Publishing a Provider

A Provider is a business under which are grouped three essential sets of information: contacts, technical information like services and other resources, and classification.

To Publish a Provider

  1. Log in to your profile if you have not already done so.

  2. Click the Catalog tab to load the Catalog view.

  3. Click the Providers node in the left side navigation tree.

  4. Click the Create a provider Link in the central view panel. If you have not exceeded the provider limit for your profile the two-step create provider wizard will start.

  5. Step Through the Create Provider Process

    1. Enter a Name for your provider. A Description and Homepage URL are optional. When these edit boxes are ready, click the Next > button

    2. Add contacts for your provider.

      To add a single contact

      1. Enter the contact's person name as required. Optionally set a Use type for this person, add a description and provide an email, and phone.

      2. When the contact's details are ready click the Add button. The new contact record will be added to the list at the top of the page.

      You can add as many contacts as you see fit.

  6. Click the Finish button. A message will indicate that your provider has been successfully published. To view the Provider's details, click the link formed from the Provider name in this message.

Note on Provider Classification If you wish to add classifications to your Provider you will need to advanced-edit it under the UDDI Registry Console.