendor. See the VENDOR_XXX constants defined in your dictionary's Javadoc for available options.

  • CatalogSeparator: The string the database uses to delimit between the schema name and the table name. This is typically ".", which is the default.

  • CreatePrimaryKeys: If false, then do not create database primary keys for identifiers. Defaults to true.

  • ConstraintNameMode: When creating constraints, whether to put the constraint name before the definition (before), just after the constraint type name (mid), or after the constraint definition (after). Defaults to before.

  • MaxTableNameLength: The maximum number of characters in a table name. Defaults to 128.

  • MaxColumnNameLength: The maximum number of characters in a column name. Defaults to 128.

  • MaxConstraintNameLength: The maximum number of characters in a constraint name. Defaults to 128.

  • MaxIndexNameLength: The maximum number of characters in an index name. Defaults to 128.

  • MaxAutoAssignNameLength: Set this property to the maximum length of name for sequences used for auto-increment columns. Names longer than this value are truncated. Defaults to 31.

  • MaxIndexesPerTable: The maximum number of indexes that can be placed on a single table. Defaults to no limit.

  • SupportsForeignKeys: Whether the database supports foreign keys. Defaults to true.

  • SupportsTimestampNanos: Whether the JDBC driver supports nanoseconds with TIMESTAMP columns. Defaults to true.

  • SupportsUniqueConstraints: Whether the database supports unique constraints. Defaults to true.

  • SupportsDeferredConstraints: Whether the database supports deferred constraints. Defaults to true.

  • SupportsRestrictDeleteAction: Whether the database supports the RESTRICT foreign key delete action. Defaults to true.

  • SupportsCascadeDeleteAction: Whether the database supports the CASCADE foreign key delete action. Defaults to true.

  • SupportsNullDeleteAction: Whether the database supports the SET NULL foreign key delete action. Defaults to true.

  • SupportsDefaultDeleteAction: Whether the database supports the SET DEFAULT foreign key delete action. Defaults to true.

  • SupportsAlterTableWithAddColumn: Whether the database supports adding a new column in an ALTER TABLE statement. Defaults to true.

  • SupportsAlterTableWithDropColumn: Whether the database supports dropping a column in an ALTER TABLE statement. Defaults to true.

  • ReservedWords: A comma-separated list of reserved words for this database, beyond the standard SQL92 keywords.

  • SystemTables: A comma-separated list of table names that should be ignored.

  • SystemSchemas: A comma-separated list of schema names that should be ignored.

  • SchemaCase: The case to use when querying the database metadata about schema components. Defaults to making all names upper case. Available values are: upper, lower, preserve.

  • ValidationSQL: The SQL used to validate that a connection is still in a valid state. For example, "SELECT SYSDATE FROM DUAL" for Oracle.

  • InitializationSQL: A piece of SQL to issue against the database whenever a connection is retrieved from the DataSource.

  • JoinSyntax: The SQL join syntax to use in select statements. See Section 4.7, “Setting the SQL Join Syntax”.

  • CrossJoinClause: The clause to use for a cross join (cartesian product). Defaults to CROSS JOIN.

  • InnerJoinClause: The clause to use for an inner join. Defaults to INNER JOIN.

  • OuterJoinClause: The clause to use for an left outer join. Defaults to LEFT OUTER JOIN.

  • RequiresConditionForCrossJoin: Some databases require that there always be a conditional statement for a cross join. If set, this parameter ensures that there will always be some condition to the join clause.

  • ToUpperCaseFunction: SQL function call for for converting a string to upper case. Use the token {0} to represent the argument.

  • ToLowerCaseFunction: Name of the SQL function for converting a string to lower case. Use the token {0} to represent the argument.

  • StringLengthFunction: Name of the SQL function for getting the length of a string. Use the token {0} to represent the argument.

  • SubstringFunctionName: Name of the SQL function for getting the substring of a string.

  • DistinctCountColumnSeparator: The string the database uses to delimit between column expressions in a SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT column-list) clause. Defaults to null for most databases, meaning that multiple columns in a distinct COUNT clause are not supported.

