
Interface Deserializer

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractCodec, AttachmentCodec, DataHandlerArrayCodec, DataHandlerCodec, ImageArrayCodec, ImageCodec, MimeMultipartCodec, SOAPElementCodec, StringAttachmentCodec, XMLSourceArrayCodec, XMLSourceCodec

public interface Deserializer

A Deserialzer is responsible for taking an xml instance of some Schema Type and creating and populating a corresponding Java Object.

Method Summary
 Object deserialize(XMLName name, Attribute att, DeserializationContext context)
          Take an XML instance, create and populate the corresponding Object.
 Object deserialize(XMLName name, XMLInputStream reader, DeserializationContext context)
          Take an XML instance, create and populate the corresponding Object.

Method Detail


Object deserialize(XMLName name,
                   XMLInputStream reader,
                   DeserializationContext context)
                   throws DeserializationException
Take an XML instance, create and populate the corresponding Object. deserialize may be called recusively as needed to build contained Objects thus building up the full graph of contained Objects.

name - The expected name of the XML element
reader - The XML stream containing the XML to deserialize
DeserializationContext - The context passed to each invocation
DeserializationException - If an error occurs


Object deserialize(XMLName name,
                   Attribute att,
                   DeserializationContext context)
                   throws DeserializationException
Take an XML instance, create and populate the corresponding Object. deserialize may be called recusively as needed to build contained Objects thus building up the full graph of contained Objects.

name - The expected name of the XML element
att - The attribute containing the value to deserialize
DeserializationContext - The context passed to each invocation
DeserializationException - If an error occurs

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