Avitek Medical Records Development Tutorials

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Tutorial 17: Securing URL (Web) Resources Using the Administration Console

This tutorial describes how to secure URL (Web) resources using the Administration Console. It also provides procedures for creating security policies for URL (Web) resource hierarchies.

After you finish this tutorial, the security for the MedRec application running on the domain you created for these tutorials will be the same as the security configured for the out-of-the-box MedRec application and domain.

The tutorial includes:



Before starting this tutorial:



To secure URL (Web) resources by using the Administration Console:

Step 1: Invoke the Administration Console in your browser.

  1. With MedRecServer running, open the Administration Console by navigating in a browser to:
  2. http://host:7101/console

    where host refers to the computer on which MedRecServer is running. If your browser is on the same computer as MedRecServer, then you can use the URL http://localhost:7101/console.

  3. Specify weblogic for both the username and password and click Log In.

Step 2: Secure the patient Web Application of medrecEar.

  1. In the left Domain Structure pane of the Administration Console, click MedRecDomainArrow symbolDeployments.
  2. In the Deployments table in the left pane, expand medrecEar.
  3. Under the Modules category, click the patient Web application module.
  4. Select the SecurityArrow symbolPolicies tab.
  5. Click New.
  6. An assistant appears that enables you to create a security policy for this particular Web Application or a particular component within the Web Application.

  7. In the Create a New Policy URL Pattern page, enter *.do in the URL Pattern field.
  8. The URL pattern of *.do will secure all components that have a .do suffix.

  9. Do not change the default value of the Provider Name field.
  10. Click OK.
  11. In the Web Application Module URL Patterns table, click *.do.
  12. In the Policy Conditions section, click Add Conditions.
  13. In the Predicate List drop-down list, select Role.
  14. Click Next.
  15. In the Role Argument Name field, enter MedRecPatient.
  16. This policy specifies that only users with the MedRecPatient role are allowed to access these components.

  17. Click Add.
  18. Click Finish.
  19. Click Save.
  20. The Policy Conditions section includes the entry Role MedRecPatient.

    The Overwritten Policy section includes the entry Group everyone.

  21. Repeat steps 1 - 16 to specify that only the MedRecPatient role can access URL resources with the suffix *.jsp.
  22. The Policy Conditions section includes the entry Role MedRecPatient.

    The Overwritten Policy section includes the entry Group everyone.

  23. Repeat steps 1 - 16 to specify that the Anonymous role can access the specific URL resource called login.do.
  24. The Policy Conditions section includes the entry Role Anonymous.

    The Overwritten Policy section includes the entry Role MedRecPatient.

    The Anonymous role, unlike MedRecPatient, is a default global role that is predefined in WebLogic Server. This step overrides the security policy you previously defined for all *.do URL resources so that every user, regardless of their role, is allowed to view the login.do page.

  25. Repeat steps 1 - 16 to specify that the Anonymous role can access the specific URL resource called error.do.
  26. The Policy Conditions section includes the entry Role Anonymous.

    The Overwritten Policy section includes the entry Role MedRecPatient.

  27. Repeat steps 1 - 16 to specify that the Anonymous role can access the specific URL resource called register.do.
  28. The Policy Conditions section includes the entry Role Anonymous.

    The Overwritten Policy section includes the entry Role MedRecPatient.

  29. When you are finished, the Web Application Module URL Patterns table for the patient Web application should include the following URL Pattern entries:
    • *.do
    • *.jsp
    • /error.do
    • /login.do
    • /register.do

Step 3: Attempt to access the patient Web application.

  1. Open a new Web browser and type the following URL:
  2. http://host:7101/patient

    where host refers to the computer hosting MedRecServer. If your browser is on the same computer, then you can use the URL http://localhost:7101/patient.

    The browser prompts you for a username and password.

  3. In the username field, type mary@md.com, and in the password field, type weblogic, then click Login.
  4. The login page returns the error Invalid User Name and/or Password and re-prompts you for a username and password. (If this is the first time you use the browser to navigate to this screen, it might also request information about the digital certificate being used by the application.)

  5. In the username field, type larry@bball.com, and in the password field, type weblogic, then click Login.
  6. The browser displays information for the larry@bball.com patient, whose full name is Larry Parrot.

    User mary@md.com was denied access because you created a security policy for the patient Web Application based on the global security role MedRecPatient, which user larry@bball.com is granted but user mary@md.com is not.

Step 4: Secure the admin Web Application of medrecEar.

  1. In the left Domain Structure pane of the Administration Console, click MedRecDomainArrow symbolDeployments.
  2. In the Deployments table in the left pane, expand medrecEar.
  3. Under the Modules category, click the admin Web application module.
  4. Select the SecurityArrow symbolPolicies tab.
  5. Click New.
  6. An assistant enables you to create a security policy for this particular Web Application or a particular component within the Web Application.

  7. In the Create a New Policy URL Pattern page, enter *.do in the URL Pattern field.
  8. The URL pattern of *.do will secure all components that have a .do suffix.

  9. Do not change the default value of the Provider Name field.
  10. Click OK.
  11. In the Web Application Module URL Patterns table, click *.do.
  12. In the Policy Conditions section, click Add Conditions.
  13. In the Predicate List drop-down list, select Role.
  14. Click Next.
  15. In the Role Argument Name field, enter MedRecAdmin.
  16. This policy specifies that only users with the MedRecAdmin role are allowed to access these components.

