Filter Browse Taxonomies

Often it will be necessary to browse or search using taxonomies which are not among favorites, nor system selected enterprise ones. Weeding through all taxonomies can be bothersome. This is where the taxonomy filter comes in handy.

To Filter Taxonomies

  1. Beginning in the Browse view select the Filter value in the list box at the top of the left side navigation panel.

  2. Click the Filter link at the bottom of this panel. This loads the Filter layer of the navigation panel.

  3. Here you can set the filter to operate by name, type, Compatibility, and Validation.

    To filter the Name enter all or part of a string including the "%" wildcard in the Name edit field.

    To filter by Type check the kind of taxonomies you want to search for. These include Categorization, Identifier, relationship, CategorizationGroup.

    CategorizationGroups are taxonomy collections held in a keyedReferenceGroup. Often a constellation of taxonomies can be efficiently reused by one or more Providers (Businesses) within an organization. This is where CategorizationGroups, published by a Registry Administrator become useful.

    To filter by Compatibility check each Record Type that is capable of using the taxonomy that you wish to seek.

    To determine the Validation policy of the taxonomy set the radio control to checked, unchecked or all (both).

    If you want to see System taxonomies, including those used in the product demos, be sure to check the Show system taxonomies box.

  4. Click the Apply filter button. The Browse layer of the navigation panel reloads, with only those taxonomies that match the filter parameters.