1.3. JDO

1.3.1. Using Application Identity
1.3.2. Customizing Logging
1.3.3. Custom Sequence Factory
1.3.4. Using Externalization to Persist Second Class Objects
1.3.5. Custom Mappings
1.3.6. Example of full-text searching in JDO
1.3.7. Horizontal Mappings
1.3.8. Sample Human Resources Model
1.3.9. Sample School Schedule Model
1.3.10. JMX Management
1.3.11. XML Store Manager
1.3.12. Using JDO with Java Server Pages (jsp)
1.3.13. JDO Enterprise Java Beans 2.x Facade

1.3.1. Using Application Identity

The files for this sample are located in the samples/jdo/appid directory of the Kodo installation. This sample shows how to use JDO application identity. The GovernmentForm class uses a static inner class as its application identity class. The Main class is a simple JDO application that allows you to create and manipulate persistent GovernmentForm instances.

1.3.2. Customizing Logging

The files for this sample are located in the samples/jdo/logging directory of the Kodo installation. This sample shows how to plug a custom logging strategy into Kodo. The Main class implements custom logging and has a main method demonstrating how to set your custom log as the system default.

1.3.3. Custom Sequence Factory

The files for this sample are located in the samples/jdo/seqfactory directory of the Kodo installation. This sample shows how to define a custom JDO sequence factory and use it for certain classes.

1.3.4. Using Externalization to Persist Second Class Objects

The files for this sample are located in the samples/jdo/externalization directory of the Kodo installation. This sample demonstrates how to persist field types that aren't directly supported by JDO using Kodo's externalization framework.

The ExternalizationFields class is a persistence-capable class with fields of various types, none of which are recognized by JDO. The JDO metadata for ExternalizationFields uses Kodo's "externalizer" and "factory" metadata extensions to name methods that can be used to transform each field into a supported type, and then reconstruct it from its external form. Even complex external forms are supported; the ExternalizationFields.pair field externalizes to a list of persistence-capable objects.

The ExternalizationFieldsMain class is a driver to demonstrate that ExternalizationFields instances persist correctly.

1.3.5. Custom Mappings

The files for this sample are located in the samples/jdo/ormapping directory of the Kodo installation. This sample demonstrates custom field and class mapping.

  • IsMaleHandler is a custom value handler that transforms a boolean field into 'M' or 'F' characters in the database. If shows how to create transformation value handlers.

  • PointHandler is a custom value handler for java.awt.Point. It demonstrates how to create a multi-column custom value handlers for complex data.

  • XMLStrategy is a custom field strategy that simulates a field that maps to a non-standard column type, and that may require non-standard operations to store and retrieve data.

  • StoredProcClassStrategy is a custom class strategy that simulates using stored procedures to access persistent data.

The CustomFields class is a persistence-capable class that uses each of the custom field mappings above. The StoredProc class is a persistence-capable class that uses the StoredProcClassStrategy. The CustomFieldsMain and StoredProcMain classes are simple driver programs for each of these types.

Also, make sure to browse the "externalization" sample directory. Kodo includes an externalization feature that can be used to persist many unsupported field types without having to create a custom mapping.

1.3.6. Example of full-text searching in JDO

The files for this sample are located in the samples/jdo/textindex directory of the Kodo installation. This sample demonstrates how full-text indexing might be implemented in JDO. Most relational databases cannot optimize contains queries for large text fields, meaning that any substring query will result in a full table scan (which can be extremely slow for tables with many rows).

The AbstractIndexable class implements javax.jdo.InstanceCallbacks which will cause the textual content of the implementing persistent class to be split into individual "word" tokens, and stored in a related table. Since this happens whenever an instance of the class is stored, the index is always up to date. The Indexer class is a utility that assists in building queries that act on the indexed field.

The TextIndexMain class is a driver to demonstrate a simple text indexing application.

1.3.7. Horizontal Mappings

This sample demonstrates how to use horizontal mappings in JDO to implement the common pattern of individual tables that track the creation data and last modification date. This is accomplished through the LastModified superclass that contains a lastModificationDate and creationDate field that is automatically updated from the jdoPreStore method.

The package.jdo file specifies that the LastModified class use a horizontal mapping, which means that each of the fields will then be declared in the subclasses: Widget, WidgetOrder, WidgetOrderItem.

