WebLogic Web Services: Advanced Programming

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Using Web Services Reliable Messaging

The following sections describe how to use Web Services Reliable Messaging:

WARNING: This feature can be implemented only for a JAX-RPC 1.1-based Web Service; you cannot implement it for a JAX-WS 2.0 Web Service.


Overview of Web Service Reliable Messaging

Web Service reliable messaging is a framework whereby an application running in one application server can reliably invoke a Web Service running on another application server, assuming that both servers implement the WS-ReliableMessaging specification. Reliable is defined as the ability to guarantee message delivery between the two Web Services.

Note: Web Services reliable messaging works between any two application servers that implement the WS-ReliableMessaging specification. In this document, however, it is assumed that the two application servers are WebLogic Server instances.

WebLogic Web Services conform to the WS-ReliableMessaging specification (February 2005), which describes how two Web Services running on different application servers can communicate reliably in the presence of failures in software components, systems, or networks. In particular, the specification describes an interoperable protocol in which a message sent from a source endpoint (or client Web Service) to a destination endpoint (or Web Service whose operations can be invoked reliably) is guaranteed either to be delivered, according to one or more delivery assurances, or to raise an error.

A reliable WebLogic Web Service provides the following delivery assurances:

See the WS-ReliableMessaging specification for detailed documentation about the architecture of Web Service reliable messaging. Using Web Service Reliable Messaging: Main Steps describes how to create the reliable and client Web Services and how to configure the two WebLogic Server instances to which the Web Services are deployed.

Note: Web Services reliable messaging is not supported with the JMS transport feature.


Use of WS-Policy Files for Web Service Reliable Messaging Configuration

WebLogic Web Services use WS-Policy files to enable a destination endpoint to describe and advertise its Web Service reliable messaging capabilities and requirements. The WS-Policy specification provides a general purpose model and syntax to describe and communicate the policies of a Web service.

These WS-Policy files are XML files that describe features such as the version of the supported WS-ReliableMessaging specification, the source endpoint’s retransmission interval, the destination endpoint’s acknowledgment interval, and so on.

You specify the names of the WS-Policy files that are attached to your Web Service using the @Policy JWS annotation in your JWS file. Use the @Policies annotation to group together multiple @Policy annotations. For reliable messaging, you specify these annotations only at the class level.

WebLogic Server includes two simple WS-Policy files that you can specify in your JWS file if you do not want to create your own WS-Policy files:

You cannot change these pre-packaged files, so if their values do not suit your needs, you must create your own WS-Policy file.

See Creating the Web Service Reliable Messaging WS-Policy File for details about creating your own WS-Policy file if you do not want to one included with WebLogic Server. See Web Service Reliable Messaging Policy Assertion Reference for reference information about the reliable messaging policy assertions.

DefaultReliability.xml WS-Policy File

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <wsrm:RMAssertion >
Milliseconds="600000" />
Milliseconds="3000" />
<wsrm:ExponentialBackoff />
Milliseconds="200" />
<beapolicy:Expires Expires="P1D" optional="true"/>

LongRunningReliability.xml WS-Policy File

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <wsrm:RMAssertion >
Milliseconds="86400000" />
Milliseconds="3000" />
<wsrm:ExponentialBackoff />
Milliseconds="200" />
<beapolicy:Expires Expires="P1M" optional="true"/>


Using Web Service Reliable Messaging: Main Steps

Configuring reliable messaging for a WebLogic Web Service requires standard JMS tasks such as creating JMS servers and Store and Forward (SAF) agents, as well as Web Service-specific tasks, such as adding additional JWS annotations to your JWS file. Optionally, you create WS-Policy files that describe the reliable messaging capabilities of the reliable Web Service if you do not use the pre-packaged ones.

If you are using the WebLogic client APIs to invoke a reliable Web Service, the client application must run on WebLogic Server. Thus, configuration tasks must be performed on both the source WebLogic Server instance on which the Web Service that includes client code to invoke the reliable Web Service reliably is deployed, as well as the destination WebLogic Server instance on which the reliable Web Service itself is deployed.

