Publishing an XSLT

XSLT transforms are essential for mapping data between different types. To ensure that references to schemas related to transforms are generated automatically check the source XSLT and make sure that the xmlns attributes are defined and that their prefixes are used accurately and consistently.

To Publish an XSLT Resource

  1. If you have not already done so, Log in to your account.

  2. Click the Publish tab in the top left corner of the console.

  3. Click the XSLT menu item. This loads the Publish XSLT resource page.

  4. Enter the complete URL to the XSLT document in the XSLT location edit field.

  5. Click the Publish button at the bottom right of the panel. The XSLT resource view for the new record loads. If this document refers to previously published schemas, you will see links to them in the Input XML Schemas and Output XSL Types fields.