Adding a Binding

While Services offer a general handle and description for a Web service application, a binding provides a specific location, where a client or peer can bind calls and messages to an instance of the application.

Since bindings point to application instances they are published as children of Services.

Before you can publish a Binding you need to have a registered account. You must also be logged in on that account. Finally you will need to have already published a Service for which the binding will be added.

To Publish a Binding...

  1. Navigate to the Service's bindings tab.

    1. Once you have logged in the Publish tab will load. Click the Publish item in the menu.

    2. In the navigation tree to the left, expand the Businesses node. Further expand the child Business node named after the provider. Finally click click the child Service node named after the Service to which you would like to add a binding.

    3. On the Edit service page, click the Bindings tab.

  2. Click the Add binding button.

  3. Minimally a binding needs a way by which it can be located. Typically this is a URL. Enter the path to the binding in the Access point edit box.

    You can also specify the Use type, if it is other than a service instance endpoint; a description and the language in which the description will make sense. If your registry administrator provided you with a globally unique identification key, enter it in the Binding key edit box. If you have no key leave this field blank, the registry will generate one.

  4. Click the Add binding button at the bottom of the page.

  5. The Edit binding page will load. Your binding has successfully been added to the registry.