The following procedure describes how to create a reliable Web Service, as well as a client Web Service that in turn invokes an operation of the reliable Web Service reliably. The procedure shows how to create the JWS files that implement the two Web Services from scratch; if you want to update existing JWS files, use this procedure as a guide. The procedure also shows how to configure the source and destination WebLogic Server instances.

It is assumed that you have created a WebLogic Server instance where you have set up an Ant-based development environment and that you have a working build.xml file to which you can add targets for running the jwsc Ant task and deploying the generated reliable Web Service. It is further assumed that you have a similar setup for another WebLogic Server instance that hosts the client Web Service that invokes the Web Service reliably. For more information, see:

  1. Configure the destination WebLogic Server instance for Web Service reliable messaging.
  2. This is the WebLogic Server instance to which the reliable Web Service is deployed.

    See Configuring the Destination WebLogic Server Instance.

  3. Configure the source WebLogic Server instance for Web Service reliable messaging.
  4. This is the WebLogic Server instance to which the client Web Service that invokes the reliable Web Service is deployed.

    See Configuring the Source WebLogic Server Instance.

  5. Using your favorite XML or plain text editor, optionally create a WS-Policy file that describes the reliable messaging capabilities of the Web Service running on the destination WebLogic Server. This step is not required if you plan to use one of the two WS-Policy files that are included in WebLogic Server; see Use of WS-Policy Files for Web Service Reliable Messaging Configuration for more information.
  6. See Creating the Web Service Reliable Messaging WS-Policy File for details about creating your own WS-Policy file.

  7. Create a new JWS file, or update an existing one, which implements the reliable Web Service that will run on the destination WebLogic Server.
  8. See Programming Guidelines for the Reliable JWS File.

  9. Update your build.xml file to include a call to the jwsc Ant task which will compile the reliable JWS file into a Web Service.
  10. See Running the jwsc WebLogic Web Services Ant Task for general information about using the jwsc task.

  11. Compile your destination JWS file by calling the appropriate target and deploy to the destination WebLogic Server. For example:
  12. prompt> ant build-mainService deploy-mainService
  13. Create a new JWS file, or update an existing one, that implements the client Web Service that invokes the reliable Web Service. This service will be deployed to the source WebLogic Server.
  14. See Programming Guidelines for the JWS File That Invokes a Reliable Web Service.

  15. Update the build.xml file that builds the client Web Service.
  16. See Updating the build.xml File for a Client of a Reliable Web Service.

  17. Compile your client JWS file by calling the appropriate target and deploy to the source WebLogic Server. For example:
  18. prompt> ant build-clientService deploy-clientService


Configuring the Destination WebLogic Server Instance

Configuring the WebLogic Server instance on which the reliable Web Service is deployed involves configuring JMS and store and forward (SAF) resources.

You can either configure these resources yourself, or you can use the Configuration Wizard to extend the WebLogic Server domain using a Web Services-specific extension template. Using the Configuration Wizard greatly simplifies the required configuration steps; for details, see Configuring Your Domain For Web Services Features.

If, however, you prefer to configure the resources yourself, use the following high-level procedure which lists the tasks and then points to the Administration Console Online Help for details on performing the tasks.

  1. Invoke the Administration Console for the domain that contains the destination WebLogic Server in your browser.
  2. See Invoking the Administration Console for instructions on the URL that invokes the Administration Console.

  3. Optionally create a persistent store (either file or JDBC) that will be used by the destination WebLogic Server to store internal Web Service reliable messaging information. You can use an existing one, or the default store that always exists, if you do not want to create a new one.
  4. See Create file stores.

  5. Create a JMS Server. If a JMS server already exists, you can use it if you do not want to create a new one.
  6. See Create JMS servers.

  7. Create a JMS module, and then define a JMS queue in the module. If a JMS module already exists, you can use it if you do not want to create a new one. Target the JMS queue to the JMS server you created in the preceding step. Be sure you specify that this JMS queue is local, typically by setting the local JNDI name.
  8. Take note of the JNDI name you define for the JMS queue because you will later use it when you program the JWS file that implements your reliable Web Service.

