Class AuditSeverity

  extended by

public class AuditSeverity
extends Object

The AuditSeverity class provides audit severity levels as both numeric and text values to an Auditing provider. The AuditSeverity object is accessable to an Auditing provider via the AuditEvent object.

An Auditing provider is initialized with one of the severity levels described below. In the request to audit, the Auditing provider looks at the severity, and if it is greater than or equal to its level, it records the audit data (else it just returns).

Field Summary
static AuditSeverity AUDIT_FAILURE
          Constructs an AuditSeverity object with the AUDIT_FAILURE severity level.
static AuditSeverity ERROR
          Constructs an AuditSeverity object with the ERROR severity level.
static AuditSeverity FAILURE
          Constructs an AuditSeverity object with the FAILURE severity level.
static AuditSeverity INFORMATION
          Constructs an AuditSeverity object with the INFORMATION severity level.
static AuditSeverity SUCCESS
          Constructs an AuditSeverity object with the SUCCESS severity level.
static AuditSeverity WARNING
          Constructs an AuditSeverity object with the WARNING severity level.
Method Summary
static AuditSeverity getInstance(String severityString)
          Returns one of the defined AuditSeverities by name, or null if none with given name exists.
 int getSeverity()
          Gets a numeric representation of the severity level that can be used in the logic of an Auditing provider.
 String getSeverityString()
          Gets a text representation of the severity level that can be used in the composition of an output audit record.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final AuditSeverity INFORMATION
Constructs an AuditSeverity object with the INFORMATION severity level. The purpose of the audit is informational, so the AuditSeverity object contains the numeric value 1 and the text value INFORMATION.


public static final AuditSeverity WARNING
Constructs an AuditSeverity object with the WARNING severity level. The purpose is to audit a security WARNING, so the AuditSeverity object contains the numeric value 2 and the text value WARNING.


public static final AuditSeverity ERROR
Constructs an AuditSeverity object with the ERROR severity level. An AuditSeverity of ERROR means that an error occurred during the authorization process. The purpose is to audit an error result for a security operation, so the AuditSeverity object contains the numeric value 3 and the text value ERROR.


public static final AuditSeverity SUCCESS
Constructs an AuditSeverity object with the SUCCESS severity level. The purpose is to audit a successful security operation, so the AuditSeverity object contains the numeric value 4 and the text value SUCCESS.


public static final AuditSeverity FAILURE
Constructs an AuditSeverity object with the FAILURE severity level. An AuditSeverity of FAILURE indicates that behavior was normal, but access was denied. The purpose is to audit an internal failure of a security operation, so the AuditSeverity object contains the numeric value 5 and the text value FAILURE.


public static final AuditSeverity AUDIT_FAILURE
Constructs an AuditSeverity object with the AUDIT_FAILURE severity level. The purpose is to record a failure (if possible) of the AuditProvider or AuditChannel implementations, or the Auditor object. Therefore, the AuditSeverity object contains the numeric value 6 and the text value AUDIT_FAILURE.

Method Detail


public static AuditSeverity getInstance(String severityString)
Returns one of the defined AuditSeverities by name, or null if none with given name exists.

severityString - AuditSeverity name


public int getSeverity()
Gets a numeric representation of the severity level that can be used in the logic of an Auditing provider.

the severity level, represented as an int.


public String getSeverityString()
Gets a text representation of the severity level that can be used in the composition of an output audit record.

the severity level, represented as a String.

Documentation is available at
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