  • ForUpdateClause: The clause to append to SELECT statements to issue queries that obtain pessimistic locks. Defaults to FOR UPDATE.

  • TableForUpdateClause: The clause to append to the end of each table alias in queries that obtain pessimistic locks. Defaults to null.

  • SupportsSelectForUpdate: If true, then the database supports SELECT statements with a pessimistic locking clause. Defaults to true.

  • SupportsLockingWithDistinctClause: If true, then the database supports FOR UPDATE select clauses with DISTINCT clauses.

  • SupportsLockingWithOuterJoin: If true, then the database supports FOR UPDATE select clauses with outer join queries.

  • SupportsLockingWithInnerJoin: If true, then the database supports FOR UPDATE select clauses with inner join queries.

  • SupportsLockingWithMultipleTables: If true, then the database supports FOR UPDATE select clauses that select from multiple tables.

  • SupportsLockingWithOrderClause: If true, then the database supports FOR UPDATE select clauses with ORDER BY clauses.

  • SupportsLockingWithSelectRange: If true, then the database supports FOR UPDATE select clauses with queries that select a range of data using LIMIT, TOP or the database equivalent. Defaults to true.

  • SimulateLocking: Some databases do not support pessimistic locking, which will result in an exception when you attempt a pessimistic transaction. Setting this property to true bypasses the locking check to allow pessimistic transactions even on databases that do not support locking. Defaults to false.

  • SupportsQueryTimeout: If true, then the JDBC driver supports calls to java.sql.Statement.setQueryTimeout.

  • SupportsHaving: Whether this database supports HAVING clauses in selects.

  • SupportsSelectStartIndex: Whether this database can create a select that skips the first N results.

  • SupportsSelectEndIndex: Whether this database can create a select that is limited to the first N results.

  • SupportsSubselect: Whether this database supports subselects in queries.

  • RequiresAliasForSubselect: If true, then the database requires that subselects in a FROM clause be assigned an alias.

  • SupportsMultipleNontransactionalResultSets: If true, then a nontransactional connection is capable of having multiple open ResultSet instances.

  • StorageLimitationsFatal: If true, then any data truncation/rounding that is performed by the dictionary in order to store a value in the database will be treated as a fatal error, rather than just issuing a warning.

  • StoreLargeNumbersAsStrings: Many databases have limitations on the number of digits that can be stored in a numeric field (for example, Oracle can only store 38 digits). For applications that operate on very large BigInteger and BigDecimal values, it may be necessary to store these objects as string fields rather than the database's numeric type. Note that this may prevent meaningful numeric queries from being executed against the database. Defaults to false.

  • StoreCharsAsNumbers: Set this property to false to store Java char fields as CHAR values rather than numbers. Defaults to true.

  • UseGetBytesForBlobs: If true, then ResultSet.getBytes will be used to obtain blob data rather than ResultSet.getBinaryStream.

  • UseGetObjectForBlobs: If true, then ResultSet.getObject will be used to obtain blob data rather than ResultSet.getBinaryStream.

  • UseSetBytesForBlobs: If true, then PreparedStatement.setBytes will be used to set blob data, rather than PreparedStatement.setBinaryStream.

  • UseGetStringForClobs: If true, then ResultSet.getString will be used to obtain clob data rather than ResultSet.getCharacterStream.

  • UseSetStringForClobs: If true, then PreparedStatement.setString will be used to set clob data, rather than PreparedStatement.setCharacterStream.

  • CharacterColumnSize: The default size of varchar and char columns. Typically 255.

  • ArrayTypeName: The overridden default column type for java.sql.Types.ARRAY. This is only used when the schema is generated by the mappingtool.

  • BigintTypeName: The overridden default column type for java.sql.Types.BIGINT. This is only used when the schema is generated by the mappingtool.

  • BinaryTypeName: The overridden default column type for java.sql.Types.BINARY. This is only used when the schema is generated by the mappingtool.

  • BitTypeName: The overridden default column type for java.sql.Types.BIT. This is only used when the schema is generated by the mappingtool.

