Editing a Service

Through their useful life Services change and evolve. The registry records that represent them need to be updated to reflect this fact. A service's name may be change. A description may need to be tightened. Usage definitions may change as well as release dates, certification, versions and milestones.

To Edit a Service

  1. Log in if you have not already done so.

  2. Click on the Catalog tab to bring up the Catalog view.

  3. In the left side navigation pane click the Services node.

  4. Find the service you wish to edit. In the central panel, Either...

    ...Click the My services link to get a view of all services published under your user account.


    ...Click the List all Services link and browse for the Service record you wish to edit.


    ...Click the Search services link and search for the Service record you wish to edit.

  5. Click the Edit Icon for the service you wish to edit. The Edit Icon is the one that looks like a pencil and pad of paper at the end of the record.

  6. Step through the Edit Service Process

    1. Update Service Name and description. Once these are correct click the Next > button.

    2. Update the Service properties.

      These include

      • Usage - a short string whose meaning is reserved for the User or Registry Administrator to define.

      • Certification - has the Service been certified by a competent standards body or is such certification pending.

      • Release Date - date the service was/will be released.

      • Version - which meaningful iteration in the development of this Service does this record represent.

      • Milestone - which point in the release cycle has this service passed.

    3. Once some or all of these properties are set, click the Finish button.

  7. A message stating that the service has been republished will be returned. Clicking the link formed from the service name will load a view of service's details.