    See Create JMS modules and Create queues.

  9. Create a store and forward (SAF) agent. You can use an existing one if you do not want to create a new one.
  10. When you create the SAF agent:

    • Set the Agent Type field to Both to enable both sending and receiving agents.
    • Be sure to target the SAF agent by clicking Next on the first assistant page to view the Select targets page (rather than clicking Finish).
    • If you are using reliable messaging within a cluster, you must target the SAF agent to the cluster.
    • See Create Store and Forward agents.

Cluster Considerations

If you are using the Web Service reliable messaging feature in a cluster, you must:


Configuring the Source WebLogic Server Instance

Configuring the WebLogic Server instance on which the client Web Service is deployed involves configuring JMS and store and forward (SAF) resources.

You can either configure these resources yourself, or you can use the Configuration Wizard to extend the WebLogic Server domain using a Web Services-specific extension template. Using the Configuration Wizard greatly simplifies the required configuration steps; for details, see Configuring Your Domain For Web Services Features.

If, however, you prefer to configure the resources yourself, use the following high-level procedure which lists the tasks and then points to the Administration Console Online Help for details on performing the tasks.

  1. Invoke the Administration Console for the domain that contains the source WebLogic Server in your browser.
  2. See Invoking the Administration Console for instructions on the URL that invokes the Administration Console.

  3. Create a persistent store (file or JDBC) that will be used by the source WebLogic Server to store internal Web Service reliable messaging information. You can use an existing one if you do not want to create a new one.
  4. See Create file stores.

  5. Create a JMS Server. You can use an existing one if you do not want to create a new one.
  6. See Create JMS servers.

  7. Create a store and forward (SAF) agent. You can use an existing one if you do not want to create a new one.
  8. Be sure when you create the SAF agent that you set the Agent Type field to Both to enable both sending and receiving agents.

    See Create Store and Forward agents.


Creating the Web Service Reliable Messaging WS-Policy File

A WS-Policy file is an XML file that contains policy assertions that comply with the WS-Policy specification. In this case, the WS-Policy file contains Web Service reliable messaging policy assertions.

You can use one of the two default reliable messaging WS-Policy files included in WebLogic Server; these files are adequate for most use cases. However, because these files cannot be changed, if they do not suit your needs, you must create your own. See Use of WS-Policy Files for Web Service Reliable Messaging Configuration for a description of the included WS-Policy files. The remainder of this section describes how to create your own WS-Policy file.

The root element of the WS-Policy file is <Policy> and it should include the following namespace declarations for using Web Service reliable messaging policy assertions:


You wrap all Web Service reliable messaging policy assertions inside of a <wsrm:RMAssertion> element. The assertions that use the wsrm: namespace are standard ones defined by the WS-ReliableMessaging specification. The assertions that use the beapolicy: namespace are WebLogic-specific. See Web Service Reliable Messaging Policy Assertion Reference for details.

All Web Service reliable messaging assertions are optional, so only set those whose default values are not adequate. The order in which the assertions appear is important. You can specify the following assertions; the order they appear in the following list is the order in which they should appear in your WS-Policy file:

The following example shows a simple Web Service reliable messaging WS-Policy file:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
Milliseconds="600000" />
Milliseconds="500" />
<wsrm:ExponentialBackoff />
Milliseconds="2000" />


Programming Guidelines for the Reliable JWS File

This section describes how to create the JWS file that implements the reliable Web Service.

The following JWS annotations are used in the JWS file that implements a reliable Web Service:

The following example shows a simple JWS file that implements a reliable Web Service; see the explanation after the example for coding guidelines that correspond to the Java code in bold.

package examples.webservices.reliable;
import javax.jws.WebMethod;
import javax.jws.WebService;
import javax.jws.Oneway;
import weblogic.jws.WLHttpTransport;
import weblogic.jws.ReliabilityBuffer;
import weblogic.jws.BufferQueue;
import weblogic.jws.Policy;
* Simple reliable Web Service.
public class ReliableHelloWorldImpl {
@ReliabilityBuffer(retryCount=10, retryDelay="10 seconds")
  public void helloWorld(String input) {
System.out.println(" Hello World " + input);

In the example, the ReliableHelloWorldPolicy.xml file is attached to the Web Service at the class level, which means that the policy file is applied to all public operations of the Web Service. The policy file is applied only to the request Web Service message (as required by the reliable messaging feature) and it is attached to the WSDL file.

