
Class L10nLookup

  extended by java.util.Dictionary<K,V>
      extended by java.util.Hashtable<Object,Object>
          extended by java.util.Properties
              extended by weblogic.i18ntools.L10nLookup
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable, Map<Object,Object>

public final class L10nLookup
extends Properties

L10nLookup is a Property object that contains the mapping between WebLogic Server log message ids and their respective Localizer properties.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class java.util.Properties
Method Summary
static L10nLookup getL10n()
          Retrieves the singleton L10nLookup instance.
 Localizer getLocalizer(int id)
          Deprecated. use L10nLookup.getLocalizer(String)
 Localizer getLocalizer(int id, Locale locale)
          Deprecated. use L10nLookup.getLocalizer(String,Locale)
static Localizer getLocalizer(Locale locale, String className)
          Locate the basic Localizer class in the desired locale for the named Localizer class
 Localizer getLocalizer(String id)
          Locate the basic Localizer class in the JVM's default locale for the String id.
 Localizer getLocalizer(String id, Locale locale)
          Locate the basic Localizer class in the desired locale for the String id.
 Localizer getLocalizer(String msgId, Locale locale, boolean detailed)
          Locate the Localizer class in the desired locale for the String id.
 Vector getSubSystems()
          Returns a list of defined subsystems.
 Object put(Object key, Object value)
          Maps the specified key to the specified value in this hashtable.
Methods inherited from class java.util.Properties
getProperty, getProperty, list, list, load, load, loadFromXML, propertyNames, save, setProperty, store, store, storeToXML, storeToXML, stringPropertyNames
Methods inherited from class java.util.Hashtable
clear, clone, contains, containsKey, containsValue, elements, entrySet, equals, get, hashCode, isEmpty, keys, keySet, putAll, rehash, remove, size, toString, values
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static L10nLookup getL10n()
Retrieves the singleton L10nLookup instance.


public Object put(Object key,
                  Object value)
Maps the specified key to the specified value in this hashtable.

Specified by:
put in interface Map<Object,Object>
put in class Hashtable<Object,Object>


public Localizer getLocalizer(String id,
                              Locale locale)
                       throws MissingResourceException
Locate the basic Localizer class in the desired locale for the String id.

id - string identifying a WebLogic Server message.
locale - Desired locale.
MissingResourceException - There is no key match id in the property file.


public Localizer getLocalizer(String msgId,
                              Locale locale,
                              boolean detailed)
                       throws MissingResourceException
Locate the Localizer class in the desired locale for the String id. The detailed argument specifies whether to return the basic or detailed version of the catalog. The basic version includes version, subsystem, i18n/l10n package info, severity and message body. The detailed version includes message detail, cause and action text.

The id is a 6 digit String optionally prefixed by a tag as defined in the associated message catalog. For example, BEA-000100 or 000100 may be used as the message id. All server messages are prefixed with "BEA-". By default, user messages have no prefix. The prefix is useful for display purposes only. It is not used to differentiate between catalogs, although if a prefix is included in the id parameter, it must match the prefix defined for the message catalog.

id - string identifying a WebLogic Server message.
locale - Desired locale.
detailed - true retrieves the Localizer containing detailed log message info. False retrieves the basic Localizer.
MissingResourceException - There is no key match id in the property file.


public Localizer getLocalizer(int id,
                              Locale locale)
                       throws MissingResourceException
Deprecated. use L10nLookup.getLocalizer(String,Locale)

Locate the basic Localizer class for the integer id.

id - identifies a WebLogic Server message.
locale - Desired locale.
MissingResourceException - if there is no key matching id in the property file.


public Localizer getLocalizer(String id)
                       throws MissingResourceException
Locate the basic Localizer class in the JVM's default locale for the String id.

id - 6 character string identifying a WebLogic Server message.
MissingResourceException - There is no key match id in the property file.


public Localizer getLocalizer(int id)
                       throws MissingResourceException
Deprecated. use L10nLookup.getLocalizer(String)

Locate the basic Localizer class in the default locale for the integer id.

id - identifies a WebLogic Server message.
MissingResourceException - There is no key match id in the property file.


public static Localizer getLocalizer(Locale locale,
                                     String className)
                              throws MissingResourceException
Locate the basic Localizer class in the desired locale for the named Localizer class

locale - Desired locale.
lclName - name of Localizer class


public Vector getSubSystems()
Returns a list of defined subsystems.

subsystem names.

Documentation is available at
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