
Uses of Interface

Packages that use NonXAResource
weblogic.transaction Provides interfaces and classes for transaction support. 
weblogic.transaction.nonxa Provides an interface to integrate resources that do not support the javax.transaction.xa.XAResource interface with the WL transaction manager. 

Uses of NonXAResource in weblogic.transaction

Methods in weblogic.transaction with parameters of type NonXAResource
 boolean Transaction.enlistResource(NonXAResource nxar)
          Enlist a Non-XA Resource in the transaction.
 void TransactionManager.registerDynamicResource(String name, NonXAResource nxar)
          Register the NonXAResource with the transaction manager.

Uses of NonXAResource in weblogic.transaction.nonxa

Methods in weblogic.transaction.nonxa with parameters of type NonXAResource
 boolean NonXAResource.isSameRM(NonXAResource nxar)
          Returns true if the two NonXAResource instances represent the same logical resource.

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