
Interface Summary
SelfDescribedTransportUIBinding Those transport providers that generate service binding type description from a given transport endpoint need to implement this interface.
TransportUIBinding Represents an object responsible for rendering provider-specific UI pages used during the service definition, summary, as well as validation of provider-specific endpoint configuration.
TransportUIFactory.TransportUIObject Marker interface.

Class Summary
TransportEditField Represents a single editable UI element in provider-specific portion of ALSB console service registration wizard
TransportUIContext An object if this class is used to supply options for transport-provider specific user interface.
TransportUIError An object of this class is used by transport proivder to return any validation errors to ALSB console
TransportUIFactory This class provides factory methods for creating a Transport Edit Field and different kinds of Transport UI objects associated with the field.
TransportUIFactory.BrowserTextBoxObject Browser textbox object
TransportUIFactory.CheckBoxObject checkbox object
TransportUIFactory.ConfirmationObject confirmation object
TransportUIFactory.DynamicTableObject Dynamic table object
TransportUIFactory.ExpandableRowObject Expandable Row Object
TransportUIFactory.ExpandableTableObject Expandable Table Object
TransportUIFactory.HintTextAreaObject A TextArea object with a hint above it
TransportUIFactory.HintTextBoxObject A TextBox object with a little hint above it.
TransportUIFactory.Option option object
TransportUIFactory.PasswordObject password object
TransportUIFactory.SelectObject select object
TransportUIFactory.SimpleCell Simple Cell Object
TransportUIFactory.SimpleRowObject Simple Row Object
TransportUIFactory.SimpleTableObject Simple Table Object
TransportUIFactory.TextAreaObject textarea object
TransportUIFactory.TextBoxObject A simple text box input object.
TransportUIGenericInfo Class to hold transport specific UI information for the common transport page in the ALSB Service Definition wizard.
TransportViewField Represents a single read-only UI element in provider-specific portion of the service summary page ALSB console service registration wizard

Enum Summary
TransportUIFactory.SimpleCell.SimpleCellType The types of content in a cell