BEA WebLogic Server 10.0 Portal Support Schema Reference
complexType Block


p | h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | div | ul | ol | dl | pre | hr | blockquote | address | fieldset | table | form | noscript | ins | del | script*
Prohibited substitutions (block)
none (extensions and restrictions are allowed)
Derived types: anonymous type in blocktext/blockquote, anonymous type in misc/noscript, anonymous type in html/body, anonymous type in body, anonymous type in blocktext/blockquote, anonymous type in misc/noscript, anonymous type in blocktext/blockquote, anonymous type in misc/noscript, anonymous type in blocktext/blockquote, anonymous type in misc/noscript, anonymous type in blockquote, anonymous type in blocktext/blockquote, anonymous type in misc/noscript, anonymous type in noscript, anonymous type in blocktext/blockquote, anonymous type in misc/noscript, anonymous type in blocktext/blockquote, anonymous type in misc/noscript, anonymous type in blocktext/blockquote, anonymous type in misc/noscript, anonymous type in blocktext/blockquote, anonymous type in misc/noscript, anonymous type in blocktext/blockquote, anonymous type in misc/noscript, anonymous type in blocktext/blockquote, anonymous type in misc/noscript, anonymous type in blocktext/blockquote, anonymous type in misc/noscript, anonymous type in blocktext/blockquote, anonymous type in misc/noscript, anonymous type in blocktext/blockquote, anonymous type in misc/noscript, anonymous type in blocktext/blockquote, anonymous type in misc/noscript, anonymous type in blocktext/blockquote, anonymous type in misc/noscript, anonymous type in blocktext/blockquote, anonymous type in misc/noscript, anonymous type in blocktext/blockquote, anonymous type in misc/noscript, anonymous type in blocktext/blockquote, anonymous type in misc/noscript, anonymous type in blocktext/blockquote, anonymous type in misc/noscript, anonymous type in blocktext/blockquote
Components using this type: none

Nested Element Summary
annonymous type derived from Inlinep
annonymous type derived from Inlineh1
annonymous type derived from Inlineh2
annonymous type derived from Inlineh3
annonymous type derived from Inlineh4
annonymous type derived from Inlineh5
annonymous type derived from Inlineh6
annonymous type derived from Flowdiv
           generic language/style container  
annonymous type derived from anyTypeul
           Unordered list  
annonymous type derived from anyTypeol
           Ordered (numbered) list  
annonymous type derived from anyTypedl
annonymous type derived from pre.contentpre
           content is "Inline" excluding "img|object|big|small|sub|sup"  
annonymous type derived from anyTypehr
annonymous type derived from Blockblockquote
annonymous type derived from Inlineaddress
           information on author  
annonymous type derived from anyTypefieldset
           The fieldset element is used to group form fields. 
annonymous type derived from anyTypetable
annonymous type derived from form.contentform
annonymous type derived from Blocknoscript
           alternate content container for non script-based rendering  
annonymous type derived from Flowins
annonymous type derived from Flowdel
annonymous type derived from anyTypescript
           script statements, which may include CDATA sections  

BEA WebLogic Server 10.0 Portal Support Schema Reference

Version: 10.0