Configuration Guide

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Starting and Stopping the Controller and Agents

This section describes how to start and stop WLOC Controllers and Agents.


Starting an Agent

To start an Agent:

  1. Change to the directory where the agent was created. The default directory is BEA_HOME\user_projects\agent1.
  2. Open a command window and run .\bin\ (UNIX or Linux) or .\bin\startAgent.cmd (Windows).


Starting the Controller

To start a Controller:

  1. Change to the directory where the Controller was created. The default directory is BEA_HOME\user_projects\controller.
  2. Open a command window and run .\bin\ (UNIX or Linux) or .\bin\startAgent.cmd (Windows).


Accessing the WLOC Administration Console

The WLOC Administration Console starts when you start the Controller. You can access the console using a web browser.

The default user name and password for the WLOC Administration Console are WLOCBootUser and changeit.


Stopping an Agent

To stop an Agent using the Administration Console:

  1. Select the Agents tab at the top of any console page to display a list of Agents.
  2. Select the Agent’s checkbox and click Shutdown.

As an alternative to shutting down an Agent, you can disconnect it. The Controller cannot deploy services to a disconnected Agent.


Stopping the Controller

To stop the Controller using the Administration Console:

  1. Select the Controller tab at the top of any console page.
  2. On the Controller page, select the Control tab.
  3. Click Shutdown Controller.

Stopping the Controller also shuts down the Administration Console application.


Running the Controller and Agents as Windows Services

WLOC provides scripts that allow you to set up the Controller and Agent(s) to run as Windows services.

Note: To run a WLOC Agent as a Windows service, it must be run on a local disk drive. Running the Agent as a Windows service from a mapped drive is not supported.

To set up a Controller or Agent to run as a Windows service, open a command line and enter one of the following commands:

When the script completes, the service will be configured to start automatically upon system boot and run using the Local System account.

You can revert to running the Controller or Agent from a command line by removing the Windows service. Use one of the following commands:


Unexpected Shutdowns

The unexpected shutdown of a WLOC Agent does not impact the operation of the Controller. The Agent will attempt to restart automatically and reconnect to both its managed resources and the Controller.

If the Controller shuts down unexpectedly, the Agents to which it connects will continue to collect and locally store information from its managed resources. They will then send that information to the Controller after it restarts.

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