The JMS queue that WebLogic Server uses internally to enable the Web Service reliable messaging has a JNDI name of webservices.reliable.queue, as specified by the @BufferQueue annotation.

The helloWorld() method has been marked with both the @WebMethod and @Oneway JWS annotations, which means it is a public operation called helloWorld. Because of the @Policy annotation, the operation can be invoked reliably. The Web Services runtime attempts to deliver reliable messages to the service a maximum of 10 times, at 10-second intervals, as described by the @ReliabilityBuffer annotation. The message may require re-delivery if, for example, the transaction is rolled back or otherwise does not commit.

Using the @Policy Annotation

Use the @Policy annotation in your JWS file to specify that the Web Service has a WS-Policy file attached to it that contains reliable messaging assertions.

See Use of WS-Policy Files for Web Service Reliable Messaging Configuration for descriptions of the two WS-Policy files (DefaultReliability.xml and LongRunningReliability.xml) included in WebLogic Server that you can use instead of writing your own.

You must follow these requirements when using the @Policy annotation for Web Service reliable messaging:

Use the uri attribute to specify the build-time location of the policy file, as follows:

You can also set the attachToWsd attribute of the @Policy annotation to specify whether the policy file should be attached to the WSDL file that describes the public contract of the Web Service. Typically you want to publicly publish the policy so that client applications know the reliable messaging capabilities of the Web Service. For this reason, the default value of this attribute is true.

Using the @Oneway Annotation

If you plan on invoking the reliable Web Service operation synchronously (or in other words, not using the asynchronous request-response feature), then the implementing method is required to be annotated with the @Oneway annotation to specify that the method is one-way. This means that the method cannot return a value, but rather, must explicitly return void.

Conversely, if the method is not annotated with the @Oneway annotation, then you must invoke it using the asynchronous request-response feature. If you are unsure how the operation is going to be invoked, consider creating two flavors of the operation: synchronous and asynchronous.

See Invoking a Web Service Using Asynchronous Request-Response, and Using the Asynchronous Features Together..

Using the @BufferQueue Annotation

Use the @BufferQueue annotation to specify the JNDI name of the JMS queue which WebLogic Server uses to store reliable messages internally. The JNDI name is the one you configured when creating a JMS queue in step 4 in LongRunningReliability.xml WS-Policy File.

The @BufferQueue annotation is optional; if you do not specify it in your JWS file then WebLogic Server uses a queue with a JNDI name of weblogic.wsee.DefaultQueue. You must, however, still explicitly create a JMS queue with this JNDI name using the Administration Console.

Using the @ReliabilityBuffer Annotation

Use this annotation to specify the number of times WebLogic Server should attempt to deliver the message from the JMS queue to the Web Service implementation (default 3) and the amount of time that the server should wait in between retries (default 5 seconds).

Use the retryCount attribute to specify the number of retries and the retryDelay attribute to specify the wait time. The format of the retryDelay attribute is a number and then one of the following strings:

For example, to specify a retry count of 20 and a retry delay of two days, use the following syntax:

@ReliabilityBuffer(retryCount=20, retryDelay="2 days")


Programming Guidelines for the JWS File That Invokes a Reliable Web Service

If you are using the WebLogic client APIs, you must invoke a reliable Web Service from within a Web Service; you cannot invoke a reliable Web Service from a stand-alone client application.

