Chapter 13. Profiling

13.1. Profiling in an Embedded GUI
13.2. Dumping Profiling Data to Disk from a Batch Process
13.3. Controlling How the Profiler Obtains Context Information

The Kodo profiling capability allows for profiling of application code. It is designed to help optimize the use of Kodo, and is not intended to be a generic profiling tool. Only Kodo specific APIs are instrumented.

The profiling capability can either be used standalone using the Kodo Profiling Console, or inside the Kodo Management Console using the Profiling MBean. To use the profiling capability within the Kodo Management Console see Section 12.4.8, “Profiling MBean”.

13.1. Profiling in an Embedded GUI

The profiling capability can be used standalone locally. To bring up the Kodo Profiling Console, set the following property (see Section 2.6.42, “kodo.ManagementConfiguration”):

JPA XML format:

<property name="kodo.ManagementConfiguration" value="profiling-gui"/>

JDO properties format:

kodo.ManagementConfiguration: profiling-gui

The left pane of the Profiling Console contains a tree. Each node in the tree represents a call in a call stack. The root of each call stack is an EntityManager or PersistenceManager.

Each node may be composed of three items - the node name, the amount of time spent in each node, and the percentage of the total time spent in the parent node that this child node contributes. You can see details about a node in the right panes by selecting a node. The top right pane(s) yield detailed information about the node (e.g. the location in code where a transaction was started, or the SQL generated for a query), and the bottom right pane contains statistics about the node.

The Profiling Console has a Profiling Toolbar. It has the following controls:

  • Refresh: Refreshes the statistics shown in the tree.

  • Refresh slider: Set the interval at which the tree will be refreshed.

  • Show descendants: Show the tree with EntityManagers / PersistenceManagers as roots.

    This is the normal view. This option is available only when the Show ancestors view is in use. See the Show ancestors feature below.

  • Export...: Export the current profiling data to a file for later viewing. Exported profiling data is stored in files ending in .prx. The export can be viewed using the profilingviewer application. To do this run the profilingviewer application and pass in the name of the exported file.

  • Reset: Resets the statistics shown in the tree.

  • Show SQL: Show an inverted tree where the root nodes are SQL statements, and their ancestors are shown as children in the tree.

The profiling call tree has a context menu containing the following options:

  • Refresh: Refreshes the statistics shown in the tree.

  • Show ancestors: Show an inverted tree where the nodes of the same name and description as the selected node are used as the roots, and their ancestors are shown as children in the tree.

  • Show descendants: Show the tree with EntityManagers / PersistenceManagers as roots.

    This is the normal view. This option is available only when the Show ancestors view is in use.

  • Export...: Export the current profiling data to a file for later viewing. Exported profiling data is stored in files ending in .prx. The export can be viewed using the profilingviewer application. To do this run the profilingviewer application and pass in the name of the exported file.

  • Reset: Resets the statistics shown in the tree.

The detail information for an EntityManager or PersistenceManager includes information about objects that were fetched in the context of that manager. The detail area consists of information about where in code the manager was created, and a table with information on each field in each persistence-capable class. The table has the following columns:

  • Field Name: The name of the persistent field.

  • Total: The total number of times the object containing that field was loaded in the context of the containing manager.

  • Fetched / % Used: The first number represents the number of times the field was fetched during the initial load. The second number represents the percentage of initially fetched fields that are actually accessed. A low percentage indicates that perhaps that field should not be in the default fetch group or in a fetch group configured for initial load.

  • Unfetched / % Used: The first number represents the number of times the field was not fetched during the initial load. The second number represents the percentage of the time the initially unfetched field is actually accessed. A high percentage indicates that perhaps that field should be in the default fetch group or in a fetch group configured for initial load.


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