1.3.8. Sample Human Resources Model

The files for this sample are located in the samples/jdo/models/humres directory of the Kodo installation. This sample demonstrates the JDO mapping of an example "Human Resources" schema. The following concepts are illustrated in this sample:

  • Mixed Application Identity and Datastore Identity

  • Named Query execution

  • Value Mappings

  • One to One Mappings

  • One to Many Mappings (with and without inverses)

1.3.9. Sample School Schedule Model

The files for this sample are located in the samples/jdo/models/school directory of the Kodo installation. This sample demonstrates different JDO inheritance strategies for the same object model. The following concepts are illustrated in this sample:

  • Flat Inheritance Mappings

  • State Image Version Indicator

  • Vertical Inheritance Mappings

  • Horizontal Inheritance Mappings

  • Value Mappings

  • Many to Many Mappings

The samples/models/school directory contains the following interfaces that represent the abstract data model:

  • Address

  • HomeAddress (extends Address)

  • WorkAddress (extends Address)

  • Person

  • Parent (extends Person)

  • Student (extends Person)

  • Employee (extends Person)

  • Teacher (extends Employee)

  • Admin (extends Employee)

  • Staff (extends Employee)

  • Course

  • ScheduledClass

Each of the flat, vertical, and horizontal subdirectories contain implementations of the object model that are identical except for name, and that their inheritance mapping in the package.jdo file uses the type of the directory's corresponding name.

1.3.10. JMX Management

This sample shows how to use the Kodo JMX Management features. In order to see an example of runtime management:

In order to see an example of remote management:

  • Open two console windows, and ensure in each that your CLASSPATH has all of the jars distributed with Kodo, and that your execution path is configured for the Kodo tools. If you need additional help with this step, see the installation directions at Chapter 2, Kodo Installation .

  • In the first console window, ensure that the Kodo distribution root directory is in your CLASSPATH

  • Ensure that an appropriate jdo.properties is in a directory in your CLASSPATH or in the root level of a jar in your CLASSPATH , or in a META-INF directory in your CLASSPATH .

  • Change to the samples/management directory

  • Compile the class file by running: javac *.java

  • Enhance the data classes by running: jdoc package.jdo

  • Update the database schema and generate mappings by running: mappingtool package.jdo

  • Seed the database by running: java samples.management.SeedDatabase

  • Add the following line to your properties file:

    kodo.ManagementConfiguration: local-mgmt

  • Start the sample program which will bring up Kodo's management console upon initialization. java samples.management.ManagementSampleMain

The Kodo ProfilingAgent also has a JMX MBean. You can see an example of remote profiling if you turn on the ProfilingAgent by making the following setting in your properties file:

  • kodo.ManagementConfiguration: local-mgmt-prof

A fetch group g has been pre-configured in the package.jdo file. You can turn on the usage of that fetch group in the example by adding the following setting to your properties file:

  • kodo.FetchGroups: g

Note that the Kodo PersistenceManagerFactory DataCache also has a JMX MBean. You can see an example of DataCache management if you turn on the data cache by adding the following settings to your properties file:

  • kodo.DataCache: true

  • kodo.RemoteCommitProvider: sjvm

Kodo's management and profiling tools can be used in a wide range of modes and environments. For example, by setting the kodo.ManagementConfiguration setting to profiling-gui , you can use the profiling tool exclusively. You can have Kodo connect and integrate with your existing JMX configuration such as provided by your application server or products such as MX4J . For further details on configuring Kodo management and profiling tools, see Chapter 12, Management and Monitoring .

To extend Kodo's monitoring abilities to your own code, you can use TimeWatch . An example of how to use the TimeWatch can be found in QueryThread.java . A TimeWatch allows for monitoring of named code blocks.

1.3.11. XML Store Manager

This sample shows how to use the Kodo XML Store Manager AbstractStoreManager implementation.

For more information on implementing your own custom store manager, please see the XML Store Manager Javadoc (package kodo.xmlstore), and the source code in src/kodo/xmlstore under your Kodo installation.

In order to see an example of the XML Store Manager:

  • Ensure that the Kodo distribution root directory is in your CLASSPATH. This is done automatically if you set up your environment as described in the README.

  • Ensure that the sample xmlstore.properties is in a directory in your CLASSPATH or in the root level of a jar in your CLASSPATH.

  • Ensure that your CLASSPATH has all of the jars distributed with Kodo. This is done automatically if you set up your environment as described in the README.

  • javac *.java

  • jdoc -p xmlstore.properties package.jdo

  • Note that there is no need to run mappingtool for custom store managers.

  • java samples.jdo.xmlstore.SeedDatabase

  • Note the XML data in the selected data directory as specified by your kodo.ConnectionURL.

1.3.12. Using JDO with Java Server Pages (jsp)

The files for this sample are located in the samples/jdo/jsp directory of the Kodo installation. This sample creates a simple Petshop web application to demonstrate using JDO with JSPs. Edit the configuration to samples/jdo/jsp/petshop.properties to include Kodo database connection parameters. Then run ant on the samples/jdo/jsp/build.xml to build the deployable web application.

1.3.13. JDO Enterprise Java Beans 2.x Facade

The files for this sample are located in the samples/jdo/ejb directory of the Kodo installation. This sample demonstrates how to use JDO with 2.x EJBs. It includes session beans that use JDO instead of EJB 2.x entity beans.


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