Browse to an Entity

Browsing to a single entity in the navigation tree is applicable using checked taxonomies. Unchecked taxonomies will require you to enter Key Name and Key Value strings and then use them as Search by Taxonomy values.

To Browse to a Single Entity

  1. If you have not already done so, Log in to your user account.

  2. Click the Browse tab in the upper left corner of the console.

  3. Select from the list box which preliminary filter should be used. If you choose filter see the Filter Taxonomies topic for more information.

  4. Be sure that the Show Categorized Entities icon is toggled on. This is the icon that looks like a house with purple and orange figures inside. There should be a red "X" on its left wall.

  5. To simplify browsing be sure that the Suppress Empty Categories icon is toggled on. This is the purple file folder at the top of the panel. It should not be greyed.

  6. Drill down through the taxonomy tree expanding branches until you find your entity. Branches can be expanded by click the expansion icon, or below the first level, by clicking the Category name. The expansion icon is the square with the plus sign inside.

  7. When you reach an entity click on its name to load a detailed view of the record.