  • BlobTypeName: The overridden default column type for java.sql.Types.BLOB. This is only used when the schema is generated by the mappingtool.

  • CharTypeName: The overridden default column type for java.sql.Types.CHAR. This is only used when the schema is generated by the mappingtool.

  • ClobTypeName: The overridden default column type for java.sql.Types.CLOB. This is only used when the schema is generated by the mappingtool.

  • DateTypeName: The overridden default column type for java.sql.Types.DATE. This is only used when the schema is generated by the mappingtool.

  • DecimalTypeName: The overridden default column type for java.sql.Types.DECIMAL. This is only used when the schema is generated by the mappingtool.

  • DistinctTypeName: The overridden default column type for java.sql.Types.DISTINCT. This is only used when the schema is generated by the mappingtool.

  • DoubleTypeName: The overridden default column type for java.sql.Types.DOUBLE. This is only used when the schema is generated by the mappingtool.

  • FloatTypeName: The overridden default column type for java.sql.Types.FLOAT. This is only used when the schema is generated by the mappingtool.

  • IntegerTypeName: The overridden default column type for java.sql.Types.INTEGER. This is only used when the schema is generated by the mappingtool.

  • JavaObjectTypeName: The overridden default column type for java.sql.Types.JAVAOBJECT. This is only used when the schema is generated by the mappingtool.

  • LongVarbinaryTypeName: The overridden default column type for java.sql.Types.LONGVARBINARY. This is only used when the schema is generated by the mappingtool.

  • LongVarcharTypeName: The overridden default column type for java.sql.Types.LONGVARCHAR. This is only used when the schema is generated by the mappingtool.

  • NullTypeName: The overridden default column type for java.sql.Types.NULL. This is only used when the schema is generated by the mappingtool.

  • NumericTypeName: The overridden default column type for java.sql.Types.NUMERIC. This is only used when the schema is generated by the mappingtool.

  • OtherTypeName: The overridden default column type for java.sql.Types.OTHER. This is only used when the schema is generated by the mappingtool.

  • RealTypeName: The overridden default column type for java.sql.Types.REAL. This is only used when the schema is generated by the mappingtool.

  • RefTypeName: The overridden default column type for java.sql.Types.REF. This is only used when the schema is generated by the mappingtool.

  • SmallintTypeName: The overridden default column type for java.sql.Types.SMALLINT. This is only used when the schema is generated by the mappingtool.

  • StructTypeName: The overridden default column type for java.sql.Types.STRUCT. This is only used when the schema is generated by the mappingtool.

  • TimeTypeName: The overridden default column type for java.sql.Types.TIME. This is only used when the schema is generated by the mappingtool.

  • TimestampTypeName: The overridden default column type for java.sql.Types.TIMESTAMP. This is only used when the schema is generated by the mappingtool.

  • TinyintTypeName: The overridden default column type for java.sql.Types.TINYINT. This is only used when the schema is generated by the mappingtool.

  • VarbinaryTypeName: The overridden default column type for java.sql.Types.VARBINARY. This is only used when the schema is generated by the mappingtool.

  • VarcharTypeName: The overridden default column type for java.sql.Types.VARCHAR. This is only used when the schema is generated by the mappingtool.

  • UseSchemaName: If false, then avoid including the schema name in table name references. Defaults to true.

  • TableTypes: Comma-separated list of table types to use when looking for tables during schema reflection, as defined in the java.sql.DatabaseMetaData.getTableInfo JDBC method. An example is: "TABLE,VIEW,ALIAS". Defaults to "TABLE".

  • SupportsSchemaForGetTables: If false, then the database driver does not support using the schema name for schema reflection on table names.

  • SupportsSchemaForGetColumns: If false, then the database driver does not support using the schema name for schema reflection on column names.

  • SupportsNullTableForGetColumns: If true, then the database supports passing a null parameter to DatabaseMetaData.getColumns as an optimization to get information about all the tables. Defaults to true.

  • SupportsNullTableForGetPrimaryKeys: If true, then the database supports passing a null parameter to DatabaseMetaData.getPrimaryKeys as an optimization to get information about all the tables. Defaults to false.