  17. Click Add.
  18. Click Finish.
  19. Click Save.
  20. The Policy Conditions section includes the entry Role MedRecAdmin.

    The Overwritten Policy section includes the entry Group everyone.

  21. Repeat steps 1 - 16 to specify that only the MedRecAdmin role can access URL resources with the suffix *.jsp.
  22. The Policy Conditions section includes the entry Role MedRecAdmin.

    The Overwritten Policy section includes the entry Group everyone.

  23. Repeat steps 1 - 16 to specify that the Anonymous role can access the specific URL resource called login.do.
  24. The Policy Conditions section includes the entry Role Anonymous.

    The Overwritten Policy section includes the entry Role MedRecAdmin.

    The Anonymous role, unlike MedRecAdmin, is a default global role that is predefined in WebLogic Server. This step overrides the security policy you previously defined for all *.do URL resources so that every user, regardless of their role, is allowed to view the login.do page.

  25. Repeat steps 1 - 16 to specify that the Anonymous role can access the specific URL resource called error.do.
  26. The Policy Conditions section includes the entry Role Anonymous.

    The Overwritten Policy section includes the entry Role MedRecAdmin.

  27. When you are finished, the Web Application Module URL Patterns table for the admin Web application should include the following URL pattern entries:
    • *.do
    • *.jsp
    • /error.do
    • /login.do

Step 5: Attempt to access the admin Web application.

  1. Open a new Web browser and type the following URL:
  2. http://host:7101/admin

    where host refers to the computer hosting MedRecServer. If your browser is on the same computer, then you can use the URL http://localhost:7101/admin.

    The browser prompts you for a username and password.

  3. In the username field, type mary@md.com, and in the password field, type weblogic, then click Login.
  4. The login page returns the error Invalid User Name and/or Password and re-prompts you for a username and password. (If this is the first time you use the browser to navigate to this screen, it might also request information about the digital certificate being used by the application.)

  5. In the username field, type admin@avitek.com, and in the password field, type weblogic, then click Login.
  6. The browser displays a list of administration tasks.

    User mary@md.com was denied access because you created a security policy for the admin Web Application based on the global security role MedRecAdmin, which user admin@avitek.com is granted but user mary@md.com is not.

Step 6: Secure the physician Web Application of physicianEar.

  1. In the left Domain Structure pane of the Administration Console, click MedRecDomainArrow symbolDeployments.
  2. In the Deployments table in the left pane, expand physicianEar.
  3. Under the Modules category, click the physician Web application module.
  4. Select the SecurityArrow symbolPolicies tab.
  5. Click New.
  6. An assistant enables you to create a security policy for this particular Web Application or a particular component within the Web Application.

  7. In the Create a New Policy URL Pattern page, enter *.do in the URL Pattern field.
  8. The URL pattern of *.do will secure all components that have a .do suffix.

  9. Do not change the default value of the Provider Name field.
  10. Click OK.
  11. In the Web Application Module URL Patterns table, click *.do.
  12. In the Policy Conditions section, click Add Condition.
  13. In the Predicate List drop-down list, select Role.
  14. Click Next.
  15. In the Role Argument Name field, enter MedRecPhysician.
  16. This policy specifies that only users with the MedRecPhysician role are allowed to access these components.

  17. Click Add.
  18. Click Finish.
  19. Click Save.
  20. The Policy Conditions section includes the entry Role MedRecPhysician.

    The Overwritten Policy section includes the entry Group everyone.

  21. Repeat steps 1 - 16 to specify that only the MedRecPhysician role can access URL resources with the suffix *.jsp.
  22. The Policy Conditions section includes the entry Role MedRecPhysician.

    The Overwritten Policy section includes the entry Group everyone.

  23. Repeat steps 1 - 16 to specify that the Anonymous role can access the specific URL resource called login.do.
  24. The Policy Conditions section includes the entry Role Anonymous.

    The Overwritten Policy section includes the entry Role MedRecPhysician.

    The Anonymous role, unlike MedRecPhysician, is a default global role that is predefined in WebLogic Server. This step overrides the security policy you previously defined for all *.do URL resources so that every user, regardless of their role, is allowed to view the login.do page.

  25. Repeat steps 1 - 16 to specify that the Anonymous role can access the specific URL resource called error.do.
  26. The Policy Conditions section includes the entry Role Anonymous.

    The Overwritten Policy section includes the entry Role MedRecPhysician.

  27. When you are finished, the Web Application Module URL Patterns table for the physician Web application should include the following URL pattern entries:
    • *.do
    • *.jsp
    • /error.do
    • /login.do

Step 7: Attempt to access the physician Web application.

  1. Open a new Web browser and type the following URL:
  2. http://host:7101/physician

    where host refers to the computer hosting MedRecServer. If your browser is on the same computer, then you can use the URL http://localhost:7101/physician.

    The browser prompts you for a username and password.

  3. In the username field, type larry@bball.com, and in the password field, type weblogic, then click Login.
  4. The browser returns an error.

  5. Navigate to the http://host:7101/physician page again, and this time enter mary@md.com in the username field and weblogic in the password field, then click Login.
  6. The browser displays a search page to look up patient information.

    User larry@bball.com was denied access because you created a security policy for the physician Web Application based on the global security role MedRecPhysician, which user mary@md.com is granted but user larry@bball.com is not.


Best Practices


The Big Picture

This tutorial shows you how to secure various URL (Web) resources using the same security as that of the out-of-the-box MedRec application.


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