Asserting a Relationship

In the business world, organizational units are interrelated. A Marketing department provider will be related as a peer or as a supervisor to a sales department one. These types of relationships can be asserted through the registry allowing organizational structures to be traversed.

Since relationships involve two or more participants, asserting them is a two step process. An initiating provider (business) makes the first assertion over the accepting provider (business). The accepting provider (business) must then confirm the assertion to make it complete.

A relationship is a Keyed Value a lot like a taxonomy. It requires a tModel Key representation the technical model of the relationship, and a Key Value string.

To Initiate an Assertion

  1. Navigate to the Relationships tab.

    1. After logging in, click the Publish tab.

    2. Click the Publish link in the menu.

    3. In the left hand navigation panel locate the Business to which you wish to assert a relationship. Its node is identified by its default name. Clicking the node loads the Edit business page.

    4. On the right side of the page, click the Relationships tab. It is at the bottom.

  2. Click the Add new assertion button. The Add assertion page loads.

  3. In the From field you will see the name of your business. In the To field you need to enter the globally unique identifier key for the business over which you want to assert a relationship.

    If you do not know the business key for the target business you can select it.

  4. Select the relationship tModel type, if you have more than one defined.

  5. Enter the Key name in the appropriate edit box (Optional).

  6. Enter the Key value in the appropriate edit box.

  7. Click the Add assertion button at the bottom of the page. The assertion will now be set in the accepting provider (business). The Our Assertions form loads. Note that until the assertion is accepted the status of this assertion is TO key is incomplete.

  8. Click the Save changed button at the bottom of the page to write this assertion to the registry.

To Accept an Assertion

  1. After logging into your account navigate to the Relationships tab.

    1. Click the Publish tab.

    2. Click the Publish link in the menu.

    3. In the left hand navigation panel locate the Business for which you wish to complete an assertion. Its node is identified by its default name. Clicking the node loads the Edit business page.

    4. On the right side of the page, click the Relationships tab. It is at the bottom.

  2. The Requested Assertions form will contain the new assertion. Click the Complete Assertions button to accept it. The new assertion will be loaded into the Our Assertions form.

  3. Click the Save changes button at the bottom of the page. The new assertion is written to the registry.