The following example shows a simple JWS file for a Web Service that invokes a reliable operation from the service described in Programming Guidelines for the Reliable JWS File; see the explanation after the example for coding guidelines that correspond to the Java code in bold.

package examples.webservices.reliable;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import javax.jws.WebMethod;
import javax.jws.WebService;
import weblogic.jws.WLHttpTransport;
import weblogic.jws.ServiceClient;
import weblogic.jws.ReliabilityErrorHandler;
import examples.webservices.reliable.ReliableHelloWorldPortType;
import weblogic.wsee.reliability.ReliabilityErrorContext;
import weblogic.wsee.reliability.ReliableDeliveryException;
public class ReliableClientImpl
  private ReliableHelloWorldPortType port;
public void callHelloWorld(String input, String serviceUrl)
throws RemoteException {
    System.out.println(" Invoked the ReliableHelloWorld.helloWorld operation reliably." );
public void onReliableMessageDeliveryError(ReliabilityErrorContext ctx) {
    ReliableDeliveryException fault = ctx.getFault();
String message = null;
if (fault != null) {
message = ctx.getFault().getMessage();
String operation = ctx.getOperationName();
System.out.println("Reliable operation " + operation + " may have not invoked. The error message is " + message);

Follow these guidelines when programming the JWS file that invokes a reliable Web Service; code snippets of the guidelines are shown in bold in the preceding example:

When programming the client Web Service, be sure you do not:


WsrmUtils Utility Class

WebLogic Server provides a utility class for use with the Web Service Reliable Messaging feature. Use this class to perform common tasks such as set configuration options, get the sequence id, and terminate a reliable sequence. Some of these tasks are performed in the reliable Web Service, some are performed in the Web Service that invokes the reliable Web Service.

See weblogic.wsee.reliability.WsrmUtils for details.


Updating the build.xml File for a Client of a Reliable Web Service

To update a build.xml file to generate the JWS file that invokes the operation of a reliable Web Service, add taskdefs and a build-reliable-client targets that look something like the following; see the description after the example for details:

<taskdef name="jwsc"
classname="weblogic.wsee.tools.anttasks.JwscTask" />
<target name="build-reliable-client">
destdir="${client-ear-dir}" >
        <jws file="examples/webservices/reliable/ReliableClientImpl.java">

Use the taskdef Ant task to define the full classname of the jwsc Ant tasks.

Update the jwsc Ant task that compiles the client Web Service to include a <clientgen> child element of the <jws> element so as to generate and compile the JAX-RPC stubs for the deployed ReliableHelloWorld Web Service. The jwsc Ant task automatically packages them in the generated WAR file so that the client Web Service can immediately access the stubs. You do this because the ReliableClientImpl JWS file imports and uses one of the generated classes.


Client Considerations When Redeploying a Reliable Web Service

WebLogic Server supports production redeployment, which means that you can deploy a new version of an updated reliable WebLogic Web Service alongside an older version of the same Web Service.

WebLogic Server automatically manages client connections so that only new client requests are directed to the new version. Clients already connected to the Web Service during the redeployment continue to use the older version of the service until they complete their work, at which point WebLogic Server automatically retires the older Web Service. If the client is connected to a reliable Web Service, its work is considered complete when the existing reliable messaging sequence is explicitly ended by the client or because of a time-out.

For additional information about production redployment and Web Service clients, see Client Considerations When Redeploying a Web Service.


Using Reliable Messaging With a Proxy Server

Client applications that invoke reliable Web Services might not invoke the operation directly, but rather, use a proxy server. Reasons for using a proxy include the presence of a firewall or the deployment of the invoked Web Service to a cluster.

In this case, the WebLogic Server instance that hosts the invoked Web Service must be configured with the address and port of the proxy server. If your Web Service is deployed to a cluster, you must configure every server in the cluster.

For each server instance:

  1. Create a network channel for the protocol you use to invoke the Web Service. You must name the network channel weblogic-wsee-proxy-channel-XXX, where XXX refers to the protocol. For example, to create a network channel for HTTPS, call it weblogic-wsee-proxy-channel-https.
  2. See Configure Custom Network Channels for general information about creating a network channel.

  3. Configure the network channel, updating the External Listen Address and External Listen Port fields with the address and port of the proxy server, respectively.

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