  • SupportsNullTableForGetIndexInfo: If true, then the database supports passing a null parameter to DatabaseMetaData.getIndexInfo as an optimization to get information about all the tables. Defaults to false.

  • SupportsNullTableForGetImportedKeys: If true, then the database supports passing a null parameter to DatabaseMetaData.getImportedKeys as an optimization to get information about all the tables. Defaults to false.

  • UseGetBestRowIdentifierForPrimaryKeys: If true, then metadata queries will use DatabaseMetaData.getBestRowIdentifier to obtain information about primary keys, rather than DatabaseMetaData.getPrimaryKeys.

  • RequiresAutoCommitForMetadata: If true, then the JDBC driver requires that autocommit be enabled before any schema interrogation operations can take place.

  • AutoAssignClause: The column definition clause to append to a creation statement. For example, "AUTO_INCREMENT" for MySQL. This property is set automatically in the dictionary, and should not need to be overridden, and is only used when the schema is generated using the mappingtool.

  • AutoAssignTypeName: The column type name for auto-increment columns. For example, "SERIAL" for PostgreSQL. This property is set automatically in the dictionary, and should not need to be overridden, and is only used when the schema is generated using the mappingtool.

  • LastGeneratedKeyQuery: The query to issue to obtain the last automatically generated key for an auto-increment column. For example, "select @@identity" for Sybase. This property is set automatically in the dictionary, and should not need to be overridden.

  • NextSequenceQuery: A SQL string for obtaining a native sequence value. May use a placeholder of {0} for the variable sequence name. Defaults to a database-appropriate value.

4.4.2. MySQLDictionary Properties

The mysql dictionary also understands the following properties:

  • DriverDeserializesBlobs: Many MySQL drivers automatically deserialize BLOBs on calls to ResultSet.getObject. The MySQLDictionary overrides the standard DBDictionary.getBlobObject method to take this into account. If your driver does not deserialize automatically, set this property to false.

  • TableType: The MySQL table type to use when creating tables. Defaults to innodb.

  • UseClobs: Some older versions of MySQL do not handle clobs correctly. To enable clob functionality, set this to true. Defaults to false.

4.4.3. OracleDictionary Properties

The oracle dictionary understands the following additional properties:

  • UseTriggersForAutoAssign: If true, then Kodo will allow simulation of auto-increment columns by the use of Oracle triggers. Kodo will assume that the current sequence value from the sequence specified in the AutoAssignSequenceName parameter will hold the value of the new primary key for rows that have been inserted. For more details on auto-increment support, see Section 5.3.3, “Autoassign / Identity Strategy Caveats”.

  • AutoAssignSequenceName: The global name of the sequence that Kodo will assume to hold the value of primary key value for rows that use auto-increment. If left unset, Kodo will use a the sequence named "SEQ_<table name>".

  • MaxEmbeddedBlobSize: Oracle is unable to persist BLOBs using the embedded update method when BLOBs get over a certain size. The size depends on database configuration, e.g. encoding. This property defines the maximum size BLOB to persist with the embedded method. Defaults to 4000 bytes.

  • MaxEmbeddedClobSize: Oracle is unable to persist CLOBs using the embedded update method when Clobs get over a certain size. The size depends on database configuration, e.g. encoding. This property defines the maximum size CLOB to persist with the embedded method. Defaults to 4000 characters.

  • UseSetFormOfUseForUnicode: Prior to Oracle 10i, statements executed against unicode capable columns (the NCHAR, NVARCHAR, NCLOB Oracle types) required special handling to be able to store unicode values. Setting this property to true (the default) will cause Kodo to attempt to detect when the column of one of these types, and if so, will attempt to correctly configure the statement using the OraclePreparedStatement.setFormOfUse. For more details, see the Oracle Readme For NChar. Note that this can only work if Kodo is able to access the underlying OraclePreparedStatement instance, which may not be possible when using some third-party datasources. If Kodo detects that this is the case, a warning will be logged.


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