Browsing Interfaces by XML Namespace

When publishing an Interface, the name contained in the service's original WSDL is preserved along with its Localname and Namespace. If you know the namespace in which an Interface has been named, you can focus your hunt for it.

To Browse for an Interface using XML Namespaces

  1. If you are not already in the Browse control, click on the Browse tab on the upper left of the console.

  2. In the left navigation panel, expand the Views node, then the Lifecycle node, and finally the Namespaces node by clicking on their names or expansion icons. This is the box with the plus sign inside.

  3. Click the Interfaces link. A Technical view of all interfaces which have Namespace defined is loaded into the right panel. Here you can Filter the list or change the Result view.

To Change the View

Simply select the desired view in the Result view list box. The default view options include Default, Summary and Technical. Other custom views can be added.