
Uses of Interface

Packages that use Client
com.bea.httppubsub Provides interfaces and classes for the WebLogic HTTP Publish-Subscribe server. 

Uses of Client in com.bea.httppubsub

Classes in com.bea.httppubsub that implement Client
 class LocalClient
          The main purpose of LocalClient class is for pubsub server side programming.

Methods in com.bea.httppubsub that return Client
 Client BayeuxMessage.getClient()
          Get the client sending this message

Methods in com.bea.httppubsub that return types with arguments of type Client
 List<Client> Channel.getClients(Channel.ChannelPattern pattern)
          Return list of clients subscribed this channel or its children, depending on pattern parameter passed in.

Methods in com.bea.httppubsub with parameters of type Client
 void PubSubServer.deleteChannel(Client client, String url)
          Delete the given url Channel and all its children and descents.
 void Channel.destroy(Client client)
          Destroy this channel and all subchannels beneath it
 Channel PubSubServer.findOrCreateChannel(Client client, String url)
           Lookup a given url Channel from PubSubServer.
 void Channel.publish(Client client, BayeuxMessage message, Channel.ChannelPattern pattern)
          Publish to this channel or its child channels with specified pattern.
 void Channel.subscribe(Client client)
          Subscribe to this channel.
 void Channel.subscribe(Client client, Channel.ChannelPattern pattern)
          Subscribe to this channel or its child channels with specified pattern.
 void Channel.unsubscribe(Client client)
          Unsubscribe from all of this channel.
 void Channel.unsubscribe(Client client, Channel.ChannelPattern pattern)
          Unsubscribe from this channel.

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