WebLogic SNMP Management Guide

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Understanding SNMP Proxies

The following sections provide background information on WebLogic Server and SNMP proxy agents. For information on configuring a WebLogic Server agent to be a proxy for other SNMP agents, refer to “ Create SNMP Proxies” in the Administration Console Online Help.


SNMP Agent as Proxy for Other Agents

WebLogic SNMP agents can function as master agents that forward (proxy) requests to other SNMP agents. To use the master agent functionality of a WebLogic Server agent, you assign branches of the registration tree (OID tree) as the responsibility of other SNMP agents. When an SNMP manager sends a request to a WebLogic SNMP agent, if the OID of the requested object is under the branch of the OID tree assigned to a proxied agent, then the WebLogic SNMP agent forwards the request to the proxied agent.

Note: You cannot use a WebLogic Server SNMP agent as a proxy for SNMP agents in other WebLogic Server domains. For example, a WebLogic Server agent in domainA cannot proxy requests to a WebLogic Server agent in domainB. This limitation is in effect because all WebLogic Server agents use the same MIB root.

Instead of proxying requests to multiple WebLogic Server domains, you can place all of your server instances in a single domain and send requests directly to each Managed Server. See Narrowing the Scope of a Request.

Configuring the SNMP Protocols for Proxied Communication

When a WebLogic SNMP agent proxies requests to another agent, the communication process consists of separate events (conversations), each of which can use different SNMP protocols (see Figure 4-1):

Specifying Credentials for Proxied Communication

When the WebLogic SNMP agent receives a request from a manager, it always authenticates and performs other security operations on the request before determining if it should process the request itself or forward it to a proxied agent. Therefore, regardless of the protocol or the credentials that are used for communication between the SNMP manager and the WebLogic SNMP agent, the WebLogic SNMP agent supplies its own credentials for its conversation with the proxied agent.

If you want to use SNMPv1 to communicate with the proxied agent, use the WebLogic Server Administration Console to specify a community name to secure the communication. By default, the WebLogic SNMP agent sends public as the community name. If you want to use SNMPv3 to communicate with the proxied agent, specify a security name and security level. See Create SNMP Proxies in Administration Console Help.

Choosing Listen Ports for Proxied Agents

By default a WebLogic SNMP agent listens for management requests on port 161. If a WebLogic SNMP agent is to proxy for other SNMP agents, then those other agents must be configured to listen for SNMP management requests on some other port. For information on configuring the WebLogic Server SNMP agent, see Configure the SNMP Agent in the Administration Console Online Help.


The Microsoft Windows SNMP Service

While a WebLogic Server SNMP agent can be a proxy for other SNMP agents, it cannot be configured as a subagent of the Microsoft Windows SNMP agent service.

Using Microsoft Extension Agent API, the Microsoft Windows 2000 SNMP agent service can be a proxy for other SNMP agents. However, WebLogic Server does not support this feature and cannot use the Windows SNMP agent as a proxy.

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